Your savior has arrived

not one single human being knows if their beliefs are "the true way"....nor do they know if there is a "true way".
i've always thought you should do the right thing, because it's the right thing...put yourself in that persons situation, and try to imagine what you would need. it might be a hand, or it might be a foot in the ass....but that foot in the ass is not "unchristian", if that is what you really need.
so quit following other people, and make some decisions on your own. try to make them with adequate information, a clear head, and a good dose of empathy....not pity, not even compassion, but as much empathy as you can muster...
and don't make those decisions so that you can get into "heaven" later....make them because they need to be made. honestly.
heaven will take care of itself, if you quit worrying about it and just try to be a decent person
Okay pal everything is the Christians fault.

Yep. Pretty much.

Glad you came around.

But while we're on the subject, here's a list of some fine, upstanding Christians that will make you feel good about being one:
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Timothy McVeigh
  • The Reverend Jim Jones
  • Jeffrey Dahmer
  • John Wayne Gacy
  • Ted Bundy
  • Dennis Rader
  • Richard Ramirez
And that's just for starters. So, chin up. You're in good company.
Yep. Pretty much.

Glad you came around.

But while we're on the subject, here's a list of some fine, upstanding Christians that will make you feel good about being one:
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Timothy McVeigh
  • The Reverend Jim Jones
  • Jeffrey Dahmer
  • John Wayne Gacy
  • Ted Bundy
  • Dennis Rader
  • Richard Ramirez
And that's just for starters. So, chin up. You're in good company.
hitler is the only one on your list that isn't small time...and compared to some others...he's still peanuts.
Pope Urban the second is responsible for the first crusades...around 1.7 million people died in total, when the world population was around 300 million...that would be 40 million at today's population....
Don't care about opinions of bigots
but supports Trump...

Okay pal everything is the Christians fault. Everything says a bunch of bigots who are unwilling to help others but can point fingers just the same.
Not “everything” (though yes many of the major issues today), and not “christians”. Nonsense broad brush strawman you make up because you are unable to come up with a reasonable response to what’s actually being said. Continuing to provide the answer to your own initial question to me.

Bigots who are unwilling to help others, but point fingers, describes your president’s cult. Try facts and verifiable truth instead of baseless ill-founded opinions.

But while we're on the subject, here's a list of some fine, upstanding Christians that will make you feel good about being one:
  • Ted Bundy
You sure about Ted? Christians like to use him as an example of an atheist without morals.
Triggered Homer? Nobody is forcing anything on anyone.

Actually, the Christians in this country have a long history of doing just that. We can start with Christian Southen Baptists forcing their religious-based racism upon black people, then move on to Prohibition and the war on drugs, Christians advocate keeping women out of the workforce and of course we can also point at their maniacal treatment of LGBT as people to suppress.

Not to mention their views on a woman's right to privacy when making medical decisions.
Back in the sixties while in the Air Force the evangelical Russian connection was just beginning. The future could be lost to ignorance. You youngsters need to read. This is from Christian news sources. They are proud to be connected with Russia. Billy Graham started it.

Image of Mike Pence Mike Pence and Franklin Graham at the 2017 World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians. AP Photo / Cliff Owen

Well before special counsel Robert Mueller started investigating possible illegal collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, American evangelicals had formed an odd alliance of their own with leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church. American evangelicals are led to make common cause with Russian Orthodoxy—and with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin—because of a deep and shared suspicion of Western liberal elites.

Evangelical leaders in the United States and Orthodox hierarchs in Russia have accused the Western liberal establishment of being secular, antireligious, and committed to undermining traditional religious and moral values. In recent years, Barack Obama’s comments about “bitter” people “who cling to guns or religion” and Hillary Clinton’s dismissal of the “deplorables” backing Trump have added fuel to the flames. Sexual and gender politics have generated the most heat, but “traditional values” have also included patriotism, respect for the military, and the celebration of historic religious national identities, as in “Christian America” or “Holy Russia.”
i may be mistaken....but this seems like a very passive aggressive way to say "if you don't believe what i believe, you are lesser than i and those who believe what i believe." and once you make someone "less" than's alright to treat them differently....
Dehumanizing is a fascist staple
Back in the sixties while in the Air Force the evangelical Russian connection was just beginning. The future could be lost to ignorance. You youngsters need to read. This is from Christian news sources. They are proud to be connected with Russia. Billy Graham started it.

Image of Mike Pence Mike Pence and Franklin Graham at the 2017 World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians. AP Photo / Cliff Owen

Well before special counsel Robert Mueller started investigating possible illegal collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, American evangelicals had formed an odd alliance of their own with leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church. American evangelicals are led to make common cause with Russian Orthodoxy—and with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin—because of a deep and shared suspicion of Western liberal elites.

Evangelical leaders in the United States and Orthodox hierarchs in Russia have accused the Western liberal establishment of being secular, antireligious, and committed to undermining traditional religious and moral values. In recent years, Barack Obama’s comments about “bitter” people “who cling to guns or religion” and Hillary Clinton’s dismissal of the “deplorables” backing Trump have added fuel to the flames. Sexual and gender politics have generated the most heat, but “traditional values” have also included patriotism, respect for the military, and the celebration of historic religious national identities, as in “Christian America” or “Holy Russia.”
You wanna talk about some real winning Christians, check out the apocalypse preachers who lead tours to Israel so folks can see the very ground Armageddon will be fought over! Be sure to donate to those agitating to start it while you're there!
Dehumanizing is a fascist staple
Chris Hedges is an ordained Presbyterian minister- as well as a pulled price winning journalist- and he is constantly calling out the religious right in America, labeling them Christian Fascists.

They won't get in a religious debate with him because he knows the Bible and calls them out every time they twist a scripture reference to suit their ideological bankruptcy.

He's right on target.