Your savior has arrived

I "feel" religion has it's place good or bad.
Remember when the playground monitor removed the ball to stop the arguing?

Govt. is not the place for any religion, all are equal in this Country. ALL
I agree and I don't think its right at all to chastise anyone based solely on their beliefs. If members of Congress hold religious believes, that is perfectly okay. They are representatives.
Please, my g/f who was abused as an infant has a hard time communicating is on the street.
If you are asking about abortion, which you seem to be.
Disregard my belief in any higher power on the subject. I believe abortion is wrong under the Constitution. The 5th and 14th amendments of the Constitution provide a guarantee of due process before taking any life and liberty. I don't see any way around this other than to dehumanize a defenseless and vulnerable child with separate DNA from its mother and father for another's benefit.
To anyone who says to prove another persons God exists should first prove to that person that God doesn't exist. Obviously you cannot. Nobody is forcing any of you to believe in God, you are free to be Godless.
Did you disprove the hindu gods before you decided they don’t exist? Did you disprove unicorns before you decided that’s a pretty big claim that should come with proof before you believe it? I’m sure the old shifting the burden of proof came up at a few times.

I didn’t suggest to be able to disprove the existence of a by design unknowable deity, or even have the desire to do that. And nobody is forcing you to stop believing in god either. The bible however is irrational and vile nonsense, and has no place in politics and schools because it, as you continue to show, fucks with people’s ability to be rational and consequent in their thinking. Some end up in politics making decisions with real life consequences for everyone. The problem isn’t believing in a god, it’s forcing Christianity on others.

As funny as that photo may seem, it’s downright dangerous.
“In his memoir The Audacity of Hope, Obama recounts a story of how a lesbian supporter called him up after he had said he opposed same-sex marriage in radio interview, citing his “religious traditions” as part of the reason. She had been hurt, feeling he suggested that she and people like here were “bad people.”

He wrote [in 2006]: “And I was reminded that it is my obligation, not only as an elected official in a pluralistic society but also as a Christian, to remain open to the possibility that my unwillingness to support gay marriage is misguided … that Jesus’ call to love one another might demand a different conclusion.””

Took 6 more years for his integrity to overrule absurd bible content and become the first president to support gay marriage.
If you are asking about abortion, which you seem to be.
Disregard my belief in any higher power on the subject. I believe abortion is wrong under the Constitution. The 5th and 14th amendments of the Constitution provide a guarantee of due process before taking any life and liberty. I don't see any way around this other than to dehumanize a defenseless and vulnerable child with separate DNA from its mother and father for another's benefit.

hmmm, $100,000 in med bills for her as an infant on the public's back, a childhood of shame and ridicule, she loves this country and the pursuit of happiness enough not to want to do that to anyone, after all she lives in her car.

But you be cool with it. So much winning.
hmmm, $100,000 in med bills for her as an infant on the public's back, a childhood of shame and ridicule, she loves this country and the pursuit of happiness enough not to want to do that to anyone, after all she lives in her car.

But you be cool with it. So much winning.

Someone needs to tell your girlfriend to stop dating a loser that spends his time on this site instead of working to get her off the streets.
Someone needs to tell your girlfriend to stop dating a loser that spends his time on this site instead of working to get her off the streets.
She was abused, shipped from (tax funded) foster home to foster home, and is unable to work due to mental abuse.

We figured it up, she's worth about $1.5 M in public assistance so far.

Can you get Chika filia to pitch in?
Go talk to your plants bigot, they probably need all the help they can get it.
You really want to compare our bigotry AND plants? Wrong tree magat... wrong tree.

That sig is a line from Idiocracy, used to tell idiots what they should do because they became too dumb to think and do the right thing... sounds familiar?