Schwaggy P's Random Stuff

Well, the Black Lights are leaving the Old School Hashplant(OSHP) in the dust. The OSHP beans cracked around day 3. They don't seem to be motivated beyond one seedling.
black lights.jpg
If I don't see much progress in the next couple days, I'll be popping another pack of something else in their place. Currently, I have chosen these from the vault to consider as a replacement.
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Well, the Black Lights are leaving the Old School Hashplant(OSHP) in the dust. The OSHP beans cracked around day 3. They don't seem to be motivated beyond one seedling.
View attachment 4267329
If I don't see much progress in the next couple days, I'll be popping another pack of something else in their place. Currently, I have chosen these from the vault to consider as a replacement.
View attachment 4267332
intersting stuff in the wings there. i never really heard of stray fox till recently when i was eying a strain they have with williams wonder in it. i cannot actually find the listing rn to give you the name, but you are reppin some fire there. is that long valley royal kush of a different origin than mandelbrot's royal kush line?
intersting stuff in the wings there. i never really heard of stray fox till recently when i was eying a strain they have with williams wonder in it. i cannot actually find the listing rn to give you the name, but you are reppin some fire there. is that long valley royal kush of a different origin than mandelbrot's royal kush line?
My understanding of the Long Valley Royal Kush is that it was a selection from Mandelbrot's Royal Kush by Aficionado. It is a Royal Kush F11 that was selected for more Sour Diesel expression. So these would be an F2 of the Aficionado LVRK.
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sorry to always pick your brain just tell me if i am annoying and i'll shut up, but you got inreresting old stuff.

anyways, is hell's og, hells angel og and biker kush all the same cut/hybrid?

also i found it interesting you put the haog in a line up with the chem family as some ppl seem to think the infamous chem bag seed may have been from one of the early hindu kush hybrids before they were called og kush.

i would guess the chem was someone elses work prior to that infamous dead show, likely from cali or poss BC. being it was a dead show we can assume this was not a brick/"landrace" seed. so it likely came from a high quality bag, whcih was likely part of a breeding project or grow op prior to being "discovered". i was not privy to knowing the names of what i was smoking often in the early 90's but on the east coast you had allot of stuff imo that tastes like what ppl call og kush now, and being on the east coast there was no shortage on diesels and chem profiles either, but i feel like i tasted that chemmy tone in KB before chemdog itself went around. perhaps one of these older kushes like haog was around with it's chemmy scent prior to chemdog and this is where the bag seed came from. ig it is impossible to verify any that, i was just thinking out loud. have you ever heard of any foundational genetics like afghani, hindu kush or less cultivated sativas throwing a chemmy diesel smell without having chemdog itsef in the lineage? or is there any pre-chemdog hybrid combos known to throw chemmy phenos or is the '91 truly unique and only via crossing it have we arrived at that profile in other varietals?
sorry to always pick your brain just tell me if i am annoying and i'll shut up, but you got inreresting old stuff.

anyways, is hell's og, hells angel og and biker kush all the same cut/hybrid?

also i found it interesting you put the haog in a line up with the chem family as some ppl seem to think the infamous chem bag seed may have been from one of the early hindu kush hybrids before they were called og kush.

i would guess the chem was someone elses work prior to that infamous dead show, likely from cali or poss BC. being it was a dead show we can assume this was not a brick/"landrace" seed. so it likely came from a high quality bag, whcih was likely part of a breeding project or grow op prior to being "discovered". i was not privy to knowing the names of what i was smoking often in the early 90's but on the east coast you had allot of stuff imo that tastes like what ppl call og kush now, and being on the east coast there was no shortage on diesels and chem profiles either, but i feel like i tasted that chemmy tone in KB before chemdog itself went around. perhaps one of these older kushes like haog was around with it's chemmy scent prior to chemdog and this is where the bag seed came from. ig it is impossible to verify any that, i was just thinking out loud. have you ever heard of any foundational genetics like afghani, hindu kush or less cultivated sativas throwing a chemmy diesel smell without having chemdog itsef in the lineage? or is there any pre-chemdog hybrid combos known to throw chemmy phenos or is the '91 truly unique and only via crossing it have we arrived at that profile in other varietals?
It’s no problem at all.

Biker Kush usually refers to the Karma Genetics strain = HAOG X (HAOG X SFV OG Kush BX2)

Hells OG = Hells Angels OG

The picture is the Hells Angels OG cut. I’ve seen 2 stories for it’s genetic background. The first is that it is an OG Kush x Blackberry (Nebu's cut), the other that it is just a straight OG Kush variant with no blackberry. It’s one of those cuts that has a few back-stories/tales in its history. It’s a tighter held OG cut that doesn’t seem to pop up too much in breeders’ work. I know of a grower who has dropped some other very well known OG cuts in favor of the HAOG. I crossed it with a TK dominant Black Triangle (Triangle Kush x 88G13HP) to see what kinds of OG plants pop out.

As far as the Chemdog, Joe Brand swears the bud the seeds came from originated in Oregon and was called Dogbud. Bob Hemphill (Coastal Seeds) thinks that it may be a Northern Lights hybrid because at the time, NL was the most killer bud around, so he thinks the power has some roots in those genetics.

I have read of Durban Poison having chemical/solvent smells. Although, I have never grown any to be able to say for sure.
is the choc trip hard to tame indoors?
The work of taming the Thai in the strain was done by Dutch Flowers. It was crossed to an Indigo Diamond twice (reversing male/female pairing) and crossed together.

Chocolate Trip = (Indigo Diamond X Chocolate Thai) X (Chocolate Thai X Indigo Diamond)

All phenos were lanky, and could test your grow space, but the hermie trait that can come from Thai grown indoors was not an issue. It has similar stretch to Sour D and some OG, so as long as you flip them early enough, they shouldn't be too bad. They will need some branch support but can really respond well to topping.
It’s no problem at all.

Biker Kush usually refers to the Karma Genetics strain = HAOG X (HAOG X SFV OG Kush BX2)

Hells OG = Hells Angels OG

The picture is the Hells Angels OG cut. I’ve seen 2 stories for it’s genetic background. The first is that it is an OG Kush x Blackberry (Nebu's cut), the other that it is just a straight OG Kush variant with no blackberry. It’s one of those cuts that has a few back-stories/tales in its history. It’s a tighter held OG cut that doesn’t seem to pop up too much in breeders’ work. I know of a grower who has dropped some other very well known OG cuts in favor of the HAOG. I crossed it with a TK dominant Black Triangle (Triangle Kush x 88G13HP) to see what kinds of OG plants pop out.

As far as the Chemdog, Joe Brand swears the bud the seeds came from originated in Oregon and was called Dogbud. Bob Hemphill (Coastal Seeds) thinks that it may be a Northern Lights hybrid because at the time, NL was the most killer bud around, so he thinks the power has some roots in those genetics.

I have read of Durban Poison having chemical/solvent smells. Although, I have never grown any to be able to say for sure.
if you keep giving me great info like this i'll never stop asking questions lolol. thanks allot man.