Aussie Growers Thread

Going fishing for bream and flatties to finish the weekend. Took more acid too just for a change. Gonna need a break to recharge the brain chemicals after this
Fuck i have been hitting the acid every weekend lately. Had some epic trips.

Just ordered a heap more from the most respected lsd producer on the darknet. His strongest dosage as well. Hopefully they land.

I only have 4 of my current ones left and since i have been dropping 2 at a time thats just enough for me a d the chick i have been seeing to trip out for the hottest 100 countdown
Fuck i have been hitting the acid every weekend lately. Had some epic trips.

Just ordered a heap more from the most respected lsd producer on the darknet. His strongest dosage as well. Hopefully they land.

I only have 4 of my current ones left and since i have been dropping 2 at a time thats just enough for me a d the chick i have been seeing to trip out for the hottest 100 countdown
Nice one, good old school acid or speedy newer style trips?
Fuck i have been hitting the acid every weekend lately. Had some epic trips.

Just ordered a heap more from the most respected lsd producer on the darknet. His strongest dosage as well. Hopefully they land.

I only have 4 of my current ones left and since i have been dropping 2 at a time thats just enough for me a d the chick i have been seeing to trip out for the hottest 100 countdown
Friday was heavy going - got pretty fucked up, last night and tonight are a bit more relaxed. I did just drop another half though...
Any of you blokes used a volcano vape before? Man these things are next level hey my brother bought me one. Does a fuckin lot with a little bit of bud hey. I'm gunna save a fortune in weed alone I reckon. 3 bags and I'm smashed and I could probably still get a few more out of the mull and it was only a small bud haha. Fuck yeah.
Any of you blokes used a volcano vape before? Man these things are next level hey my brother bought me one. Does a fuckin lot with a little bit of bud hey. I'm gunna save a fortune in weed alone I reckon. 3 bags and I'm smashed and I could probably still get a few more out of the mull and it was only a small bud haha. Fuck yeah.
Yeah they're not bad aye. When I lived with my bro we used to get it out whenever people came around. Still in his wardrobe though - I always end up cracking out the billy for an eye watering hit, seems to work better for me. He uses a vaporiser these days but one of those little pax2 jobbies. I reckon they're shit in comparison but to each their own