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I'm doing some research at the moment but I'm more of a " see and learn " type of person my reading comprehension isn't that greatbongsmilie:dunce:
I really like the Vaporesso NRG SE tank. It can handle really thick oil, so I load straight rosin into it. It hits like a beast. Will blow away any cartridge. Its refillable and you can pick up a Swag Kit including everything you need (except battery) for $40.
@genuity got three of the gmo breaths up, small beans but fresh, popped right up. Excited. Also got some of Motas gmo x gbwizz and am thinkin bout trying a gmo chuck. Not started any of those. Got a chance at getting the cut, lol, a lil nervous bout that. but may try. Think Legend breath be on next round with some other ogs, lookin for a chuck on that round. Put the almond cookie cross back. for the cookie chuck when it happens, lol. Lots o pipe dream ideas gonna attempt to finally try. Chucks that is. See what happens. Thanks again.
I'll pass on that, too much woman for me. To be fair to JCVD's daughter, she is just doing a pose that her dad is famous for doing. I don't think she was showing off the guns, lol.

He's no Robin Parker, but he's not bad.
Save some steroids for the rest of us :D

You can take every steroid ever made, but if you don't bust your a$$ in the gym and fine tune your diet - and stay on it - you just wind up fat, bloated, covered in acne, aggressive, and super horny [especially women]. That said, 'roids, used correctly, are the most awesome drugs I've ever done. Not even close.
You can take every steroid ever made, but if you don't bust your a$$ in the gym and fine tune your diet - and stay on it - you just wind up fat, bloated, covered in acne, aggressive, and super horny [especially women]. That said, 'roids, used correctly, are the most awesome drugs I've ever done. Not even close.
Agree on all points, my statement was more geared towards how she's apparently taking everything in the cabinet ;)
I'll play...

Is your rebuttal an argument that she is natural? µ-dosing? :dunce:

No, of course not. I'm just saying that she used specific 'roids and diuretics, as opposed to everything available and in massive quantities. In Robin's case, she was/is brilliant, and many top pros of the day, both men and women, paid her nice $$ to concoct their personal food and "supplement" regimens. Mine was done for free, because we were friends and I [ my business at the time] was one of her sponsors.

Am I dosing? Not for competitions or sports any longer. Just a twice a year cycle of deca for health benefits. But I had a nice run from '94 thru '09. There is one ultimate truth about 'roids, proven by the track record of superior performances in sports like baseball, football, hockey, track and field, cycling, etc. They work. They are, in fact, next level drugs that, used correctly, would positively benefit every human user.
You can take every steroid ever made, but if you don't bust your a$$ in the gym and fine tune your diet - and stay on it - you just wind up fat, bloated, covered in acne, aggressive, and super horny [especially women]. That said, 'roids, used correctly, are the most awesome drugs I've ever done. Not even close.
Most people don't have any idea about what it takes to be a professional body builder. When I worked out daily it was just to build lean muscle. I never wanted to get huge but I did research all aspects of the process. I give the men and women that body build a lot of respect for the level of commitment they obtain. After eating no junk food and basically only lean protein and veggies for a year or so I realized it ain't no easy thing to stay committed.

One thing I noticed about the big guys at the gym, none of them could do very many pull ups. They could bench press a car but I think many of them forgot about that core and squats, lol.
My comment was offered as obvious tongue in cheek as she clearly is using some very top end regime. She's clearly upper tier pro but she's very obviously getting assistance that likely isn't allowed in many competitions. Not in any way do I opposed steroid use unless it's agreed upon that it's a 'clean' event and people still cheat, just admit what you do and move on.
Most people don't have any idea about what it takes to be a professional body builder. When I worked out daily it was just to build lean muscle. I never wanted to get huge but I did research all aspects of the process. I give the men and women that body build a lot of respect for the level of commitment they obtain. After eating no junk food and basically only lean protein and veggies for a year or so I realized it ain't no easy thing to stay committed.

One thing I noticed about the big guys at the gym, none of them could do very many pull ups. They could bench press a car but I think many of them forgot about that core and squats, lol.
To paraphrase Lewis Black, “the question is not why Lance Armstrong was doping, but why aren’t the rest of us?”

- P.S. Regardless, Armstrong will never be as great as Greg LaMond.

Hello, friends, popping by real quick to say “I am not dead, yet!”. Operations are on hold here at Huntherzland, but I am feeling mostly healed up and started working on the computer regularly again. See you all soon.
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