I'm still iffy on how much it helps. Sleep, OMG, yes. And they say sleep helps everything else (except my migraines, which may have been worse for a while but tomorrow makes a week since my last one).
I see people complaining about prices. It's the same price I was given on the street for an 8th. Slightly more for a 4th. Probably much better prices on 1/2 (actually the 1/2 I got was the price of a street 1/4). Quality is as good as I've seen, tasted or felt in recent years, far above anything back in my active stoner days.
I can't compare to other states, but I hear people from those states complaining just like I hear people from IL complaining. I think people just like to complain.
While doing the daily grind I was thinking how with legal weed everyone is worried about how it is grown and if it is safe. When it was illegal weed nobody cared if it was sprayed with paraquat or who's ass it was stuffed in to get it across the border.