Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

You should be able to go to the dispensary with your QP# and a state ID. I would call them and ask.

One person at my dispensary told me that I needed my physical card to get set up in their system. I may call tomorrow and ask again just to clarify. Thanks
One person at my dispensary told me that I needed my physical card to get set up in their system. I may call tomorrow and ask again just to clarify. Thanks

Definitely need the card to get in. I was let in without my ID once but only because they already had my canna card
While doing the daily grind I was thinking how with legal weed everyone is worried about how it is grown and if it is safe. When it was illegal weed nobody cared if it was sprayed with paraquat or who's ass it was stuffed in to get it across the border.

In the past I bought weed to get high. Now I buy “cannabis” to treat my issues.

I use to buy the cheapest random food I can. Now I shop organic and pay $6 for a gallon of milk instead of $2

In the past I smoked a pack of cigarette a day and now I won’t even smoke a joint. Only vape for me.

As you learn about the dangers and grow up things change especially your mentality towards healthy living. I know some people don’t give a shit about anything healthy and are just here to get high. No judgment zone!
So I have shoulder surgery 1/22/18 and I seriously doubt my card will be in by then... I really don't want to have to take the opiates for pain control but my day 90 isn't until 2/3/18, so after my surgery. My "guy" stopped selling vape so I'm screwed.
I'm brand new to cartridge style vape pens starting just this week when I got my card. And now that I've tried them, I'm thinking that's really the way to go for convenience and stealth.

I went to my dispensary a couple of days ago and was talking about various options, and the guy recommended a vape pen, and then gave me a free one (branded with the Cresco logo, so it's likely a cheap promotional item) with the purchase of a 500 milligram cartridge of Durban Poison Live Liquid Resin for $55. That shit is potent! Based on just a couple of days experience, I'm guessing it will last me quite a while, like a month or more. (YMMV - I'm not a heavy doser, and mix things up with edibles, smoking and vaping.)

So if you're just starting out vaping, I'd recommend telling your dispensary person that, and asking if they have any special deals if you buy a cartridge - you may get a vape free.

Btw, my dispensary also has pre-loaded disposable vapes. I didn't get one and don't recall what the cost was, but it wasn't very much, somewhere around the cost of the set up I got.

I use vape and love it. My 16 year old thinks I'm just hitting my Juul. I've paid $35 for a 1g cartridge on the black market but it looks like they cost more in the dispensaries here ($60 for a .5g)... what gives with that? Are those the actual dispensary prices?
Update. Called today to check and they said they “received” my application.... It was received November 1st.... They said they should get to mine in about 2 weeks.... also, the representive who I talked to on the phone said supposedly that when you call or email checking your application status, that it takes time away from them processing applications... whether or not that’s true I don’t know. I even asked if there is another way people can check their status on their applications... obviously the representative said no... he agreed when I said, “well that’s absolutely not sufficient or fair since it takes a very long time and patients want to make sure everything is going well...”
In the past I bought weed to get high. Now I buy “cannabis” to treat my issues.

I use to buy the cheapest random food I can. Now I shop organic and pay $6 for a gallon of milk instead of $2

In the past I smoked a pack of cigarette a day and now I won’t even smoke a joint. Only vape for me.

As you learn about the dangers and grow up things change especially your mentality towards healthy living. I know some people don’t give a shit about anything healthy and are just here to get high. No judgment zone!

OK, I can buy that. I have a thing about healthy food because of Crohn's, if I can't eat normal that's not normal. Plus special diets haven't been proving anything with science, seems they're just limiting. Although I will say what I call my remission decade was when I was living off hunted game and organic gardening almost 100%, so I don't completely dismiss it.

I just hear some of the diets people adhere to and think you may as well be sick.

So I have shoulder surgery 1/22/18 and I seriously doubt my card will be in by then... I really don't want to have to take the opiates for pain control but my day 90 isn't until 2/3/18, so after my surgery. My "guy" stopped selling vape so I'm screwed.

Does it work for extreme pain for you? I don't think it would for me and shoulder is supposed to be extreme pain. It may be better to spend some time with opioids to get over the worst before cutting them off for mmj. Biker friend just had it.
However my cervical fusion post surgery was instantly better than it was. I hardly took any opioids (mainly because they make me jittery and unable to sleep) and only took muscle relaxers. So there is hope that it's instant improvement. I just want you to be prepared shoulder is supposed to be a bad one.

I use vape and love it. My 16 year old thinks I'm just hitting my Juul. I've paid $35 for a 1g cartridge on the black market but it looks like they cost more in the dispensaries here ($60 for a .5g)... what gives with that? Are those the actual dispensary prices?

Yes those are the prices. The black market ones are probably fake with who knows what in them. I just read an article about that, although they had names I didn't recognize, not Juul or Pax Era.

You can make your own liquids. Something about soaking decarbed weed in VG/PG. Supposed to be much cheaper than dispensary. Check YouTube.

also, the representive who I talked to on the phone said supposedly that when you call or email checking your application status, that it takes time away from them processing applications

As you pointed out, then come up with a way for people to check that's done by computer.

But there were plenty of people on here calling in December and as far as I know the 2999 approved in December is an all time record. The 1129 approved in November is a record low back as far as I've done the math. I think they approve the amount that comes in, working to rule (their own made up rule not the law passed by the lawmakers).
Think how far ahead they would be if they approved 2000 in November. So yeah, I'm not buying that slowing them down thing. It obviously does take someone away from the approvals to answer the phone but their intentional slow down to create their arbitrary 90 day waiting period is the real problem.
I use vape and love it. My 16 year old thinks I'm just hitting my Juul. I've paid $35 for a 1g cartridge on the black market but it looks like they cost more in the dispensaries here ($60 for a .5g)... what gives with that? Are those the actual dispensary prices?

I think one of the reasons medical cartridges cost about double a 'traditional' vape cartridge is that, at my dispensary anyway, they seem to mainly sell Live Liquid Resin cartridges, which are different from the typical cartridges. I'd recommend doing a Google search for "live liquid resin cartridge" for details. But as I understand it, the extraction method is different from traditional cartridges - no solvents are used, nothing is added to it so it's pure, and the terpenes that are removed in other extraction methods are left intact in LLR. So it's a different, higher grade product than the $60 1g cartridges.
This waiting time is truly ridiculous. I had spinal surgery, and the same day I applied for my cannabis card, I also applied for a handicapped placard. The placard came 2 days ago. I get the good spots now, so I suppose that's a bright side. The bad thing is my extreme pain that isn't being helped! I wish they'd really get it together, but I work for the state. i know how they work...or don't work. The whole state is run like this currently. Ugh.