Dr. Who
Well-Known Member
I've been ramping up my S lately and these buds are getting sweeter and sweeter, but I've read that sulfur can disrupt or upset the microbial life and is why it's recommended to use unsulfured molasses in the ACT. Can you shed more light on that please?
Sulfur is an antibiotic.
The forms of sulfur used matter greatly in how it effects soils. The form of S in Molasses is not natural! It contains no S naturally. Sulfur Dioxide is used to lighten or "bleach" molasses for other uses. This adds a very bitter nasty taste to molasses. So, it's on the bottle to tell you that it's not nasty tasting...... What happens when you mix sulfur dioxide and moisture? You get sulfuric acid... This tends to kill plants pretty good.
First thing to point out is that you asked about ACT or AACT to be precise. Never add sulfur compounds or kelp meals to AACT for making simple active bio teas. Each reduce the living bio counts by large amounts. kelp meal can reduce by 40 - 45%.... I would expect about the same or even more so for sulfur... Depends on concentration.
The sulfur in my mix's is in the form of a sulfate.
The Terp mix when done to my specs.... Is about 1.8% sulfate
The Mg sulfate mix is about...................................1.9% sulfate
The use of a sulfate in any growing is due to the ability of the sulfate to be water soluble. (NEVER try using a Ca sulfate as it is not water soluble) The other thing being with K or Mg sulfates is that actual chloride's are removed from the compounds mix. It's use with growing in containers actually reduces chloride build ups and blocks the effects of chloride's in the media it's self.
At any rate. The amounts applied in my formula's remain well below any threshold of soil bio damage.....
To the organic gardener. The use of Langbeinite and Leonite are S sources. Some High Carb grass's also will supply S....And of course we have animal dungs and any composting material will impart some S to soil... Not to mention my loved Gypsum adds in S to all soils....Even minute amounts of S from the air are absorbed by soil.
I use organic sourced dry chemicals.
FYI. The role of S in plant growth and regulation is so great. Every cpl of years when those that discuss such things get together. One of the most debated topics is making S a MACRO nutrient. Yup, right along with N - P - K......It will not surprise me if in some years.....All things "nutrient" begin to be N-P-K-S