US gallon or Imperial gallon?

The U.S. liquid gallon is defined as 231 cubic inches and equates to approximately 3.785 litres. One imperial gallon is equivalent to approximately 1.2 U.S. liquidgallons. .

Are you perhaps mixing the two up or rather the calculator is?
US gallon or Imperial gallon?

The U.S. liquid gallon is defined as 231 cubic inches and equates to approximately 3.785 litres. One imperial gallon is equivalent to approximately 1.2 U.S. liquidgallons. .

Are you perhaps mixing the two up or rather the calculator is?

Not sure exactly what youre getting at here. If you add 378.5 grams of the pot sulfate to a gallon then you would only use 100 grams for a single liter. The OP didn't say whether the amount of pot sulfate is for a US or Imperial Gallon so I just went off the US Gallon and adjusted down for a liter. I'm assuming the OP intended a US gallon as that would equate to the 10% dilution they stated.

If you're refering to my comment about 400 grams a gallon, thats just what is printed on the bag of pot sulfate I got, and it says thats for fruiting tomatoes. There was no calculator or anything else involved. It says 400gram/L for fruiting tomatoes and even 200 grams a liter for greens/herbs. Either way they both seem excessive to me.
Not sure exactly what youre getting at here. If you add 378.5 grams of the pot sulfate to a gallon then you would only use 100 grams for a single liter. The OP didn't say whether the amount of pot sulfate is for a US or Imperial Gallon so I just went off the US Gallon and adjusted down for a liter. I'm assuming the OP intended a US gallon as that would equate to the 10% dilution they stated.

If you're refering to my comment about 400 grams a gallon, thats just what is printed on the bag of pot sulfate I got, and it says thats for fruiting tomatoes. There was no calculator or anything else involved. It says 400gram/L for fruiting tomatoes and even 200 grams a liter for greens/herbs. Either way they both seem excessive to me.
cool, then you or the calculator wouldn't be messing it up then....

Quiet a few people do mess the conversions up not realizing that gallons are not all equal,
No matter how I do the math Doc, I can only come up with 3 Gallons with 10% concentration from a 5LB Potassium Sulfate as you claimed, not over 6 gallons. If it was for 6 gallons, then it should be a concentration of 5% only.

Here's my math:
1 pound = 454 grams
5 pounds = 2270 grams

50% to 10% concentration, a factor of 5 or multiply by 5 in this case.

2270 grams multiply by 5 = 11350 grams (3 Gallons of Liquid). Anyone think I'm wrong here?
Further extend your recommended dosage to Terpinator's guideline @ 30 ml/gal
0-0-4 = 4% concentration in the bottle.

Terpinator @ 30 ml/gal
1 gallon = 3785.41 ml
3785.41 ml / 30 ml = 126 gallons
4% / 126 gals = 0.03% concentration dose per nutrient gallon

My math:
3785.41 / 4 ml = 946 gallons; 10% / 946 = 0.01% (your recommendation)
3785.41 / 6 ml = 630 gallons; 10% / 630 = 0.015% (your recommendation)
3785.41 / 8 ml = 473 gallons; 10% / 473 = 0.02% (your recommendation)
3785.41 / 15 ml = 252 gallons; 10% / 252 = 0.04% (what the math is telling me)

So to match the 0.03% concentration Terpinator recommends, we actually need to apply 15ml/gal of the mix of 10% concentration; 5LBS to 3 Gals of water to match Terpinator's concentration per dose. Anyone want to double check this?
Your math is crossing my eyes. Especially the part where you divide 1 gallon by 4 and come back with 946 gallons. The following problems go the same way. Also, a pound is 448 grams, not 454. Ya figure, an ounce is 28 g, multiplied by 16 = 448.
Would DB sugar be good for AACT? I recently reverted back to making Heisenberg's tea from using Recharge and after reading this whole thread for the Terp recipe, I find myself wondering if the sugar would make the colonies more active if used instead of molasses or even in conjunction with?

I also gleaned from the chat about 4-20-38. I got 5-12-36 as my part A, but was considering the 4-20, but am now more content with what I have.
I'm looking at the bottle of GH Flora Nectar 'Fruit-N-Fusion' and it seems this recipe puts a lot more focus on sugars and less on elements. When compared to this Terpinator recipe, it's as if they are complete opposites. I tried commercial Terpinator a few times, and though I greatly enjoyed the odor from the bottle, I didn't notice much tric production or influence of scent or taste. I then tried this Fruit-N-Fusion and got the result I sought with OG Kush, so of course I'd like to make something similar. Here are the ingredients as listed on the bottle;

----------GH Flora Nectar Fruit-N-Fusion
0-0-1-------------------826ppm, 2.85pH
1% Soluble Potash(K2O)
0.5% Water Soluble Magnesium(Mg)
0.5% Combined Sulfur(S)
Derived from Magnesium Sulfate and Potassium Sulfate
To Feed Soil Microbes;
17.5% Cane Sugar
5% Molasses

Can somebody shed some light on why these two products are so different in recipe?
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Your math is crossing my eyes. Especially the part where you divide 1 gallon by 4 and come back with 946 gallons. The following problems go the same way. Also, a pound is 448 grams, not 454. Ya figure, an ounce is 28 g, multiplied by 16 = 448.

Actually there are 28.35 grams in an ounce. So rounded up is where the 454 number comes from.
Honestly the .35 doesn’t seem like much when you just copping an oz, but when you copping a pound your connect would be cheating you out of almost a quarter oz and you’d be fine with that with you math.
That same applies to your plants. The .35 may not be a big deal but when you convert that up to a pound that 6 grams can make a difference in getting the right amount of nutes or you wondering why your plants look underfed or they miss Just that little something they need.
For one thing, molasses is most commonly used as a carb boost to microbes at the end of flower, not to feed your plants. So if your not organic, there's really no point. But there is a good bit of nutrients in it too, if your adding molasses every time you feed, your nutrients are going to get out of balance. I've been away from organics for a few years and a little rusty on this to be honest. Doc can explain better than me, he usually comes through in the mornings. He should see these notifications.
For one thing, molasses is most commonly used as a carb boost to microbes at the end of flower, not to feed your plants. So if your not organic, there's really no point. But there is a good bit of nutrients in it too, if your adding molasses every time you feed, your nutrients are going to get out of balance. I've been away from organics for a few years and a little rusty on this to be honest. Doc can explain better than me, he usually comes through in the mornings. He should see these notifications.

You can have microbes in hydro too. And feed them too.
Ya I don't think your going to catch me putting molasses in my res.

i'm just saying brother

in my case, i've added recharge (which contains molasses) to my reservoirs without problems. Although using too much seems to be counter productive. I've never used molasses by itself as an additive.
Can you please explain why you don't want what molasses can bring to the table ?

#1: lower carb content.

#2: It can carry yeasts. This can cause a ferment to start if you have too many carbs present.

#3: I have enough micro compounds from building my soil. Some of the micro's present in Molasses can begin inhibiting things like potential THC concentrations. This happens from the possibility of some possibly boosting the marginal ones to levels of disruption....

I want the compound levels I've created in these mix's to do what I have set them out to do..... Increased S is one key to this whole thing....
#1: lower carb content.

#2: It can carry yeasts. This can cause a ferment to start if you have too many carbs present.

#3: I have enough micro compounds from building my soil. Some of the micro's present in Molasses can begin inhibiting things like potential THC concentrations. This happens from the possibility of some possibly boosting the marginal ones to levels of disruption....

I want the compound levels I've created in these mix's to do what I have set them out to do..... Increased S is one key to this whole thing....

I've been ramping up my S lately and these buds are getting sweeter and sweeter, but I've read that sulfur can disrupt or upset the microbial life and is why it's recommended to use unsulfured molasses in the ACT. Can you shed more light on that please?