buying seeds? kinda scetchy


Well-Known Member
so im in the usa and buying seeds is kinda scetchy dont the cops catch that shit comimng over and they would no where its going to?
how does this go un detected?
i really want to buy somebut just seems kinda fucked up to me that people dont get caught getting seeds from amesterdam and cananda
so how do i get these seeds without getting detected?


Well-Known Member
Well, im not exactly sure how they get them in undetected but i have bought seeds a few time from "Seed boutique" and "Attitude seed bank"
and got just what i ordered, and some freebie seeds too.
Both recommended, both ship to us :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:it's nothing to worry bout man, your just paranoid from smokin:bigjoint:

the activity of seed banks goes virtually unnoticed. they are in the business of being discreet, it's what they do. and law enforcement agency's are busy doing other things. when you break down what they would gain from trying to follow 10 seeds thousands of miles and the money they would spend to do so you realize it's preposterous.

there are millions and millions of pieces of mail being sent to just as many people around the planet every single day. i think you should really be worried bout which company your going to buy from and the reputation it has. how are the seeds there, how discreet are they? shipping and prices etc...

worst thing that happens is they never arrive or you get a bad batch. either way you lose that money. that sux. so

and i agree with aesop in that i've heard good things about both boutique and attitude. get your seeds and get growing bro!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
the cops have bigger fish to fry then you. I ordered offline just fine, same as everyone else on here. Go for it bro, they will be here before you know it.


Active Member
how about amsterdam and nirvana seed co. , are they any good? I would like to order some from them but maybe the companies your talking about are better, what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I am sorry but these threads really do annoy the hell out of me. Do some research before you start to piss yourself.

We get 18 of these threads each day.

Whulkamania has spoken.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what the website was but you are able to buy a gift card and supposedly buy off of nirvana or other sites with it for a bit more discretion.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i'm in the same boat you are... but i've made up my mind that will order some i've done the reasearch i have a seperate address even though after all that i've read i almost would mind getting directly shipped to me... but i want to be an the safe side of things. but common sense prevails when i really think about what i'm about to do.

2. the police would be more apt to bust the supplier than the consumer, police can't arrest a crackhead with five dollars even though they know that crack head is going to go by crack... only if that crack head had a 5 dollar rock and the police seen him with it... the police can't bust you for something you don't have, no matter how much they know you want it. and if some one came to my door i would deny i knew anything "must've been the last renter or something". besides if they find it i hear you get a letter saying come on to NEW YORK CITY to get your package... no thanks

3. i have more of chance not getting my order it seems from the supplier that i choose but to me its worth to to stuff an envelope with 70.00 to get some g-13 seeds knowing full well that i could never see that 70.00 bucks again... all the while imagining some stoned out holland dude luaghing greedily over mounds of amercian cash and empty envelopes and empty dreams of some stoopid american guy like me and others wanting to grow some of the finest weed in the world... all the while my letter gets somehow shipped kenya and a poor kenyan opens it and becomes rich seeing as though they can live off 31 cents a day.


Well-Known Member
i'm in the same boat you are... But i've made up my mind that will order some i've done the reasearch i have a seperate address even though after all that i've read i almost would mind getting directly shipped to me... But i want to be an the safe side of things. But common sense prevails when i really think about what i'm about to do.

1. It just seeds... Seeds! When you get pulled over and a cop happens to find some seeds nothing happens. I read on multiple sites that seeds do not smell and are undetectable in small numbers. I seen a pic of how they shipped in stealth they stuffed the seeds in holes on the side of a piece of card board. I think in t-shirts and magazines.

2. The police would be more apt to bust the supplier than the consumer, police can't arrest a crackhead with five dollars even though they know that crack head is going to go by crack... Only if that crack head had a 5 dollar rock and the police seen him with it... The police can't bust you for something you don't have, no matter how much they know you want it. And if some one came to my door i would deny i knew anything "must've been the last renter or something". Besides if they find it i hear you get a letter saying come on to new york city to get your package... No thanks

3. I have more of chance not getting my order it seems from the supplier that i choose but to me its worth to to stuff an envelope with 70.00 to get some g-13 seeds knowing full well that i could never see that 70.00 bucks again... All the while imagining some stoned out holland dude luaghing greedily over mounds of amercian cash and empty envelopes and empty dreams of some stoopid american guy like me and others wanting to grow some of the finest weed in the world... All the while my letter gets somehow shipped kenya and a poor kenyan opens it and becomes rich seeing as though they can live off 31 cents a day.

you fucking moron get rid of the first part about stealth shipping!


Well-Known Member
Errrrrghhhhh I hate this discussion. Seeds contain THC. And THC we all know as the active mind altering substance in Marijuana. This makes the buying and selling/possession of seeds illegal if you are living in a non mm state. For example, mushroom spores contain no psilocybin or psilocin, they are legal to sell and possess in most states.


Well-Known Member
Errrrrghhhhh I hate this discussion. Seeds contain THC. And THC we all know as the active mind altering substance in Marijuana. This makes the buying and selling/possession of seeds illegal if you are living in a non mm state. For example, mushroom spores contain no psilocybin or psilocin, they are legal to sell and possess in most states.

i agreed underphire. but you and i both know it doesn't matter.... people get all kinds of things shipped to their homes. and packages that contain substances MUCH more illegal than a few seeds.

but what does matter,dogglet, is not giving away on MJ forums the discreet practices of the seed banks that ship seeds. you'll ruin it for all of us. so edit you GD post and remove that shit.

there's a reason you don't read about that stuff. we want to keep it a secret. shhhh


Well-Known Member
Errrrrghhhhh I hate this discussion. Seeds contain THC. And THC we all know as the active mind altering substance in Marijuana. This makes the buying and selling/possession of seeds illegal if you are living in a non mm state. For example, mushroom spores contain no psilocybin or psilocin, they are legal to sell and possess in most states.

Seeds do not have THC in them, it is just like how when we eat and drink our body converts it into Energy.


Well-Known Member
so im in the usa and buying seeds is kinda scetchy dont the cops catch that shit comimng over and they would no where its going to?
how does this go un detected?
i really want to buy somebut just seems kinda fucked up to me that people dont get caught getting seeds from amesterdam and cananda
so how do i get these seeds without getting detected?
They can't check everything. If they could there wouldn't be any illegal immigration.

I fly constantly, with questionable looking luggage, and rarely get the customs note in it.

Go for it. Send it to another address. They can't arrest someone for getting something in the mail.

Did you *ask* to get all that junk mail?