You Have The "Religious Liberty" To Suck Baby Dicks

it's a holdover from the time when medical practices were primitive. hence why it's performed only by ultra orthodox jews, and not other sects of jews.

it's about as pedophilish as a mother giving her child a bath.

I think it's a little different, The Rabbi sucks the foreskin. Maybe it's just me but that seems a little disgusting. I could understand if He gave the Mom a big wet kiss on the Punani.
True that. From what I've read, Nazis leadership including Hitler had a problem with Christianity because Jesus was a Jew. Not to say that quite a few of the Nazis who ran the camps weren't Christian. Quite a few were.

Adolf Hated Jews because the Jewish Bankers robbed His Family. Didn't have shit to do with Jesus.
I think it's a little different, The Rabbi sucks the foreskin. Maybe it's just me but that seems a little disgusting. I could understand if He gave the Mom a big wet kiss on the Punani.
So you think parents are hiring the rabbis to perform a sexual act on their week old child?
Adolf Hated Jews because the Jewish Bankers robbed His Family. Didn't have shit to do with Jesus.
That sounds like a good reason to murder 6 million people.

Given his policy of persecuting Jewish people, the Nazi party couldn't accept Christianity because Jesus was a Jew. To give religious Nazis an alternative they invented a Nazi approved pagan religion. There was also an attempt to rewrite the Old and New Testaments of the bible and write Jews out of it. Some Nazis called it Christianity but they couldn't deal with the fact that Jesus was Jewish.

I'm not a believer so it's all just arcane crap to me. I do think it's humorous that Nazis were supposedly atheist but they were still hung up enough to try to justify their antisemitism with the Jewish roots of Christianity. If you are a jew hater but a Christian, how do you deal with that?
That sounds like a good reason to murder 6 million people.

Given his policy of persecuting Jewish people, the Nazi party couldn't accept Christianity because Jesus was a Jew. To give religious Nazis an alternative they invented a Nazi approved pagan religion. There was also an attempt to rewrite the Old and New Testaments of the bible and write Jews out of it. Some Nazis called it Christianity but they couldn't deal with the fact that Jesus was Jewish.

I'm not a believer so it's all just arcane crap to me. I do think it's humorous that Nazis were supposedly atheist but they were still hung up enough to try to justify their antisemitism with the Jewish roots of Christianity. If you are a jew hater but a Christian, how do you deal with that?
I can't tell if you're just pretending to be retarded.
I am always glad to see this thread (written by a proponent of "duct tape anal gape") bumped.

Presumably the duct tape proponent would practice his/her craft with a willing consenting
person(s), who is capable of consenting and has consented. As an aside, isn't it amazing how many things duct tape comes in handy for?

I'm sure you agree that a baby is not very likely to be able to consent to having the tip of his dick sliced and then removed by the lips of a man in a religious costume.

Presumably the duct tape proponent would practice his/her craft with a willing consenting
person(s), who is capable of consenting and has consented. As an aside, isn't it amazing how many things duct tape comes in handy for?

I'm sure you agree that a baby is not very likely to be able to consent to having the tip of his dick sliced and then removed by the lips of a man in a religious costume.


Really? According to your reasoning, that baby might have the ability to consent to a sexual act with an adult if it is unusually clever. It is telling that you see the arcane circumcision process as a sexual act.
When I was a kid everyone got was to prevent urinary tract infections (probably due to kids not washing themselves right).

It was not religious it was normal.

No one cried about how victimized we were. I guess the world is a softer gentler place.
When I was a kid everyone got was to prevent urinary tract infections (probably due to kids not washing themselves right).

It was not religious it was normal.

No one cried about how victimized we were. I guess the world is a softer gentler place.
Not medically indicated or contraindicated
What all this really boils down to is that there are no compelling scientific arguments for or against neonatal circumcision.

There are small risks and there are small benefits. The decision is not a medical one. Medical organizations are not “pro” circumcision, but they’re not “con” either. The American Academy of Pediatrics’ official policy states:

Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision; however, these data are not sufficient to recommend routine neonatal circumcision. In circumstances in which there are potential benefits and risks, yet the procedure is not essential to the child’s current well-being, parents should determine what is in the best interest of the child.

Aside from religious reasons,
Religion is poisonous when practiced by fundamentalists. All and any of them.

Religion = power, and all power can be abused.

Pretty sure most people who claim all religions are poisonous (i know, not what you said specifically) or a means to control others know very little about any but the 3 abrahamic religions, of which the fundaments itself are poisonous.

More importantly, it doesn’t mean the ones actually causing the real world problems don’t need to be addressed.
When I was a kid everyone got was to prevent urinary tract infections (probably due to kids not washing themselves right).

It was not religious it was normal.

No one cried about how victimized we were. I guess the world is a softer gentler place.
Oh ffs... “male genital mutilation was normal and not religious because religious people defied science...” :wall:
As for people arguing whether Hitler was a christian: the fact is, almost ninety-fucking-nine % of all Germans in nazi germany were christians.

Is there anyone seriously considering the possibility Hitler was elected by people who thought Hitler was not a Christian? Anti-semitism isn’t invented by the nazis, it’s christian.