You Have The "Religious Liberty" To Suck Baby Dicks

Where does someone's sincerely held religious belief end? It seems like something like this example should be pretty obviously banned, even if it's someone "sincerely held religious belief", 2 kids have died from it and there have been 17 cases of STD transmission since 2005 (I believe the clip stated)

This is just an extreme example of how stupid I think the "it's my sincerely held religious belief!" argument actually is, let alone refusing goods/services to homosexuals
cool it with the anti-Semitism, you right wing nut job!
cool it with the anti-Semitism, you right wing nut job!
Just like I said, the weaponization of identity politics to avoid actually discussing a policy driven position

You can't actually articulate why you think I'm wrong, so instead, you just claim "anti-semitism!", as if that were an adequate argument in itself..

You can clutch your pearls all ya like, sweetheart, it doesn't impress me or anyone else, and you're still void of an actual argument. Take a 2nd stab at it
Just like I said, the weaponization of identity politics to avoid actually discussing a policy driven position

You can't actually articulate why you think I'm wrong, so instead, you just claim "anti-semitism!", as if that were an adequate argument in itself..

You can clutch your pearls all ya like, sweetheart, it doesn't impress me or anyone else, and you're still void of an actual argument. Take a 2nd stab at it
I think he was being sarcastic.
first anti-Semitism, now open islamophobia. I thought you guys were supposed to be progressive!
We get that you nazis are really into pushing the whole “Muslims are pedophiles” thing but the highest rates of pedophilia are in Alaska

Or among trumps campaign chairmen