Hey K1ng...
Man, I am so bummed right now...
My box came from HTG...
First of all... it has been at the
postal orifice since the 6th... just got a notice today...
Then, I get to the car and hurriedly open the
HUGE box... to find that the 8" cool tube is not tube at all but a
HUGE fucking
square reflector, with 8" flanges...
FUCT again...!!!
On the drive home I came to peace with the fact that it might work better than the cool tube I ordered...
Get home, open the box and
the glass sheet falls off... the
welds on the frame
let go... the glass didn't break.. but it's off of the hood..
FUCT hard...
Well, at least this will give me a chance to try it out...so I
taped the
BRAND NEW reflector together?!?!?!?!
FUCT again...
and installed the socket... went for the bulb... and guess what???
FUCT with no vaseline... bulb is all
busted inside and
cracked on the outside... ARGGHHHH enough ... can't take it anymore...!!!
So I go put the thing in my grow cab to see if it fits and such... when I notice
the flange on one side
is bent, and
the paint cracked...!!!! ok is there an end to this...????
So I decide to do a thorough inspection on everything...
The sticker that says
"remove the protective film before operation" was still there, but
no protective film.... ...
Then I look at my ballast, and the fucking
grill on it
is caved in.... ok... do you get the picture????
I'm pissed...!!!!
And those fuckers are in the east coast.... so of course they are close by 1pm AK time... but
I will be one unsatisfied costumer when I wake up tomorrow at 5 AM to call them...
I am sorry to come over here like this... I just needed to vent...
As you can see I REALLY GOT FUCT!!! on this one...