is cannabis strong aphrodisiac to you? fems vs regs

love cold shower, I just wanted to imply that fems are GMO. and that this scarcity mindset that people let to buy fems can cost them their health maybe in long term consumption
I know regs are better. Period. I wish that I will change peoples hearts about this on this continent
love cold shower, I just wanted to imply that fems are GMO. and that this scarcity mindset that people let to buy fems can cost them their health maybe in long term consumption
I know regs are better. Period. I wish that I will change peoples hearts about this on this continent

Thats rediculous. Plants can reverse and make feminized seeds all by themselves.

Genetically modified would be humans messing with the actual chromosomes.

But is is going to happen eventually. Just like many other crops we have today. Ever eat bread or corn from the grocery store?
Thats rediculous. Plants can reverse and make feminized seeds all by themselves.

Genetically modified would be humans messing with the actual chromosomes.

But is is going to happen eventually. Just like many other crops we have today. Ever eat bread or corn from the grocery store?
but by messing it up with colloidal silver you are basically doing it or Im I mistaken? fems have one less chromosome

Yes I used too eat that but I gave up on it all because of what they are putting in bread here and because of that fact that most corn is gmog
Yeah it Ain't GMO but I wouldn't say it's too good for the Genepool either. And yes you can probably find phenotypes that don't even throw nanners but after a few fem generations that's going to be harder and harder. I can see where the fem train is heading and I'm definitely not on board. The recessives might be fun to chase but not all recessives are good. It's like Pandora's box.
but by messing it up with colloidal silver you are basically doing it or Im I mistaken? fems have one less chromosome

Yes I used too eat that but I gave up on it all because of what they are putting in bread here and because of that fact that most corn is gmog

No the chemicle merely stops the production of ethylene which is the hormone responsible for female flowers.

Now real conscious breeders have used a less poisinous but more effective solution called sts for many years. Doesnt require spraying every day.

And you are not supposed to eat or smoke sprayed plant material.
No the chemicle merely stops the production of ethylene which is the hormone responsible for female flowers.

Now real conscious breeders have used a less poisinous but more effective solution called sts for many years. Doesnt require spraying every day.

And you are not supposed to eat or smoke sprayed plant material.
not so sure about that, so it then must suppress also the male gene, Why would be there genetic mutations aka hermies then ? sts aka silver thiosulfate sounds very familiar as colloidal silver, Its still substance not related to cannabis to fuck with its dna
not so sure about that, so it then must suppress also the male gene, Why would be there genetic mutations aka hermies then ? sts aka silver thiosulfate sounds very familiar as colloidal silver, Its still substance not related to cannabis to fuck with its dna

All of this info is available in clarks book marijuana botany and now many others.

Hermies are not mutations. They are natural reversals. Our seedless female only plants are more of a mutation from natural cannabis.

The silver is not needed it can happen by itself. We just learned that we can stop the female hornone production with stress just like the plant would.

Cannabis evolved to be able to self preserve in the instance that no male pollen was available. It will increase females over a few generations by itself to secure its survival.

You are not messing with the male chromosomes just like a plant that grows seeds by itself is not. The chromosome is just not present. Thats why the seeds come out feminized.

It is not genetic manipulation at all.

And the stability of the seeds is in the breeding.
All of this info is available in clarks book marijuana botany and now many others.

Hermies are not mutations. They are natural reversals. Our seedless female only plants are more of a mutation from natural cannabis.

The silver is not needed it can happen by itself. We just learned that we can stop the female hormone production with stress just like the plant would.

Cannabis evolved to be able to self preserve in the instance that no male pollen was available. It will increase females over a few generations by itself to secure its survival.

You are not messing with the male chromosomes just like a plant that grows seeds by itself is not. The chromosome is just not present. Thats why the seeds come out feminized.

It is not genetic manipulation at all.

And the stability of the seeds is in the breeding.
Exactly my thoughts, Thanks for typing it out so I didn't have to. There is NOTHING genetically modified about using collidal silver to make feminized seeds, It may suppress a thing or two during the transformation, but it does not alter then genetics of the plant being used or the resulting seeds ...
All of this info is available in clarks book marijuana botany and now many others.

Hermies are not mutations. They are natural reversals. Our seedless female only plants are more of a mutation from natural cannabis.

The silver is not needed it can happen by itself. We just learned that we can stop the female hornone production with stress just like the plant would.

Cannabis evolved to be able to self preserve in the instance that no male pollen was available
. It will increase females over a few generations by itself to secure its survival.

You are not messing with the male chromosomes just like a plant that grows seeds by itself is not. The chromosome is just not present. Thats why the seeds come out feminized.

It is not genetic manipulation at all.

And the stability of the seeds is in the breeding.
Rodelization ;D
If you look at other plants very few have even evolved enough to have separate males and females. Hermies are a step backwards.

If you grow out enough Regular seeds you will notice that the males are on average more vigorous and have other traits such as thickened stems, increased disease resistance and tolerance to harsh conditions. Nature definitely likes keeping them around. Feminized seed is a step away from nature don't kid yourself. It cuts vigor away from the genepool and amplifies recessives.
Rodelization ;D
That is the correct term. :-)
Thank you for this, but the stress then must create hermies, as self preservation, self polination, or Im I mistaken?
I absolutely saw the vigorous growth in the males, and how strong they were, I think smoking out traumatized plant material then leads to fucked up highs :D I mean its water, water have memory. I bet the effects are very different. Lot of people who are forced and used to around here to smoke nothing else, are very anxious from it, I was too, but maybe other factors count, like growing conditions etc. The stress must be a bad thing for a plant, you can find that people who keep mother plants in their hydro setups got their mums fucked up, genetically after some years
Thank you for this, but the stress then must create hermies, as self preservation, self polination, or Im I mistaken?
I absolutely saw the vigorous growth in the males, and how strong they were, I think smoking out traumatized plant material then leads to fucked up highs :D I mean its water, water have memory. I bet the effects are very different. Lot of people who are forced and used to around here to smoke nothing else, are very anxious from it, I was too, but maybe other factors count, like growing conditions etc. The stress must be a bad thing for a plant, you can find that people who keep mother plants in their hydro setups got their mums fucked up, genetically after some years
Science doesn't work like that on my planet o_O Enjoy what you're smoking it is obviously working for ya :P
If you look at other plants very few have even evolved enough to have separate males and females. Hermies are a step backwards.

If you grow out enough Regular seeds you will notice that the males are on average more vigorous and have other traits such as thickened stems, increased disease resistance and tolerance to harsh conditions. Nature definitely likes keeping them around. Feminized seed is a step away from nature don't kid yourself. It cuts vigor away from the genepool and amplifies recessives.

BS! Fem's show no loss of vigor!
Fem's actually yield better!
Fem's do not express an increased recessiveness.

Your mistaking environmental phenotypical expression for genetic "shift". In reality, genetic "shift" can only occur when the plant is breed outside of it's strain.....

Breeding with fem's is done a shit ton more then you think!

Cannabis is one of the C-3 family of plants that has the built in ability to go bisexual (the proper term) and reproduce on it's own. This indicates it is a very old plant botanically speaking.

Thank you for this, but the stress then must create hermies, as self preservation, self polination, or Im I mistaken?
I absolutely saw the vigorous growth in the males, and how strong they were, I think smoking out traumatized plant material then leads to fucked up highs :D I mean its water, water have memory. I bet the effects are very different. Lot of people who are forced and used to around here to smoke nothing else, are very anxious from it, I was too, but maybe other factors count, like growing conditions etc. The stress must be a bad thing for a plant, you can find that people who keep mother plants in their hydro setups got their mums fucked up, genetically after some years

Stress is defined in many ways..Stressors include any and all environmental factors...Some viral problems can actually mutate the plants genetic makeup to herm....From a plant that never has.... You do not "cure" a viral issue You burn the plant...

I should say here...TMV does NOT happen in cannabis! It could be a Hops viral and there are only a small # of virals that can infect cannabis but, TMV or SUNN-HEMP virus...does not effect cannabis!

Now, back on track.... Remember that environment has the major role in any non-"herming" strain. Keep everything the way it should be...You should not see bisexual expression.

Males grow that way,,,because they are males....They don't live as long as females.....Grow up, get the job done, die....Just like a male Bee..
Fems do not yield more.

They are weaker on average.

They show more instability and recessives especially in following generations.

Fems are ruining the genepool. I am aware of how much they are being used and it is disturbing.

They are the results of lazy breeding that is out of touch with all sides of the genetics including Males.

People have bred this plant from a wild low cannabinoid plant into something that is on a completely different magnitude. So not all natural traits should be selected for.

For example, environmental factors can cause a plant to herm. Those are weaker plants that should be removed. In fact using dark periods interchanged with veg cycles can help you find and eliminate both intersexual traits and autoflowering traits.
From medical point of view, it's not a stimulation. You can Buy Generic Androgel that is, but not cannabis. Weed enhance your emotional experience, if you were exited about having sex before smoking, you might be twice as exited after smoking it. Maybe that thing is happening to ya, but weed itself doesn't work as erection stimulation.