Defoliating In flower??

Wow that's an oxymoron. So your saying that by removing the very thing that produces energy for the plant, that you now have more energy going to the flowers...SMH. You do understand that these leaves your stripping are NOT using anywhere near the energy they produce for the plant and your buds. If the plant has No use for leaves that aren't producing (not catching light) it will cut them loose on it's own it doesn't need an ill informed noob doing it for them. Stripping sucker branches is logical because they only draw from the plant and don't give much back. Use some logic and reasoning before you apply this stoner Pseudo science and I'm willing to bet your a Supercropper as well.

Stripping sucker branches is logical because they only draw from the plant and don't give much back. You agree with that but cant agree with a leaf that isnt producing anything (Lower leaf not getting light) isnt taking resources away from the top part of the plant. Or if its a upper leaf its better to block a flower site from receiving light. Also in my experience the plant doesnt cut anything loose unless there is a shortage that the plant wants in that leaf then it will canonabolize that leaf not because of it not getting light. I have a bunch of healthy looking leaves that are basically not getting light. So if its getting what it needs it wont just cut a leaf loose. Now you say why bother cutting a leaf if the plant is getting what it wants whats the point. Same thing to direct the growth to the top where its getting the light. Where the buds grow. Better airflow.

And yes I am a supercropper, topper and lollipopper
Lol after all these mixed answers among all the arguing
What do you mean arguing it all makes perfect sense.
I only read the first 2 pages of this thread by my advice to the OP would be to ignore everyone and do your own test. Dunning-Kruger is running rife here. Lots of big mouths and small brains.

It is pretty simple. Do a run where you dont defoliate at all, then do a run where you defoliate hard around Day 20 then again around day 40. You will soon see which yields higher and which yields less larf.

It doesn't grow back more leaves... we've been over this. The same leaves that WILL grow whether you strip are not are going to grow once the f[QUOT

When I talk about defoliating im not saying remove every single leaf and strip the plant completely. Use your head and remove leaves arent doing anything significantly

When I talk about leaf strip, I am talking about removing every leaf that has a stem at some few mm in length. You might lose some quantifiable yield but without #s from actual observations this conversation isn't much of interest
Defoliating increases yeilds. You'll have fatter denser buds

The plant won't magically create new leaves it otherwise couldn't have had you not removed the leaves with stems. It grows as normal as it would without the leaves you took, it does appear to grow new leaves but these leaves would have grown anyways.
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