Aussie Growers Thread

That's not nice rubes... Don't talk about Ur boyfriend like that.. .. hey. How much megacrop do u use bro
I'm using 20 grams per a 9 litre watering container mate.
They are coping with that well I think.and I'm putting 2 containers on each plant so 40 grams in a 20 litre bucket is about it.
You could just go 20 grams per 10 litres and throw the left overs in vegies in the garden or such.
First feed I would only do 10 grams per 8-10 litres just to see if they are ok with it then 4 days later full strength.
I dont do boyfriends lol
I'm using 20 grams per a 9 litre watering container mate.
They are coping with that well I think.and I'm putting 2 containers on each plant so 40 grams in a 20 litre bucket is about it.
You could just go 20 grams per 10 litres and throw the left overs in vegies in the garden or such.
First feed I would only do 10 grams per 8-10 litres just to see if they are ok with it then 4 days later full strength.
I dont do boyfriends lol
I went 2g /2ltrs for the first shot
So I guess that works out to wot u said aye...?!
Yeah u will be fine I'm sure I could go 40 grams in a 20 litre bucket
But I'd rather a couple smaller feeds per week than one big arse one.
When stretch starts I might go double on one see if it handles it ok
You got a ppm meter mate? If you look on the greenleaf site they have a really good feeding calculator man, just follow it and you'll be laughin
Gd advice to follow mofo
I'm outdoor so my feeds are different to your indoor
Papa overkill for me to go say 30-40 grams per 10 litres ?
I guess I'm just never satisfied with the size of my outdoor plants although the tallest should crack 6 ft this weekend
Gd advice to follow mofo
I'm outdoor so my feeds are different to your indoor
Papa overkill for me to go say 30-40 grams per 10 litres ?
I guess I'm just never satisfied with the size of my outdoor plants although the tallest should crack 6 ft this weekend
I'm not real sure weight wise mate i just tip mine and and go by ppm bro.
Gd advice to follow mofo
I'm outdoor so my feeds are different to your indoor
Papa overkill for me to go say 30-40 grams per 10 litres ?
I guess I'm just never satisfied with the size of my outdoor plants although the tallest should crack 6 ft this weekend
I only have a couple hopes left for my outdoor lol, the buds on my autos are pretty fuckin small hey not sure they're gunna fill out. Musta stressed em too much or they're just shit autos haha. But I got the 1 photo on the 50 gal it's about 2 foot tall and a bit wider. Might have to get some light onto it overnight soon to stop it flowering. And I got another reveg goin that's only small but the buds on it were mint so be nice to get another harvest off it. It's just started showing normal growth now. When will they start to flower man?
I only have a couple hopes left for my outdoor lol, the buds on my autos are pretty fuckin small hey not sure they're gunna fill out. Musta stressed em too much or they're just shit autos haha. But I got the 1 photo on the 50 gal it's about 2 foot tall and a bit wider. Might have to get some light onto it overnight soon to stop it flowering. And I got another reveg goin that's only small but the buds on it were mint so be nice to get another harvest off it. It's just started showing normal growth now. When will they start to flower man?
Well stretch should be starting say in a fortnight to 3 weeks
They look healthy, im no expert but you might wanna let them get a bit drier between waterings so they spread.
I do.. that's why they bunching at the bottom I thought, which is why I tried the hay on top of the bigger 1 to keep the "moist" up top and it worked from what I can tell.. I might be looking at this the wrong way