@Joint Monster , I don't mind only getting a small amount from pressing. You only use a 1 gm bud at a time anyway. I watched the videos, and they just pressed with their body weight. I know I'm not very strong, nor do I weigh much, but I thought I'd at least get a small amount, but I got NOTHING.
did take one of my bottles of tincture, (1/2oz), and reduced it last night just to get something. I got 2 nights worth of "hash?", and smoked it before I went to bed. Slept like a baby! So, if nothing else, I can do that. But, I did see a video yesterday with ISO, that I can substitute Everclear for, and do it. It's much easier than the tincture as you don't have to squish the weed, just pour the liquid through it before reducing it. Much easier, and if it works, it will be great. Now, it's cold right now, and I want to do it inside. So, if I get a fan, open windows, it should be okay? right?...I'm justifying here.