Bubble hash or wax? which is better to make?

QWISO is my preferred concentrate to make myself, there are many great tutorials. Its simple, cheap, reasonably fast, and turns out amazing if you do it right(little to no heat and a fast wash with cold alcohol are the 2 biggest keys).
Oh, and I agree about smoking. I cough a lot when I vape my hash and the few times I've vaped herb (I had forgotten that) at my sister's because we can't smoke there. I don't know why I cough so much when I do, though. It's supposed to be better. Now, if I make hash, I have to smoke it don't I, if it's not wax?

Temperatures make a difference as well! Go around 350-360 versus 370-400 makes a big difference on the harness.

I put hash in my volcano all the time. I find it hits better with a little bud mixed with the hash.
Temperatures make a difference as well! Go around 350-360 versus 370-400 makes a big difference on the harness.

I put hash in my volcano all the time. I find it hits better with a little bud mixed with the hash.
thanks, I'll give it a try.

Well, I just tried making my first hair straightener rosin/resin.......all I got was flat weed :wall:. I've tried two different strains, and pressed as hard as I could....the paper was smoking. What could I be doing wrong? Oh, one strain was from this year and one from last. just FYI.

I'm also watching a lot of YouTube on making hash....... good stuff. I'm not sure about using ISO, though. Most of them do. I've seen QWISO mentioned a lot. I need to also read about that.
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QWISO is my preferred concentrate to make myself, there are many great tutorials. Its simple, cheap, reasonably fast, and turns out amazing if you do it right(little to no heat and a fast wash with cold alcohol are the 2 biggest keys).

I'm going to look it up. I haven't heard of no heat, though. That sounds good! Right now, I've been watching ways to make it with frozen alcohol & weed, but it has to be heated to reduce the alcohol.
I'm going to look it up. I haven't heard of no heat, though. That sounds good! Right now, I've been watching ways to make it with frozen alcohol & weed, but it has to be heated to reduce the alcohol.

Actually you can evaporate alcohol with no heat if you use a fan to create airflow over the dish. I make mine and set the dish on top of my dehumidifier so it gets barely warm air that I Direct over it. A whole quart of alcohol will fully evaporate to a dry crystal in 24hr. It's great and really simple. Then I scrape the oil up and dab it!
Actually you can evaporate alcohol with no heat if you use a fan to create airflow over the dish. I make mine and set the dish on top of my dehumidifier so it gets barely warm air that I Direct over it. A whole quart of alcohol will fully evaporate to a dry crystal in 24hr. It's great and really simple. Then I scrape the oil up and dab it!
Wow, that's faster than I thought it would be without heat. cool. thanks!

I just put the stuff in the freezer and will make it tomorrow. by the time it's cold enough today, I'll be through for the day. I settle in early being not too well
I do 30-40 second washes, and usually 3 washes. The first 2 turn out beautiful gold and terps. The third is best for edibles but still has a decent yield so it's worth it.
thanks, I'll give it a try.

Well, I just tried making my first hair straightener rosin/resin.......all I got was flat weed :wall:. I've tried two different strains, and pressed as hard as I could....the paper was smoking. What could I be doing wrong? Oh, one strain was from this year and one from last. just FYI.

I'm also watching a lot of YouTube on making hash....... good stuff. I'm not sure about using ISO, though. Most of them do. I've seen QWISO mentioned a lot. I need to also read about that.

It takes a lot of weight (ie: a rosin PRESS) to get proper yields. That's why I said you would need to invest a decent amount if you were going the rosin route and wanted good yields regularly. You can maybe get a small dab out of a gram or two of bud with a hair straightener with good product.

I'm personally not a fan of QWISO, or ISO alcohol... how can you be sure you've cleaned your product completely? Even with butane, vac-ovens make a huge difference in getting the majority of the residual butane out of the bho.
It takes a lot of weight (ie: a rosin PRESS) to get proper yields. That's why I said you would need to invest a decent amount if you were going the rosin route and wanted good yields regularly. You can maybe get a small dab out of a gram or two of bud with a hair straightener with good product.

I'm personally not a fan of QWISO, or ISO alcohol... how can you be sure you've cleaned your product completely? Even with butane, vac-ovens make a huge difference in getting the majority of the residual butane out of the bho.

Its actually very easy to fully evap alcohol, its not like butane. There is nothing in ISO alcohol except pure alcohol and water, both of which easily evap and leave no residue. You can totally use 190 proof food grade alcohol and do the same thing, its just more expensive.
Its actually very easy to fully evap alcohol, its not like butane. There is nothing in ISO alcohol except pure alcohol and water, both of which easily evap and leave no residue. You can totally use 190 proof food grade alcohol and do the same thing, its just more expensive.

By food grade alcohol, do you mean something like Everclear? That's something I can surely do. I'd rather spend more money and ingest something (a little) safer.
Its actually very easy to fully evap alcohol, its not like butane. There is nothing in ISO alcohol except pure alcohol and water, both of which easily evap and leave no residue. You can totally use 190 proof food grade alcohol and do the same thing, its just more expensive.

Ahh okay! That might work better for OP then!

There's something about it I don't like. Even when I clean my grinder with ISO, that hash isn't very nice. It's nice and golden and potent, but there is still an iso flavour and I feel it on the lungs.

When 190 (Everclear) is used, don't they just call it RSO? (same concept though.)

By food grade alcohol, do you mean something like Everclear? That's something I can surely do. I'd rather spend more money and ingest something (a little) safer.

Yeah food grade alcohol = every clear = 190+Proof = moonshine = grain alcohol

They're all fairly interchangeable. Food grade just denotes it is safe for human consumption. You can get grain alcohol which has an additive that makes it not safe for human consumption.
@Joint Monster , I don't mind only getting a small amount from pressing. You only use a 1 gm bud at a time anyway. I watched the videos, and they just pressed with their body weight. I know I'm not very strong, nor do I weigh much, but I thought I'd at least get a small amount, but I got NOTHING.

I did take one of my bottles of tincture, (1/2oz), and reduced it last night just to get something. I got 2 nights worth of "hash?", and smoked it before I went to bed. Slept like a baby! So, if nothing else, I can do that. But, I did see a video yesterday with ISO, that I can substitute Everclear for, and do it. It's much easier than the tincture as you don't have to squish the weed, just pour the liquid through it before reducing it. Much easier, and if it works, it will be great. Now, it's cold right now, and I want to do it inside. So, if I get a fan, open windows, it should be okay? right?...I'm justifying here. ;-)
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qwiso can work too. I had the double nested pyrex dish going (a lasanga one on the bottom and a 9 x 9 on top with the qwiso in there and pour boiling water in the bottom one for faster evap).

But it always has a flammability thing. Rosin is way better and you use the leftovers to make edibles. ZERO toxins and waste. I have a dulytek press and it is worth the investment.

at first i got nothing and then i made a simple jig with a c clamp and a couple of loonies (quarters work) and a piece of plastic pipe. Then I press those pucks.

WAY better return.
If you actually evaporate the ISO there will be no flavor but it's not an issue if you don't mind paying for food grade. It works the same as long as it's over 190 proof. I've used ever clear before and it worked great. It's 195 I think.

When mines done evaporating it's typically a dry crystallized film on the dish sometimes with droplets of oil spattered through out depending on how much I ran.

When I can afford to I'm gonna buy one of the new extract craft systems I think. It's a vacuum evap for alcohol extracts that reclaims the alcohol for reuse. Seems sweet from what I've seen.
@Joint Monster , I don't mind only getting a small amount from pressing. You only use a 1 gm bud at a time anyway. I watched the videos, and they just pressed with their body weight. I know I'm not very strong, nor do I weigh much, but I thought I'd at least get a small amount, but I got NOTHING.

I did take one of my bottles of tincture, (1/2oz), and reduced it last night just to get something. I got 2 nights worth of "hash?", and smoked it before I went to bed. Slept like a baby! So, if nothing else, I can do that. But, I did see a video yesterday with ISO, that I can substitute Everclear for, and do it. It's much easier than the tincture as you don't have to squish the weed, just pour the liquid through it before reducing it. Much easier, and if it works, it will be great. Now, it's cold right now, and I want to do it inside. So, if I get a fan, open windows, it should be okay? right?...I'm justifying here. ;-)

Could be the strain? Or Temp? Or Strength of pressing? I'm not too sure to be honest.

If you have access to ever clear, I would make RSO. You can use it as an edible or smoke it.

Make sure nothing flammable is around when evaporating any of these liquids. And best NOT to blow fumes through a fan - make the fan push it away.

If you actually evaporate the ISO there will be no flavor but it's not an issue if you don't mind paying for food grade. It works the same as long as it's over 190 proof. I've used ever clear before and it worked great. It's 195 I think.

When mines done evaporating it's typically a dry crystallized film on the dish sometimes with droplets of oil spattered through out depending on how much I ran.

When I can afford to I'm gonna buy one of the new extract craft systems I think. It's a vacuum evap for alcohol extracts that reclaims the alcohol for reuse. Seems sweet from what I've seen.

I usually use a hotplate at 100F for 6hours or so, it's usually fully evaporated much before that. It dries to the plate like a light sand, scrape it up with a razor blade. Still has a iso taste. I'm just using regular 99%iso in this case.

That sounds really cool! Is it a lot cheaper than a closed loop system?
Wish I could just buy different strains..... I live in a state that hasn't legalized it yet, and can only get seeds and grow. From what I've found, I can only buy a minimum of 5 of each strain, so with my health, 10 plants are all I (and my helping husband, who doesn't use it) can handle. He does the heavy work, and I do the rest. But, that limits me to 2 strains a year. I did grow Afghan last year and have been using it in my tinctures. I buy what will help my symptoms. Unfortunately, AK 47 was supposed to help migraines, and now I find NO cannabis helps migraines,....darn. At least it's good for nausea, like all weed. This year, I grew Gold Leaf and Trainwreck. I didn't have much yield, but they're decent. Gold Leaf is Indica dominant, and I plan to make my hash from it.

Oh, and I agree about smoking. I cough a lot when I vape my hash and the few times I've vaped herb (I had forgotten that) at my sister's because we can't smoke there. I don't know why I cough so much when I do, though. It's supposed to be better. Now, if I make hash, I have to smoke it don't I, if it's not wax?

Anything crossed with the SR71 Purple Kush thieves my migraines. The thing to remember with seeds is there is likely a phenotype which will have the this this are looking for, not all the plants provided from those seeds.

It can be tricky to find ones that actually bet your specific medical needs and conditions.
ok, here's a question. How does a vaporizer make dry herb stronger than just smoking it out of a pipe?.....and, for good measure, what strain helps you sleep?... if you don't mind :).
In terms of FLOWER....It doesn't make it stronger. There IS, however, a marked difference between the effect of smoking and the effect of vaping. Here's how it works:

When you smoke weed, the weed becomes part of the combustion process -the end result is carbon ash. As you smoke, and depending on the type of filtration (or lack thereof), you pull some of that carbon ash into your lungs and it causes the body's immune system to kick in because the ash is seen as an irritant/invader that needs to be cleaned out. So the body reacts to the ash in the smoke by activating your immune system.

In the vaporization process, the weed is "baked" so as to allow the psychoactive components to volatilize (eVAPoratE) without having any smoke or ash pulled into the lungs. The vapor is "cleaner" than smoke in other words. BUT, the body doesn't react to vapor in the same way as it does smoke, so you don't necessarily feel the same after vaping. A lot of old smokers say that they don't get the "kick" from vapor that they do from smoke....and, being an old smoker myself, I can agree with them. That "kick" is the body's reacting to the irritation of smoking.

As far as using marijuana as a sleep aid. Yes! It works wonders for a lot of people! But I don't buy into the idea that there are specific strains of marijuana that are specifically better for aiding sleep. I believe it's more a matter of the terpene/ester profile and the ripeness of the trichomes. The riper the trichs, the more narcotic the smoke is going to be -regardless of whether the plant is Sativa, Indica or something in-between. Some may disagree with that, but that's my opinion after nearly 50 years of smoking every kind of marijuana you can imagine! :)

The best thing about the new marijuana scene is in the way of concentrates. The most efficient way that a person can get the strongest effects with the quickest onset AND inhale the least amount, is to "dab" a concentrate.
I like to squish rosin from dry ice kief. You can go to the craft or fabric store and buy a piece of silkscreen. Get some dry ice from the grocery store and put it in a bucket with the trim and cover with the silkscreen. Cut the middle out of the bucket lid to hold the screen in place. Turn over and shake shake shake. Dry ice kief....
11-5-2011 Dry ice hash 001.jpg
11-5-2011 Dry ice hash 003.jpg

11-5-2011 Dry ice hash 007.jpg

11-5-2011 Dry ice hash 016.jpg

Bag it up and squish.....