Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

May IDPH have as happy of holidays as they have dictated ~3000 sick people should get. Food poisoning at the office party wouldn't be enough karma.
Hey all,
I'm a longi-tme lurker. App mailed 10/21, received 10/25. I'm just waiting now.
I was told by someone who lives in IL but works with an organization out of state that IL is going to change regulations with the new law and med. card holders will be able to grow their own flower. I couldn't find that anywhere in my own search of the IL laws. Can anyone confirm?
Hey all,
I'm a longi-tme lurker. App mailed 10/21, received 10/25. I'm just waiting now.
I was told by someone who lives in IL but works with an organization out of state that IL is going to change regulations with the new law and med. card holders will be able to grow their own flower. I couldn't find that anywhere in my own search of the IL laws. Can anyone confirm?

That would either be someone dreaming up scenarios to go along with the legalization that is coming or someone with very close connections to Lou Lang.

Going by other states if legalization allows everyone 5 plants a medical license will allow more. If legalization doesn't allow growing medical license may. So it would be a reasonable guess that we will be allowed to grow with medical.
Hey all, sorry if someone said this in the last few pages, haven’t been paying as close attention since I got my card Thursday.

I was at my dispensary Thursday and was talking to my BudTender, and told him how much of a cluster fuck the wait time is, and I brought up provisional. He said they were told January 18th, is when that goes into effect.

That may change, but if I understood him correctly, thts what he said.
Guess what Informed Delivery shows coming today. And guess who's closed until Wednesday. Applied online 9/28, charged 9/29. 87 days.
I never called, so I guess you're free to call, it won't slow anything down. But it also won't speed anything up.

So we have a 5 day span all showing up the same day.
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Congrats! Mailman dropped mine off 10 mins ago. Of course my dispensary is closed till Wednesday :wall:

I don't know about your situation but my tolerance is so low it wouldn't do me any good. I wouldn't want to experiment for sleep tonight and there was a lot of post holiday blues when I was a teen and I'll be on so many pills I probably wouldn't until Wednesday anyway.
Congrats to all the recent card recipients. We even have applicants from October now getting cards for the first time.

Recent Stats:
Average: 87.5 days
(from application submission to card-in-hand)
Median: 87.0 days
Sample Size: 24 most-recent card recipients to post here (November-December)
33% have a wait time of 90 days or longer

So we have a 5 day span all showing up the same day.

More evidence that they're holding approved applications to send batches to the printer, or that the printer is running them in batches.
More evidence that they're holding approved applications to send batches to the printer, or that the printer is running them in batches.

Another possibility is USPS trying to get mail delivered before Christmas. But it does seem that way with last week being so anemic with card in hand reports.
Got my card today sent to print on 12-14 says issued 12-12 idph said they received app 9-26 to bad dispensary is closed till Wednesday

Congrats. I was adding your stats to my spreadsheet and couldn't help but smile when I saw your first post on this forum:

I have been following for awhile now hopefully they are closer now app was received 9/26 hope i get card before Christmas

and you did. :razz:

To everyone on this terrific forum: I hope medical cannabis brings you all the relief you hope for and need, and that it improves your quality of life the way I feel it's doing for me. Happy holidays.