Hemp growing is now legal.

You full well know that under Obama cannabis and hemp laws relaxed. Now you want to give credit to Trump when he had nothing to do with it.

Do you remember during obamas first term when he went after cannabis. When he had legal medical dispensaries shut down and fined and shut down and or fined publications that advertised dispensaries and mmj doctors.
Do you remember during obamas first term when he went after cannabis. When he had legal medical dispensaries shut down and fined and shut down and or fined publications that advertised dispensaries and mmj doctors.
"he had legal dispensaries shut down"

That's rich.

So, tell me, when are Republicans going to legalize it? They have full control of the government. Nothing stopping them. Trump said he would. Of course, he lies about 6 times an hour so it would be ridiculous to believe him.
That's actually a true statement. The first provision in the law that allowed hemp to be grown was in 2014 under Obama. That bill is set to expire and the new will remove hemp from the controlled substance act.

You full well know that under Obama cannabis and hemp laws relaxed. Now you want to give credit to Trump when he had nothing to do with it.
Republicans scurry from truth like cockroaches when the lights go on.
The recent hurricanes exposed a big flaw in the hemp market. Since it was not legal on the federal level, the large scale farmers who had millions of dollars in storm damage were not able to get help from the emergency spending in the old farm bill. Like everyone else, I haven't read the bill, but I'm guessing that will change.
Why don’t you do something he’s your president. Why would trump be a pot growing canadiens hero . Repeating the same shit doesn’t make it true . Your wrong get over it .