Hemp growing is now legal.

From the outset, Epstein’s lawyers contended that the federal government was overreaching by investigating alleged crimes that more appropriately belonged in state courts – and tried unsuccessfully to convince the prosecutors that “Mr. Epstein never targeted minors.”
“In a feature article about Mr. Epstein in New York Magazine,” Lefcourt wrote in a letter to prosecutors, “former President Clinton aptly described Mr. Epstein as ‘a committed philanthropist with a keen sense of global markets and an in-depth knowledge of twenty-first century science.’ President Clinton reached this conclusion during a month-long trip to Africa with Mr. Epstein, which Mr. Epstein hosted. The purpose of that trip was to increase AIDS awareness; to work towards a solution to the AIDS crisis; and to provide funding to reduce the costs of delivering medications to those inflicted (sic) with the disease.”
“But clinton!” - pathetic whites who defend pedophiles

Why did Jeffrey Epstein plead the fifth when asked if he and trump lurked around underage girls together?
The correspondence revealed Wednesday also shed light on the Epstein camp’s efforts to cast him as an altruist – touting his extensive charitable giving and highlighting his supposed connections to prominent organizations.
From the outset, Epstein’s lawyers contended that the federal government was overreaching by investigating alleged crimes that more appropriately belonged in state courts – and tried unsuccessfully to convince the prosecutors that “Mr. Epstein never targeted minors.”
Jeffrey Epstein raped dozens of kids

Alexander Acosta let him off the hook

Donald trump rewarded Alexander Acosta with a cabinet position
According to a series of FBI documents released on Thursday, known child predator Jeffrey Epstein had a professional relationship with then-FBI Director Robert Mueller.
The correspondence revealed Wednesday also shed light on the Epstein camp’s efforts to cast him as an altruist – touting his extensive charitable giving and highlighting his supposed connections to prominent organizations.
“I love defending pedophiles” - you
“Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon,” says one of the FBI documents. “Case agent advised that no federal prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the state of Florida.”
“Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon,” says one of the FBI documents. “Case agent advised that no federal prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the state of Florida.”
No wonder you like rob roy

You apparently love pedophiles
Today’s release shows that Epstein clearly cut a deal with Mueller’s FBI to avoid prosecution, though it is unclear from the heavily-redacted documents what crime he was charged with.
Gotdamn, yall have private messaging...One thing I can’t stand...stay on topic or get back to the garden! I’m not here to hear your life stories, I’m sure there’s threads for that...let’s talk about cannabis. So back to the matter at hand...hemp...just became federally legal to farm that shit. Crazy.