Aussie Growers Thread

Plus insurance. ABN and a business bank account. Lots of people don't even carry cash any more..sad times.
provided you trade under your own name you dont necessarily NEED a business bank account. Makes it a shitload easier to mange your compliance though. I definitely agree its a good idea, particularly if you cant squirrel money away for long periods of time to pay the piper when the tax man calls
@bobqp whats the flowering time on your CSSH? was thinking of popping a couple and going 12/12 from seed. Reckon I can fit another couple tiny plants in the tent
Afternoon everyone,
Just got home to a parcel from a mate I haven't seen in way too long. He has been growing for a long time but lives out of state so I have rarely been able to try the fruits of his laborIMG_20181210_153213.jpg . Anyone had anything to do with any of these breeders/strains. What's worth popping first?
It's still a good sup on its own but I add some dolomite with it or you can use gypsum.. I'm not completely certain but pretty sure gypsum has both calcium and magnesium?
if you wanted a salt with Ca, Mg and S in it youd need to go with polyhalite K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4 . <-- Thanks google. You could also do what I did and get a bottle of Ca to use when needed.

Maybe just get some cal mag? Prob easier (plus you'll pull 2 pounds a plant with it)

Idk why I’m hearing Epsom salts for cal mag then
as joomby said its cos people are a bit too quick to give advice when they have NFI
I just been thinking about the ratios of things plant needs n things that effect what it may need like maybe I should add a bit of call mag or whatever I mean I guess in reality there’s not gunna be a perfect ratio
Idk best bet might be just biting the bullit n buying some compost from dr green thumbs or where ever n sack it in the tumblr till the seasons done than top it up n plant some autos in it n do that till our door again maybe then water with gogo or something here and there and have a good mulch layer
Who's a mechanic here ?
Got a fuel injected in the HZ at moment obviously disc brakes etc etc.
If I dropped a T400 and a 308 into it do I have to change the braking system on the car ?
If it a 6 currently u’d have to upgrade to v8 breaks.
But 308’s are for kids bud why don’t u thro a big block in it?? No replacement for cubic displacement!!