Aussie Growers Thread

My positive thing is I’m gunna try n get a job at maccas one day I wanna pull of a big enough of a grow to go meet this girl things are going really well with that
mate as someone else here said maccas might be a stretch - they hire kids because they can pay em less. If you were going to be a manager thats different but without experience thats a stretch too.

Get a cleaner job or a brickies labourer job - you can get a white card online for $30 or something. It'll get you fit, keep you busy (so you can save a bit of your coin) and a good hard days work will prob sort out most of your mental dramas without you having to try. or get an RSA and pull beers. its fuckin easy way to make money.
Well I couldent jack 3 days tieing steel so brickie might be a stretch to idk I rekon there’s gotta be something thinking bout making some flyers n mowing some lawn
So this is the worm in my compost idk how the fuck thay got there but y’all rekon it’s a earth worm or a red wiggler 21F96E4B-F15F-4C37-93D5-D1F2E3AF7F3C.jpegI’m liking how it’s starting to look might go to Bunnings n get some starts so I can test it out
Well I couldent jack 3 days tieing steel so brickie might be a stretch to idk I rekon there’s gotta be something thinking bout making some flyers n mowing some lawn
stop playing red dead redemption and get some basic fitness up then. you might have to step out of your comfort zone if you want to get ahead. quit talking and start doing mate - its the only way