Aussie Growers Thread

na sorry but that’s fucked all the shit that gets said here and I get in shit for that the mods can suck a dick for that woops I’ll probably get banned now
Why I seem to be only one that gets in trouble tho
You kind of lose your shit for multiple pages maybe that’s it? This isn’t a mental/sexuality health support group and maybe the mods don’t want the site to become one. There’s a whole section devoted to that stuff so if you kept it in there you wouldn’t have a problem I’d think.
Still tho if that’s the case say what u said u kno fair enough but that’s still wrong of them considering what others have gotten away with but fair enough
I am sorry for bitching all the time but out of all the thi gs that have been said here and i get in trouble for calling some one a cunt to witch i said sorry the next day soooo i a, sorry for being a soft cu t but the mods are taking the piss there all cuse i said the word cunt i rekon tjats shit but ye sorry for all the bitching bout my problems ay