The amount of guns that must pass thru your hands in Gunsmithing school is unreal. But you need to find many different models to work on for grades. I put $300 bluing jobs on $50 Western Auto .22's...

Just for the Colt/Ruger DFR class you need to have one each = Colt D,E,F.I frame guns and 1 Ruger revolver...DFR=Design,Function,Repair.
Then there's the S&W class....Auto Pistols....Bolt action rifles, pump shotguns, Double guns, ect....I think you need to have a total of about 50-60 guns to get thru school...buying/trading for guns cost more than the course....
Lassen Community College Course Outline GSS-61.03 DFR Colt and Ruger Double Action Revolvers 1.0 Unit I. Catalog Description This course is designed to cover the design, function and repair of Colt D, E, F and I frame and Ruger revolvers, covers all phases of repair including endshake, range and throw-by. Recommended Preparation: Successful completion of ENGL105 or equivalent assessment placement. Does Not Transfer to UC/CSU 6 Hours Lecture, 33 Hours Lab Schedule