Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
You're chances would be slim to none if you were bitten by an Inland Taipan. Then again probably about the same if one of those big pythons got its coils around ya.
Green and Brown Tree Snakes were the most common on the farm. The Death Adders made me the most nervous. Masters of camouflage and quick as lightening .Evil looking fuckers.View attachment 4245110
Just showed this photo to my kids. Guess what they want for Christmas now


Well-Known Member
The other day I unlocked the car got in then couldn't find the keys,spent almost 10 minutes chucking shit and swearing while trying to find them and finally got out the car slammed the door and there they were still in the fucking lock,all this in a crowded supermarket car park lol
Ur in good company then mate haha


Well-Known Member
Dropping the ec further now, 0.7 is pretty low when ur tap water is 0.4, should have some pretty clean smoke for Christmas, going to check trichs later today on the grape og, I could be harvesting tonight, was gonna hang in my old tent with a few fans blowing on the walls on, do I need a inlet and outlet fan to dry?



Well-Known Member
Think it's papasmurf posted a pic of 1 that had really dark and tipping yellow leaves , nice big buds


Well-Known Member
Dropping the ec further now, 0.7 is pretty low when ur tap water is 0.4, should have some pretty clean smoke for Christmas, going to check trichs later today on the grape og, I could be harvesting tonight, was gonna hang in my old tent with a few fans blowing on the walls on, do I need a inlet and outlet fan to dry?
If in a tent I would mate. They’re moisture traps without airflow