Aussie Growers Thread

I don't even like thinking about that snake. Came so close to death that day
I had a real close one few weeks back.. I rushed home to get something and my niece was in the back of the car and as I come through the front door she was leaning out the window yelling snake. it was across the road at my neighbours heading up the drive way and had 2 girls corned they were actually freaking out (and hot) .so being the show off hero I am I went out back grabbed the snake shovel and went over. Every step closer to it I regretted offering was a 3 mtr or more taipan. Gave him a good wack and the cunt nearly got airbourn trying to strike me..missed by about half a foot..then it went out the back of their house . So I went in and started searching for it but the yard was over grown and i realised I had thongs and stubies on..I gave up haha . Im usually pretty good with snakes but fuck that. Start of summer is the worst time to be bitten by a snake as their glands are swollen full of venom.
I had a real close one few weeks back.. I rushed home to get something and my niece was in the back of the car and as I come through the front door she was leaning out the window yelling snake. it was across the road at my neighbours heading up the drive way and had 2 girls corned they were actually freaking out (and hot) .so being the show off hero I am I went out back grabbed the snake shovel and went over. Every step closer to it I regretted offering was a 3 mtr or more taipan. Gave him a good wack and the cunt nearly got airbourn trying to strike me..missed by about half a foot..then it went out the back of their house . So I went in and started searching for it but the yard was over grown and i realised I had thongs and stubies on..I gave up haha . Im usually pretty good with snakes but fuck that. Start of summer is the worst time to be bitten by a snake as their glands are swollen full of venom.
Hahaha I hate the fuckers
Killed a inland taipan on a station central qld when i was 17. Didnt realise or even know how dangerous they are at that time. Glad i didnt get bit by it.
I see at least 5 brown snakes every time I go bush. I play with the pythons . I came across a python that was as thick as my thigh. It was a giant . I don't play with any over 8 foot long
I see at least 5 brown snakes every time I go bush. I play with the pythons . I came across a python that was as thick as my thigh. It was a giant . I don't play with any over 8 foot long
I can deal with browns and pythons .I hate red bellies and taipans. My little dog has had 3 runs to the vet for brown snake venom so it couldn't be to bad haha .
I'm going with these coco and a few other different designs.that turn on at dusk. If your lights work properly basically you could start putting plants outdoors end of august and keep the lights on a few hours after dusk. Screenshot_20181206-225439.png Screenshot_20181206-214850.png Screenshot_20181206-214850.png