Aussie Growers Thread

haha, I haven't been flying them south myself that's for sure :D

fuck knows what theyre really called but the swirly ones are around 100mics and the yellow dots are a bit stronger again prob 120-130 or so? I'll see if I can find out what theyre called just in case that helps lol - It's either good or not good acid to me and this stuff is good. can get weak as piss stuff as well for next to nothing but I'd rather decent gear
Fuck the names then its gd gear I like
I love the strong stuff but that first few minutes can be pretty intense when it kicks in haha .like a roller coaster...oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck..weeeeeeeeeeee oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck weeeeeeeeeeee. so on so forth . I don't call it a trip I call it a 12 hour journey haha
Worse ones for me are when it feels like someone's got fishing line attached to my jaw and pulling hard...if that feel comes on in first half hour its gonna fuck me up lol
hey gigs, Dr. Phil here: I think we're prob the wrong audience for the airing of all of your issues whatever they might be. There will be supportive people here for sure but you're ranting a bit and would be better served doing that with people who can actually help you effect positive change in your life rather than a bunch of strangers with good (or not) intentions from a distance.

There's been a bunch of suggestions by a few people here that you'd do well to listen to rather than getting more worked up. A good start to a more lasting solution would be researching a decent doctor/psych who is a specialist in trans cases who can help you deal with this properly rather than thinking you can rely on social media for support.

There would be plenty out there: a 5 second google search tells me there is a free Sydney based counselling service called the Gender Centre - all you need is to see a GP and get a referral to them and they help you with pretty much everything you can think of regarding transexuality and the difficulties associated with it.

Get a referral, jump on the train into town and do something that might actually help you rather than smashing a bottle of booze and getting the shits with everything.
Well said man yes

You deserve rep for taking lsd and still bring able to talk like that down the track

I trier that with garden ones a couple of years ago . put 5 in each pot and seemed to held them with another months growth. Maybe when you harvest the first plants throw some clones in the pot and put the lights on at night to see if you can keep them in veg until end of march. I'd like to see that experiment
I would give it a go but I want the indoor fired up by the start of May so want the outdoor done and dusted by mid April at the latest
They look healthy as
Yeah the majority are. Couple shitty ones tho man, 2 that look like they're gunna wither up and die and 1 that's possibly on the mend. And I still got potential males in there too, which will be a pain in the ass lol. But I got some golden nugget I've popped that are a few inches tall ill chuck some of them in if I get and gaps.