The Final Days of the Trump Administration.

so there's ten stories about corruption, found in 5 minutes...if you want, i can get rid of the wikipedia links and find actual stories...
and as a bonus, they're all Democrats...i got some work to do today, but if you'd like, this afternoon, i can post a whole page of links to democratic scandals, going back less than 20 years...if you let me go further back, i can give you two pages.....or more....
i will admit that my statements are sometimes too broad and inclusive. i'm sure that at least half of the people in politics aren't criminals....but that's about as far as i'm willing to go....and i'm not willing to admit the democrats are much better than the republicans. you can call me a cynic, and i can call you naive, and we're probably both slightly right and slightly wrong....
i simply do not think you can reside in the swamp of American (or world) politics without either being an incredibly able, and strong willed person....or a person with questionable ethics and tell me which is more likely.
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so there's ten stories about corruption, found in 5 minutes...if you want, i can get rid of the wikipedia links and find actual stories...
and as a bonus, they're all Democrats...i got some work to do today, but if you'd like, this afternoon, i can post a whole page of links to democratic scandals, going back less than 20 years...if you let me go further back, i can give you two pages.....or more....
i will admit that my statements are sometimes too broad and inclusive. i'm sure that at least half of the people in politics aren't criminals....but that's about as far as i'm willing to go....and i'm not willing to admit the democrats are much better than the republicans. you can call me a cynic, and i can call you naive, and we're probably both slightly right and slightly wrong....
i simply do not think you can reside in the swamp of American (or world) politics without either being an incredibly able, and strong willed person....or a person with questionable ethics and tell me which is more likely.
Finding ten corrupt politicians out of many isn't much of a feat.

I can find stories on ten spies that worked within our intelligence services but don't think we should dissolve them and don't consider the FBI just as bad as the FSB.

I can find stories about ten shitty teachers who even went so far as to sexually abuse children, but I don't think home schooling for all is the answer.

Yeah, corrupt people are drawn to power. That's not a surprise.

I think that in order to really live up to your claim you would need to show ten cases of the individual public servant anyway.

so there's ten stories about corruption, found in 5 minutes...if you want, i can get rid of the wikipedia links and find actual stories...
and as a bonus, they're all Democrats...i got some work to do today, but if you'd like, this afternoon, i can post a whole page of links to democratic scandals, going back less than 20 years...if you let me go further back, i can give you two pages.....or more....
i will admit that my statements are sometimes too broad and inclusive. i'm sure that at least half of the people in politics aren't criminals....but that's about as far as i'm willing to go....and i'm not willing to admit the democrats are much better than the republicans. you can call me a cynic, and i can call you naive, and we're probably both slightly right and slightly wrong....
i simply do not think you can reside in the swamp of American (or world) politics without either being an incredibly able, and strong willed person....or a person with questionable ethics and tell me which is more likely.
This is the difference between cynicism and skepticism.

You point at somebody who has done wrong and say everybody is like that. That is mindless and useless cynicism. The conclusion from that is hopelessness. Yours is a useless if not harmful way of looking at the world. No facts can convince you otherwise and no progress can be made from your cynicism. Your beliefs also play into the hands of people who want to dis empower you. In other words, you are a chump.

I see the same thing and then check to see if the people I voted for show any signs of that kind of behavior. If they do, I'll do what I can to replace them. If they aren't and if their actions and behavior are in line with my best interests then I will support them. It's not a blank check, I continue to support them but watch them. This is the only way we will make progress.

If you want to debate on facts, I'll be glad to do so. Your belief is no more useful than that of a flat-earther. I won't debate you belief, I simply refute it as naive and unhelpful. But, by all means carry on. It's your hopeless and useless life to throw away.

You still owe me 10 articles that say Ron Wyden is a lying piece of shit. You won't find them so I'll just say: You lose. Go make me a sammich, bitch.
This is the difference between cynicism and skepticism.

You point at somebody who has done wrong and say everybody is like that. That is mindless and useless cynicism. The conclusion from that is hopelessness. Yours is a useless if not harmful way of looking at the world. No facts can convince you otherwise and no progress can be made from your cynicism. Your beliefs also play into the hands of people who want to dis empower you. In other words, you are a chump.

I see the same thing and then check to see if the people I voted for show any signs of that kind of behavior. If they do, I'll do what I can to replace them. If they aren't and if their actions and behavior are in line with my best interests then I will support them. It's not a blank check, I continue to support them but watch them. This is the only way we will make progress.

If you want to debate on facts, I'll be glad to do so. Your belief is no more useful than that of a flat-earther. I won't debate you belief, I simply refute it as naive and unhelpful. But, by all means carry on. It's your hopeless and useless life to throw away.

You still owe me 10 articles that say Ron Wyden is a lying piece of shit. You won't find them so I'll just say: You lose. Go make me a sammich, bitch.
i'll make you a dix sammich....bitch
you live in your rosy, happy world all you want to....i'll live in my real, shit colored's not nearly as pretty, but it's real
there's a point where it stops becoming optimism and becomes self delusion...the fucking world sucks....if you don't think so, that's up to you, but you haven't shown me one thing that makes me think any different. every example you give is an aberration, not the norm.....
you have actually changed my opinions about some things in the past, but you aren't even coming close to changing 53 years of personal observation of the human say peoplearen't this way, and i say i've watched them be this way for longer than you've been alive...don't tell me i'm wrong for believing direct personal observations......
you live in your rosy, happy world all you want to....i'll live in my real, shit colored's not nearly as pretty, but it's real
there's a point where it stops becoming optimism and becomes self delusion...the fucking world sucks....if you don't think so, that's up to you, but you haven't shown me one thing that makes me think any different. every example you give is an aberration, not the norm.....
you have actually changed my opinions about some things in the past, but you aren't even coming close to changing 53 years of personal observation of the human say peoplearen't this way, and i say i've watched them be this way for longer than you've been alive...don't tell me i'm wrong for believing direct personal observations......
Hey, Roger

We live in the same world but realize it in different ways. By being born a white man in the United States, you won the fucking lottery, man. You actually live in a wonderful place. It's your cynical hopelessness that makes you view your situation as "real, shit colored". Most people are really good at heart and there is a lot of good to find in this country. If you look for the good, you'll find it.

Now then. you still owe me ten articles that say Ron Wyden is a lying piece of shit. I'll give you a break and make it five articles about Ron Wyden and five articles about Peter DeFazio that say both are pieces of shit. For extra credit, I invite you to post ten article about your state's Democratic Senator that says he's a lying piece of shit. If your state only has Republican Senators then you are welcome to post whatever you want about them.

We aren't all that different in age, by the way.
I'm starting to believe we may have trouble getting this clown out of the white house after he looses in 2020. He's delusional and is likely to declare the election rigged by the deep state and refuse to leave. His unhinged base of proud boys and foxnews will eat it up. I doubt thump will respect the time honored tradition of peaceful transfer of power. This could get real ugly before it's over.....
I'm starting to believe we may have trouble getting this clown out of the white house after he looses in 2020. He's delusional and is likely to declare the election rigged by the deep state and refuse to leave. His unhinged base of proud boys and foxnews will eat it up. I doubt thump will respect the time honored tradition of peaceful transfer of power. This could get real ugly before it's over.....
people literally always say that
I'm starting to believe we may have trouble getting this clown out of the white house after he looses in 2020. He's delusional and is likely to declare the election rigged by the deep state and refuse to leave. His unhinged base of proud boys and foxnews will eat it up. I doubt thump will respect the time honored tradition of peaceful transfer of power. This could get real ugly before it's over.....
you know what? i hope so....i hope the national guard has to go in and kill a bunch of his "defenders"...that would just be a most excellent genetic cleansing for the country...hundreds of the stupidest fuckers alive, shot dead at one might be the rise of a new renaissance