What did you accomplish today?

My brother and I don't really get along, and we've had a contentious relationship since early childhood. The reason we're often at odds these days seems to be religion - he often wants to talk about it (thinks my son and I are hell bound because of our lack of belief), but cannot handle my handy dismantling of his stupid dogma. I'd like to see my niece more often, but unfortunately this is not up to me. Anyway, when I arrived to Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's place, my brother and his family were there. I wasn't expecting this, as I hadn't seen or talked to them all year. After a few beers, my brother walked up, gently put his arm around my shoulders, and spoke softly - "Do you remember how you used to blow Bubbles as a kid?" he asked. I smiled and replied, 'yes, I remember.' He said, "Well, I saw him the other day. He told me to tell you he said hello..." We both doubled over laughing. Fucker...

When i was a kid me and a few friends were outside with my old man and he was smoking a cigar. I asked him to blow o's (smoke rings) and he said i don't know o's, you blow him.

We stood there not knowing wtf he was talking about. He made a few smoke rings and that was that. It wasn't until years later that it dawned on me what he meant.

He also had a button on the visor of his truck that said "fellatio is not an opera". Took me years to understand that one.
My brother and I don't really get along, and we've had a contentious relationship since early childhood. The reason we're often at odds these days seems to be religion - he often wants to talk about it (thinks my son and I are hell bound because of our lack of belief), but cannot handle my handy dismantling of his stupid dogma. I'd like to see my niece more often, but unfortunately this is not up to me. Anyway, when I arrived to Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's place, my brother and his family were there. I wasn't expecting this, as I hadn't seen or talked to them all year. After a few beers, my brother walked up, gently put his arm around my shoulders, and spoke softly - "Do you remember how you used to blow Bubbles as a kid?" he asked. I smiled and replied, 'yes, I remember.' He said, "Well, I saw him the other day. He told me to tell you he said hello..." We both doubled over laughing. Fucker...

It's a shame that you and brother don't get along, I lost my middle brother in '87 and my oldest in '01, I really miss them both. We often fault, I mean really fault like hospitals and stiches and shit but I really wish I could have had more time with them both. Neither one of them every seen their grandchildren ........

Your business is your business, it's just a shame is all I saying.
It's a shame that you and brother don't get along, I lost my middle brother in '87 and my oldest in '01, I really miss them both. We often fault, I mean really fault like hospitals and stiches and shit but I really wish I could have had more time with them both. Neither one of them every seen their grandchildren ........

Your business is your business, it's just a shame is all I saying.

I'm assuming you mean 'fought'. Sorry you lost your brothers. How, if I may ask? My dad was crazy, and used us kids against each other in strange, Machiavellian ways. My sister and I overcame all that and we're good friends now, but my brother is a different kind of fucked up that doesn't mesh with my own. It could be worse, and we don't choose our family...
I see. If you're using a vpn, you can just repost them directly to RIU...

I don't have photos. Its like you doubt I grew before or something not sure. I live in the south where a few joints is illegal so I really didn't see the need to keep photos of my illegal grows. There are a few dudes here that may remember some of my plants I grew but it was like 3 years ago. Do you need some pics of my exhaust fans, grow bags, lights and fertilizers? I just organized most of them in the past few days preparing to grow again.

I arrived here quite a few years ago to learn to grow. Everything I know I learned from this and one other forum. I used to bug folks to death thru my first grow trying to get everything perfect.
I'm assuming you mean 'fought'. Sorry you lost your brothers. How, if I may ask? My dad was crazy, and used us kids against each other in strange, Machiavellian ways. My sister and I overcame all that and we're good friends now, but my brother is a different kind of fucked up that doesn't mesh with my own. It could be worse, and we don't choose our family...
Yeah I meant fought..... my ability to spell is way off, having a very strong southern accent doesn't help when sounding out words either..... but to be honest I'm just mostly illiterate.

My middle brother was killed in a car wreck, after a long day of drinking and partying . It was on a sketchy backroad at a very high rate of speed. It completely changed the compose of the entire family, long story.
My oldest brother drank himself to death, after several near death ordeals he locked himself in his trailer and drank liquor till it was over. In a weird twist of events my step dad found them both.
Mom was never the same after my middle brother passed and in '11 when she passed she had been ready for to go for a long time.
I'm the only one left, no aunt's, uncle's , only me, no one to share memories with..... really sucks at times like this ..... holidays and all.
I don't have photos. Its like you doubt I grew before or something not sure. I live in the south where a few joints is illegal so I really didn't see the need to keep photos of my illegal grows. There are a few dudes here that may remember some of my plants I grew but it was like 3 years ago. Do you need some pics of my exhaust fans, grow bags, lights and fertilizers? I just organized most of them in the past few days preparing to grow again.

I arrived here quite a few years ago to learn to grow. Everything I know I learned from this and one other forum. I used to bug folks to death thru my first grow trying to get everything perfect.

I meant no offense. I'm in Chicago, we just got medical last year, but I've been growing black market for the last decade. I know what the risk is, believe me. All the growers I know are very proud of their grows, at least the first few. The shine rubs off the apple when you do it as a living for a long time, but I wouldn't imagine a grower not having any photos at all of any of their grows. It's almost like not having pics of one's kids ;) No big deal, carry on...
Yeah I meant fought..... my ability to spell is way off, having a very strong southern accent doesn't help when sounding out words either..... but to be honest I'm just mostly illiterate.

My middle brother was killed in a car wreck, after a long day of drinking and partying . It was on a sketchy backroad at a very high rate of speed. It completely changed the compose of the entire family, long story.
My oldest brother drank himself to death, after several near death ordeals he locked himself in his trailer and drank liquor till it was over. In a weird twist of events my step dad found them both.
Mom was never the same after my middle brother passed and in '11 when she passed she had been ready for to go for a long time.
I'm the only one left, no aunt's, uncle's , only me, no one to share memories with..... really sucks at times like this ..... holidays and all.

Wow. That's all heavy, so sorry to hear it. It must be weird to be the sole survivor of your family and not be able to share all those years of memories with the people who were there...
Since my wife started her new job a month ago I've gained back all the weight I lost after stopping working out (15lbs). The robbery and her still working at the gas station must have been stressing me out more than I thought. I'm still not as toned as I'd like and deer are starting to slow down so I'm gonna start lifting again. Hopefully I'll keep it this time.
I got cut shitloads of checks yesterday from the insurance. I haven’t been this rich in a long time :hump: But i’m homeless? Wtf!

Insurance cant find me a place to rent. I cant either. Mainly due to my dogs, but add in that so many other people are needing housing too. We’re talking people having to rent down in Sacramento, about an hour and twenty away from burnt down P-town :-( Those assholes in Sactown still wont open up their rentals to me because my three dogs even though insurance would take care of them bigtime. Fuckers.

Haven’t completely worked out the details with the adjuster, but looks like its gonna be trailer time here soon. Most likely the longest 5th wheel trailer I can find. Might be cool for a while.
Buying a new piece of land where I’ll put that trailer on and live while building new house. In fact i’m leaving to go meet with the realtor soon and most likely putting in a full offer.
Since my wife started her new job a month ago I've gained back all the weight I lost after stopping working out (15lbs). The robbery and her still working at the gas station must have been stressing me out more than I thought. I'm still not as toned as I'd like and deer are starting to slow down so I'm gonna start lifting again. Hopefully I'll keep it this time.

Do you ever find car parts in or around the deer carcases?