Well-Known Member
My brother and I don't really get along, and we've had a contentious relationship since early childhood. The reason we're often at odds these days seems to be religion - he often wants to talk about it (thinks my son and I are hell bound because of our lack of belief), but cannot handle my handy dismantling of his stupid dogma. I'd like to see my niece more often, but unfortunately this is not up to me. Anyway, when I arrived to Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's place, my brother and his family were there. I wasn't expecting this, as I hadn't seen or talked to them all year. After a few beers, my brother walked up, gently put his arm around my shoulders, and spoke softly - "Do you remember how you used to blow Bubbles as a kid?" he asked. I smiled and replied, 'yes, I remember.' He said, "Well, I saw him the other day. He told me to tell you he said hello..." We both doubled over laughing. Fucker...
When i was a kid me and a few friends were outside with my old man and he was smoking a cigar. I asked him to blow o's (smoke rings) and he said i don't know o's, you blow him.
We stood there not knowing wtf he was talking about. He made a few smoke rings and that was that. It wasn't until years later that it dawned on me what he meant.
He also had a button on the visor of his truck that said "fellatio is not an opera". Took me years to understand that one.