Aussie Growers Thread

Nope don’t feel bad I did all I could do that person can fuck off posting pornos of urself fukin urself with a dildo When tjeres 14 year old girls like I see exactly why trans people are seen as metel cunts cuse 999 Fuken percent of em are posting nudes n shit of you’re self and being warned about it like 7 times I should have reported her account sooner Fuck it she should be shot in the street like a dog people like that make it so mutch Fuken harder fo pr the rest of us
Snitches be snitching
It’s for trans people idk wtf thay where doing in there I don’t think thay should of been there thay sposed to be in support groups for like say 13 to 17 or some shit and yes I totes no Thayer could be fakes no catfish n shit thay get removed daily tjeres is a method for verification it every thing can be faked besides thotjeres a select few I kno are solid like all us are mates n shit if I can make online friends with random people who are also doing this well I trust a few of them but it is the internet
It gets to me cuse people see how this ash person acts then walamwjere all like that n that plus It’s wrong and may I ask if u have ever reported any one on here it’s the same thing but yea most trans girls are pure fuking mentel like fuck me dead But I do if I can make friends online on a pot growing forum n stuff 8mcam there two and have I’m friends on social media with a few
This is were the viper struggles. It veg's well but just hasn't the power to get any penetration or size. If you can afford another decent light or can borrow one now is the time. Keep the viper for a veg light.

I'm waiting for the Pro Elite QB which will be out in a few weeks depending on how much they boosted the red, then I can have two rooms going. Otherwise, to say the viper doesn't have 'power' really doesn't make any sense. Power is a delivery of Joules per second, or Watts. So it has whatever it has, in this case it's about 270W. What you probably mean is that for the given amount of Watts it is using it is producing less photons than a more efficient design. And this is true, but as I am only in a small space with a canopy of 55cm x 70cm and the light is 15" from the canopy then there's certainly enough light to max out what the plant is capable of without additional CO2. If I had 6 of these vipers in a large grow room then that would be a fuck up for sure. And I think I'm getting more useful light from the 270W I'm actually using than say a 250W HPS. I'm only wanting to grow enough for my personal use, I'm not trying to do this for a living.

However in a few weeks I'll see what the result is. This is not known as a big yielder, but it is a high quality smoke. However it was probably not a good auto to top as it's very branchy, but it's my first auto as well as first LED. Hopefully the idea is to gradually keep improving and learning. When I was first growing 25 years ago in hydro, over two years I got my strain up from 6oz to 17oz per plant, but that was just cloning a single strain which has the advantage that you get to know exactly what to do. I'm going to be only doing autos now and I want to try different strains so I won't have this luxury, but I am more of a hobby/personal use grower, so things that are important to a large grower are not important to me. I mean if I've wasted $50 on electricity over a grow, that is not something I give a shit about.
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I'm waiting for the Pro Elite QB which will be out in a few weeks depending on how much they boosted the red, then I can have two rooms going. Otherwise, to say the viper doesn't have 'power' really doesn't make any sense. Power is a delivery of Joules per second, or Watts. So it has whatever it has, in this case it's about 270W. What you probably mean is that for the given amount of Watts it is using it is producing less photons than a more efficient design. And this is true, but as I am only in a small space with a canopy of 55cm x 70cm and the light is 15" from the canopy then there's certainly enough light to max out what the plant is capable of without additional CO2. If I had 6 of these vipers in a large grow room then that would be a fuck up for sure. And I think I'm getting more useful light from the 270W I'm actually using than say a 250W HPS. I'm only wanting to grow enough for my personal use, I'm not trying to do this for a living.

However in a few weeks I'll see what the result is. This is not known as a big yielder, but it is a high quality smoke. However it was probably not a good auto to top as it's very branchy, but it's my first auto as well as first LED. Hopefully the idea is to gradually keep improving and learning. When I was first growing 25 years ago in hydro, over two years I got my strain up from 6oz to 17oz per plant, but that was just cloning a single strain which has the advantage that you get to know exactly what to do. I'm going to be only doing autos now and I want to try different strains so I won't have this luxury, but I am more of a hobby/personal use grower, so things that are important to a large grower are not important to me. I mean if I've wasted $50 on electricity over a grow, that is not something I give a shit about.
I run these in a veg tent about your size.
These seem to be a viable alternative to HLG stuff.
I'm waiting for the Pro Elite QB which will be out in a few weeks depending on how much they boosted the red, then I can have two rooms going. Otherwise, to say the viper doesn't have 'power' really doesn't make any sense. Power is a delivery of Joules per second, or Watts. So it has whatever it has, in this case it's about 270W. What you probably mean is that for the given amount of Watts it is using it is producing less photons than a more efficient design. And this is true, but as I am only in a small space with a canopy of 55cm x 70cm and the light is 15" from the canopy then there's certainly enough light to max out what the plant is capable of without additional CO2. If I had 6 of these vipers in a large grow room then that would be a fuck up for sure. And I think I'm getting more useful light from the 270W I'm actually using than say a 250W HPS. I'm only wanting to grow enough for my personal use, I'm not trying to do this for a living.

However in a few weeks I'll see what the result is. This is not known as a big yielder, but it is a high quality smoke. However it was probably not a good auto to top as it's very branchy, but it's my first auto as well as first LED. Hopefully the idea is to gradually keep improving and learning. When I was first growing 25 years ago in hydro, over two years I got my strain up from 6oz to 17oz per plant, but that was just cloning a single strain which has the advantage that you get to know exactly what to do. I'm going to be only doing autos now and I want to try different strains so I won't have this luxury, but I am more of a hobby/personal use grower, so things that are important to a large grower are not important to me. I mean if I've wasted $50 on electricity over a grow, that is not something I give a shit about.
Cool story bro
I'm waiting for the Pro Elite QB which will be out in a few weeks depending on how much they boosted the red, then I can have two rooms going. Otherwise, to say the viper doesn't have 'power' really doesn't make any sense. Power is a delivery of Joules per second, or Watts. So it has whatever it has, in this case it's about 270W. What you probably mean is that for the given amount of Watts it is using it is producing less photons than a more efficient design. And this is true, but as I am only in a small space with a canopy of 55cm x 70cm and the light is 15" from the canopy then there's certainly enough light to max out what the plant is capable of without additional CO2. If I had 6 of these vipers in a large grow room then that would be a fuck up for sure. And I think I'm getting more useful light from the 270W I'm actually using than say a 250W HPS. I'm only wanting to grow enough for my personal use, I'm not trying to do this for a living.

However in a few weeks I'll see what the result is. This is not known as a big yielder, but it is a high quality smoke. However it was probably not a good auto to top as it's very branchy, but it's my first auto as well as first LED. Hopefully the idea is to gradually keep improving and learning. When I was first growing 25 years ago in hydro, over two years I got my strain up from 6oz to 17oz per plant, but that was just cloning a single strain which has the advantage that you get to know exactly what to do. I'm going to be only doing autos now and I want to try different strains so I won't have this luxury, but I am more of a hobby/personal use grower, so things that are important to a large grower are not important to me. I mean if I've wasted $50 on electricity over a grow, that is not something I give a shit about.
This is personal crop8B802622-B61C-4953-B86F-4757099BE764.jpeg
True story
They're prob all kids on your little chat group gigs including the dildo chick. I'd prob steer clear of that type of place - you could get a knock on the door because you've been reported for being a rock spider on the internets
I don’t do sexting on there n shit so not worries there
I don’t do sexting on there n shit so not worries there
but no dramas with hangin out online with sexually charged 14 y.o. trans kids? there's no way that can be a good thing mate. exercise a bit of judgement and find a group that isnt going to set you up as jail bait. I'm sure there's online groups for adults going through the same stuff as you - maybe search one of those out.

you mightnt have any issues in the end but if you do they will likely be really big issues like ending up on a sex offender registry.
but no dramas with hangin out online with sexually charged 14 y.o. trans kids? there's no way that can be a good thing mate. exercise a bit of judgement and find a group that isnt going to set you up as jail bait. I'm sure there's online groups for adults going through the same stuff as you - maybe search one of those out.

you mightnt have any issues in the end but if you do they will likely be really big issues like ending up on a sex offender registry.
I don’t even communicate with these kids I’m sure this was ment for adults but not dirty like a support but thay where there before I was n don’t talk except for hallo but Ye I think thay where allowed in cuse we all wish we had that info younger so wanna help me sort of a thing but Ur right cuse if I’m seen in a group with them and there in other groups doing things then people see me in another group then I and the group get judged but I don’t sext any one or talk about anything sexual I keep it pg in all groups I’m in cuse u really don’t know 99 percent of the time there fake anyway I stick to the people I have known are who thay say thay are but at the end of the day u never really do know all I can do is what u said really n keep away from the bad ones n follow the rules of the app i wanna delet it tbh but I like the banter that goes on n talking in grpups vs if I was using messenger or insta or something