
Well-Known Member
WELCOME LADIES AND GENTS! lol how's it going! Well here we go again! I'm gunna start this one off with all the info on my grow and the system that works (so far) for me! I'm going to make this journal about 2 strains!!!!

If you haven't seen my first journal on the jelly pie strain from gps start here first!

OK first strain I've had growing for few weeks already it's the tomahawk from GPS! It's a cross of Josey whales gorilla glue #4 crossed with stardawg! Its a 70-80 day flower! I had 5 females out of 11 beans! Unfortunately I did not learn this until recently, but gg crosses sometimes can be difficult to clone(or just take longer) well sadly for how I do my grow that's a problem so I won't be selecting a keeper out of this strain but rather going to grow them all bigger and flower them at one time!

OK so for my second strain I'm growing out 11 regular seeds of eagle scout from green point seeds it's a cross of girl scout cookies (forum cut) crossed with the male stardawg! It has a a 60-70 day flower time! Now I've heard the yields are pretty sad with most GSC strains so hopefully we can get the GSC taste with a stardawg yeild!
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Well-Known Member
I want to go ahead and give a lot of credit to some wonderful guys on this site that have helped me since day one here! Unfortunately I can't name names bc I'd be here all year! but without yall help I wouldnt be where I am am now and thank you! So I'm just looking to give a lil back!
I've taken all my recipes and how I feed and what I do from a mix of everyone here! Not really just one person!

OK so first off my set up! I have two rooms on veg one flower! In veg I have 2 t5 fixtures 1 is 4ft 8 bulb reg t5 bulbs, my second is also a 4ft but 4 bulb 2 of the bulbs are replaced with led t5 replacements! I can't say I get the best results from these lights but they work and don't have any issues!
Now flower room I have a 1000w hps (magnetic ballast) with cool tube, 8in carbon scrubber and a 960 cfm fan running through the hps! It's in a 5x5 tent and the room has a 10k btu window ac unit! My Temps will stay anywhere I want them! Everything is overpowered and bc of this I have zero issues with the climate!

OK so next let's go with my soil! In the beginning I started with a mix of ffof, happy frog, tons of perlite and compost! I have recycle everything since my start of organics! Over time I've added ewc, compost, ancient forest, perlite, rice hauls, and within the last year I've made my own ewc! I recycle my soil every cycle and reamend it! I cook my old soil in a bug tote for at least 30 days sometimes 60! I also add a few compost teas to the cooking soil I've found it really kick starts everything! I'll post my mix below!

(Not on list!! I now add dolomite lime! For w.e. reason I have issues when I don't use it! Maybe it's a pH thing but I thrive on never checking or worrying about pH)
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Well-Known Member
OK so now I'll start from seed or clone!!
I do the simple paper towel method for beans! Not gunna get into that! I like to find a keeper pheno and hang on to mothers! I clone in a turbo kloner with great success! Then I go to red solo cups! And eventually to 1g pots! For all transplants I use azos and mykos!

I always flower in at least 5g sometimes 7 or 10g smart pots! Sometimes I do a companion or cover crop(barley and clover) but if I don't I use a barley straw as a mulch!

My feeding schedule isn't really a schedule I just kinda swap out things! When the girls need drinking I'll do one of a few things, compost tea, plain bubbled water, aloe/coconut water, sometimes in flower just plain water with molasses! I make a few different kinda of tea's depending on stage and what it may be lacking! I also do top dressings as well of ewc or anything I feel I'm lacking. all my inputs are 100% organic and need time to break down but top dressing helps if I see a deficiency!

Well if I missed anything let me know!


Well-Known Member
Alright so the eagle scout seeds are in the paper towel so not much to show! But the tomahawk beans are a few weeks into veg they look a Lil rough bc I've been trying to clone them! They are in a Lil less that 1g pots! Plan to put them into their final pots within the week! I have 5 females and maybe a clone of two if they live! So here's some pics to catch yall up of the tomahawk!!! These pics are over the past few weeks since then the males have been killed! I'll start doing weekly(or close) pics of both strain and the progress!

hopefully this will be fun and I can teach some ppl a thing and hopefully learn a few things myself! Plz feel free to post, comment or ask questions!

And I'm not trying to argue if u have a point and want to make it that's fine but come guys let's keep it fun! But I'm always ready to learn!!!! So let's get this shit started!
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Well-Known Member

Hey man, I was linked over here from your post on another thread where you grew those incredible Jelly Pies! I was really hoping to see how your Tomahawk grow turns out because I am getting ready to run the same strain. Any updates?


Well-Known Member
here some more pics! overall I was very happy with tomahawk, pissed about the nanners tho!View attachment 4240261 View attachment 4240265
Thx for the update!

Damn, those nugs look amazing! They're so incredibly silver!

Well, looks like I'm gonna have to wait to run Tomahawk. I need to find mothers in the next two strains I run, so if I can't clone it, it's going to have to go on the back burner.

Until you posted it, I had never heard that it was hard to clone GG, although I haven't did much research on it. I'm very surprised that that held true for you, because it just seems like one of those things that could have been a rumor or overblown. But, nope. Looks like you can't clone it.


Well-Known Member
Thx for the update!

Damn, those nugs look amazing! They're so incredibly silver!

Well, looks like I'm gonna have to wait to run Tomahawk. I need to find mothers in the next two strains I run, so if I can't clone it, it's going to have to go on the back burner.

Until you posted it, I had never heard that it was hard to clone GG, although I haven't did much research on it. I'm very surprised that that held true for you, because it just seems like one of those things that could have been a rumor or overblown. But, nope. Looks like you can't clone it.
well the thing is I have a cut "clone only" of the original gorilla glue #4, and I've been cloning it and it's doing just fine, it does take a Lil bit longer to root, but I don't see why the tomahawk didnt. but I'm not to worried, like I said I've got the real gg4 now, so to the hell with tomahawk, lmfao, it was pretty good tho! I would have liked to keep one of the phenos, oh well.