Aussie Growers Thread

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I need a break but it’s hard to stop smoking, I just have a big cone that rails me then I’ll wait a few hours then go again haha when u start smoking hash and concerntrate all the time I swear u get immune to flower
My ultra strength brownies would drop you. :cool:

They've been known to make my lightweight friends sick as a dog.
Best part -- zero weed taste.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
@Lucky Luke I've got a few different c99 crosses added to my collection.
The c99 is that renowned for flimsy stems sometimes ?
I've got some crossed with black widow and a couple others...
I don't know Ruby the cross Bob did hasn't broken a stem. Kinda whippy unlike the woody structure of say a Northern Lights (at least the ones ive grown)