Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was gd to see pics of a different plant species.
And yep long time ago I lost a potential pound plant due to mites and being inexperienced with eradication.
I see them every year in my area they are prob the number 1 post with whiteflies not far behind
we didnt have much of a drama down south but these hot norwesters up here seem to bring them in. the little cunts just spin a web and hitch a ride on the breeze and get into everything


Well-Known Member
Alright cunts I'm about to buy some seeds and you guys seem to have some what of an addiction to buying seeds ....I want a full indica or close to maybe something sweet smelling like berries or bubblegum and maybe something with some crazy colour ie pink,purple, black doesn't really mater..and if its a heavy weight that's a bonus..also I can go like $100 max or the missus won't suck me off.