Ivanka Trump used personal email for White House business

But daddy is a citizen. The definition of an anchor baby is when two foreigners have a child for the sole reason of overstaying their welcome. Even if you deport Melania, Baron has always been what defines a citizen even before the 14th.

actually, ONE pregnant women anchors her and her family..if you can coordinate to drop the kid in your 9th month; you've dropped the anchor.

have we ever located melania's citizenship paperwork..or are we going to sweep THAT under the carpet?

what type of mustard do you like?
the princess money launders and receives chinese trademarks by the scores and completely benefits from her fathers ill gotten, illegitimate presidency, but nothing to look at here..
I have to assume you're talking to yourself despite quoting me as this bears no relation to my post. I was comparing two situations being portrayed as identical and not defending a person I know little about. Everything you say could very well be true, but you'll have to explain the relevancy to the topic other than you just really hate her daddy.

Feeble trump cuck
Yes, because saying a Trump should be held fully accountable for any law they might have broken totally makes me a cuck for them.
I mean, I get how this is all confusing for you. Someone wanting people who commit an action(s) held accountible for the action regardless of political beliefs/standing and not purely based on their political beliefs/standing... that just doesn't make sense to you, but it does to me because of this tiny thing called integrity. It is inconvenient at times, but I feel it is actually very important to having decent environment to exist in. I know you currently lack the capacity to learn from this, but maybe the people who liked your post can.

Getting mad at someone for wanting any side to be held fully accountible while in public office? And I'm the cuck? You're the ones bending over for a side getting mad at those who refuse to bend for either.
I have to assume you're talking to yourself despite quoting me as this bears no relation to my post. I was comparing two situations being portrayed as identical and not defending a person I know little about. Everything you say could very well be true, but you'll have to explain the relevancy to the topic other than you just really hate her daddy.

Yes, because saying a Trump should be held fully accountable for any law they might have broken totally makes me a cuck for them.
I mean, I get how this is all confusing for you. Someone wanting people who commit an action(s) held accountible for the action regardless of political beliefs/standing and not purely based on their political beliefs/standing... that just doesn't make sense to you, but it does to me because of this tiny thing called integrity. It is inconvenient at times, but I feel it is actually very important to having decent environment to exist in. I know you currently lack the capacity to learn from this, but maybe the people who liked your post can.

Getting mad at someone for wanting any side to be held fully accountible while in public office? And I'm the cuck? You're the ones bending over for a side getting mad at those who refuse to bend for either.
Stop crying you little girl

And please, keep telling us how it’s ok when a trump does the thing you cucks created fake hysteria about for years when clinton did it. It really works out well for us electorally when you expose yourselves relentlessly as hypocrites and then try to make some disingenuous, bad faith argument to weasel your way out of it
[clinton sends a New York Times article from her incredibly secure private server which acknowledges the existence of our drone program]

LoCk HeR uP!!!!!!!

[ivanka trump uses her hacked aol.com account to do government business in her capacity as senior adviser to the president]

we’ll hold on guys let’s look at this rationally, I am simply a man who believes in the fair application of justice for all
Ivanka using private email = Making America Great Again
Hillary using private email = Covering up her correspondence with Satanic Illuminati Child Molesters in a Pizza Parlor Basement (to sexually abuse & sacrifice children to their Baphomet statue and set up the four Marines in Benghazi to be ambushed and killed and for planning 9/11 with G.W. Bush and Obama)
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I didn't care for Hillary's emails, and i don't care about Ivanka's.
I don't think it should be a punishable offense.

It isn't. People are genuinely stupid.

There is absolutely ZERO law against using a personal device for government business.

There IS a law against using an unsecured device for CLASSIFIED GOVERNMENT INFORMATION.

That is what they were after Hillary for: using her personal server for classified information, which it turns out she didn't. The entire Ivanka thing is a story generated by half-wits that have no clue what they're talking about.

The only time it would ever be a problem is if they found she had discussed or transferred classified information. Since she's only an aide and has no clearance for classified information, it's pretty much impossible for her to have committed a crime.
I have to assume you're talking to yourself despite quoting me as this bears no relation to my post. I was comparing two situations being portrayed as identical and not defending a person I know little about. Everything you say could very well be true, but you'll have to explain the relevancy to the topic other than you just really hate her daddy.

Yes, because saying a Trump should be held fully accountable for any law they might have broken totally makes me a cuck for them.
I mean, I get how this is all confusing for you. Someone wanting people who commit an action(s) held accountible for the action regardless of political beliefs/standing and not purely based on their political beliefs/standing... that just doesn't make sense to you, but it does to me because of this tiny thing called integrity. It is inconvenient at times, but I feel it is actually very important to having decent environment to exist in. I know you currently lack the capacity to learn from this, but maybe the people who liked your post can.

Getting mad at someone for wanting any side to be held fully accountible while in public office? And I'm the cuck? You're the ones bending over for a side getting mad at those who refuse to bend for either.

what type of mustard do you prefer?