Ivanka Trump used personal email for White House business

Obviously not a good look, but did she create an entire private server to hide the email activity, send/keep confidential/top secret information on it and then lie to government authorities about it & destroy the evidence with bleach bit and drilling the servers?

Just wondering because people are comparing her to Hillary who actually did all of the above.

Well if Ivanka did and it gets proven under investigation, again like Hillary, then she should be subject to the full weight of the law and not get away with it scot free... unlike Hillary.
Feeble trump cuck
Oh no! Now they will have her latest clothing designs before they are released!

Hillary was only the secretary of state, so its not like there was anything worth hiding...
Obviously not a good look, but did she create an entire private server to hide the email activity, send/keep confidential/top secret information on it and then lie to government authorities about it & destroy the evidence with bleach bit and drilling the servers?

Just wondering because people are comparing her to Hillary who actually did all of the above.

Well if Ivanka did and it gets proven under investigation, again like Hillary, then she should be subject to the full weight of the law and not get away with it scot free... unlike Hillary.

the princess money launders and receives chinese trademarks by the scores and completely benefits from her fathers ill gotten, illegitimate presidency, but nothing to look at here..
Hmm. Still not an argument.

You want fun eh?


so does a banana (and peanut butter if you wish to add fat).

c'mon..give me something hard.
Oh no! Now they will have her latest clothing designs before they are released!

Hillary was only the secretary of state, so its not like there was anything worth hiding...
Sorry INCEL, she shut her shitty clothing line down because stores wouldn't carry them. Something about them being cheap, Chinese made versions or real designers. Oh, and the Trump name made their stores smell bad and their brand seem cheap. Try to keep up.
Hillary's email weren't classified till later and Evankas will be the same
Private server and private email account are both equally easy to hack
Evankas hasn't let anyone see her emails but her attorney so you are spewing "fake news"
We need to see every email by Ivanka and any family member in this administration
Thanks for playing
Could you imagine how many things these little Republican piggies would squeal about if Obama did any of the shit Trump does? Shit, they did. Look at all the bitching about Obama golfing near DC. This sack of shit, Trump, goes to his resort every weekend and we foot the bill. A couple million on fucking golf carts? Lol
Could you imagine how many things these little Republican piggies would squeal if Obama did any of the shit Trump does? Shit, they did. Look at all the bitching about Obama golfing near DC. This sack of shit, Trump, goes to his resort every weekend and we foot the bill. A couple million on fucking golf carts? Lol
Can you imagine if Obama sided with Saudi Arabia and Putin ...the right has lost its moral compass
Sorry INCEL, she shut her shitty clothing line down because stores wouldn't carry them. Something about them being cheap, Chinese made versions or real designers. Oh, and the Trump name made their stores smell bad and their brand seem cheap. Try to keep up.

You know, when you are worth 300 million, I bet you dont lose much sleep over such things.
He should be deported with his anchor baby mother back to russia where he belongs

But daddy is a citizen. The definition of an anchor baby is when two foreigners have a child for the sole reason of overstaying their welcome. Even if you deport Melania, Baron has always been what defines a citizen even before the 14th.