Poisoned by neem oil?


Well-Known Member
So I came across this article today and found it very interesting. Something about the plant safe testing and research done on neem oil is generally not done with cannabis and it actually absorbs it unlike most other plants.
I've been smoking dispensary bud for a couple years now and I've been experiencing all of these symptoms for a majority of that time. I typically smoke 3-4oz a month. Not smoking is not an option. My first crop should be done in about a month.

I've been to the doctor multiple times, bunch of negative tests and meds that barely help and even had upper and lower gi scopes done and biopsys taken and I tested negative for all the usual stomach issues. ie they cant figure out what's wrong with me.
I've seen stuff about CHS before but thought it was BS and my docs know I smoke a lot and never brought it up.

For the last few months I've been getting everything from the same place so I emailed them and asked if they use neem oil. If they do, I will be taking this info to my docs asap.

I've considered it was the bud I was smoking making me sick before, but I got off a bunch of other stuff by smoking and cant stop now so didnt know what else to do.


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hyperemesis was the first thing I thought about when you said stomach.
I'm reaching for anything at this point. I've been dealing with these stomach issues for nearly 2 years now. Laying in a hot shower helps immensely, tomorrow going to try and see if benadryl helps too like it said.
Yes, harmless and safe in other plants because they dont absorb it at all or very very little. Supposedly cannabis does absorb it though.
Organic doesnt always mean not harmful. Bat guano is considered organic but itll still kill you.
From WebMD: "Neem leaf is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis), and liver problems. The leaf is also used for birth control and to cause abortions."

I have never needed neem oil badly enough.
i've used neem oil, even during flowering in the past and never gotten sick, but i don't use it anymore mostly cause of the smell and there are better alternatives
i think the concentrated azadirachtin is what really does it, if people are spraying azamax on buds i've heard of that causing people to get nauseas.

i'm sure everyone has different sensitivity to it, interesting that it says benadryl helps, maybe its an allergy only some people have?

regardless, hope you feel better.
i've used neem oil, even during flowering in the past and never gotten sick, but i don't use it anymore mostly cause of the smell and there are better alternatives
i think the concentrated azadirachtin is what really does it, if people are spraying azamax on buds i've heard of that causing people to get nauseas.

i'm sure everyone has different sensitivity to it, interesting that it says benadryl helps, maybe its an allergy only some people have?

regardless, hope you feel better.
This is what its looking like. Lots of variables down to the concentration used by the grower and any possible sensitivity of the user.
Azamax is on the most recent list I can find of allowed pesticides for commercial cannabis growing in my state so it could be possible.

Yes it is odd.. i may be grasping at straws here.. but im out of other places to look. Going to try the benadryl soon for sure as everything else describing azadirachtin toxicity seems to fit my issues perfectly.
We've drastically changed our diets, moved half way across the country eliminating local water, and done everything else my doctors have wanted me to try. The only thing thats stayed the same is smoking a bunch of bud that was bought from a dispensary.
neem/azadirachtin is organic and everyone knows that organic is totally harmless and safe, right? don't panic bro!!


I will NOT use the shit! It can/does harm pets.
It has a bad rap in some circles, and is being looked at closer for actual toxicity! It has killed or badly hurt some children!

I don't care what some say about it..Neem is not nice.....Besides, I will NEVER put any "oil" on my plants.....I don't care what it is..

From WebMD: "Neem leaf is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis), and liver problems. The leaf is also used for birth control and to cause abortions."

I have never needed neem oil badly enough.

Please note that they say NEEM LEAF!
Not a concentrated oil or active ingr. concentration!


I will NOT use the shit! It can/does harm pets.
It has a bad rap in some circles, and is being looked at closer for actual toxicity! It has killed or badly hurt some children!

I don't care what some say about it..Neem is not nice.....Besides, I will NEVER put any "oil" on my plants.....I don't care what it is..

Please note that they say NEEM LEAF!
Not a concentrated oil or active ingr. concentration!

I'm having a second look at my use of neem oil. I use it in veg as a preventative and I haven't had one instance of mites since I started doing that years ago. I stop before going into the flower tent. I also use it outside on roses to kill aphids but I'm definitely going to stop that practice. There are good bugs out there that neem kills as well. This is a recent thing on my part. I don't want to stop my preventative in veg. I think what I'll do is switch over to citric acid.

I do know that if I let up my guard I'll end up with mites.
not to diminish anyones beliefs or to encourage anyone using azadirachtin,

but after reading the article posted above, i'm actually less concerned with "neem poisoning" than i was before

in the cases involving adults, those are people who are immune compromised and ingesting straight neem oil concentrate. of course they're going to get sick. one of those people was actually trying to kill themselves if you read the article. she drank 250ml, thats a full cup of neem oil pesticide, and they all recovered completely.

anyway, lots of other organic pesticides out there, i'm sure some are better and some are worse. food for thought.
i think the moral of the story is it is best to spray nothing on our plants if we can.
and more studies need to be done on all these pesticides about the effects of burning and inhaling them.
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Not trying to stir up fear or create panic or anything. Just looking for possible answers to my personal issues. Maybe I just have an allergy to it or something.

definitely. i mean whats clear is that this stuff CAN make you really sick.

i will be avoiding it for sure. i just worry that some of the alternatives might be even worse, you know? we have to be careful.
Yes, harmless and safe in other plants because they dont absorb it at all or very very little. Supposedly cannabis does absorb it though.
Organic doesnt always mean not harmful. Bat guano is considered organic but itll still kill you.
Neem oil is used by our people for years in our food

I use it for many years in my own curries and stews (slow cooking type)

like the millions of Indians who also use it

I suggest you are being prompted by a local insecticide manufacture to post false claims

afterall why should you care

above all

Why lock out your profile

done and DEAD!

Side Effects
Research reveals little or no adverse reactions in adults with the use of neem at normal doses.
I'm having a second look at my use of neem oil. I use it in veg as a preventative and I haven't had one instance of mites since I started doing that years ago. I stop before going into the flower tent. I also use it outside on roses to kill aphids but I'm definitely going to stop that practice. There are good bugs out there that neem kills as well. This is a recent thing on my part. I don't want to stop my preventative in veg. I think what I'll do is switch over to citric acid.

I do know that if I let up my guard I'll end up with mites.
Neem oil has a short life under UV lights max is 10 days
This is what its looking like. Lots of variables down to the concentration used by the grower and any possible sensitivity of the user.
Azamax is on the most recent list I can find of allowed pesticides for commercial cannabis growing in my state so it could be possible.

Yes it is odd.. i may be grasping at straws here.. but im out of other places to look. Going to try the benadryl soon for sure as everything else describing azadirachtin toxicity seems to fit my issues perfectly.
We've drastically changed our diets, moved half way across the country eliminating local water, and done everything else my doctors have wanted me to try. The only thing thats stayed the same is smoking a bunch of bud that was bought from a dispensary.
Have you looked at gluten sensitivity?
Too much gluten makes me nauseous and causes lower back pain.