Aussie Growers Thread

How do you make ya chilli spray up rubes. Chilli and water? Or can ya mix it with something like eco neem?
U would be able to mix with neem spray I'm sure but dont quote me
My wife makes up my chilli/soap spray for my ipm treatment so I'm not sure what soap she puts in

I just give her one hot habanero or chilli and she does the rest
Found a little mug of shiskaberry I stashed away while tideying up my caravan a bit decided since it’s cold wether turned on the metel halide then might up pot tomorro or so
I def need some ipm I no if seen white flys catapillers we have a lot of ants and I’m worried cuse I believe thay farm aphids plant looking a little gree I don’t want it to stretch that mutch to be honest found that on my broccoli seeds to don’t no what it is tbh not expecting anything but to learn from this out door next season a good ipm system will be in place 69F5D955-8972-4DB6-B653-83CA96E5FF68.jpegC2A82E59-5924-4C14-BABD-0028FA930591.jpeg
Hahah fuckin last time I got it in the most suss packaging i think they will send it like that again so I dunno, but cheapest one I can find