What did you accomplish today?

Carefully ;)

Morning. I’ve already eaten but could you send some chilly my way? Record heat again today :-?

damn dude, sounds like us during the summers....record heat...but this morning was a surprising 34 degrees this morning

sitting on the porch right now with my coffee, just let the dogs loose so they can do they're thing...

get this day working, got some work to do at the shop.....

i can try to fax some to you....:P
damn dude, sounds like us during the summers....record heat...but this morning was a surprising 34 degrees this morning

sitting on the porch right now with my coffee, just let the dogs loose so they can do they're thing...

get this day working, got some work to do at the shop.....

i can try to fax some to you....:P
i'm going to go set up a couple of new garden beds in (hopefully) better positions than my old ones were in, and fill them full of compost, hay,and top soil so they can be getting ready for spring. gardening was disappointing this year, the slugs ate my beans and cucumbers till i put out a whole box of slug killer. the peppers only produced a few peppers, my squash produced 3 squash.....no watermelons or pumpkins at all......hoping that better placement will help counter the crappy weather we had last year...which i'm guessing we'll have again this year..
i'm going to go set up a couple of new garden beds in (hopefully) better positions than my old ones were in, and fill them full of compost, hay,and top soil so they can be getting ready for spring. gardening was disappointing this year, the slugs ate my beans and cucumbers till i put out a whole box of slug killer. the peppers only produced a few peppers, my squash produced 3 squash.....no watermelons or pumpkins at all......hoping that better placement will help counter the crappy weather we had last year...which i'm guessing we'll have again this year..

shit my outside garden sux'd this year, went for a spring planting time, done....then the heat came....was lucky enough to get a good amount of cherrie tomatoes, few zucinnis, and a couple of squash.....the peach tree gave us some nice peaches and it's on it's 3rd year, which remind me i better winterize it...lol.

The inside garden, is not doing to bad.....green bean are coming in. Space tomatoes are suprising me, which remind me i need to put some top soil with admendments on it. Also got a new lemon tree coming in...might be planting it next year. plus i also got more soil cooking...so..

all of that and the wife asked if we could save some money for chickens.......o_O
damn dude, sounds like us during the summers....record heat...but this morning was a surprising 34 degrees this morning

sitting on the porch right now with my coffee, just let the dogs loose so they can do they're thing...

get this day working, got some work to do at the shop.....

i can try to fax some to you....:P
We are supposed to cool off starting tomorrow, so they say. 86 and humid today, supposed to be high of 62 tomorrow with some 40’s and 50’s on the way. Fingers crossed.

I’ll pm you my fax number..
I've had stomach issues since I was a teenager. Acid refulx or gerd as they call it now. I've had my stomach scoped several times. Nothing ever found except gastritis. Lower scoped.

Normal bowel movements. Actually several a day. I do have times of diarrhea. I suspect chrones or some other autoimmune disorder with the digestive system.

I found apple cider vinegar works better than any stomach pill I've ever tried. Cannabis works great for it.

It's actually the reason I tried pot as a teenager. On the advice of a Dr. I was actually surprised a Dr in the Bible belt would recommend pot especially that long ago.
That all sounds very familiar!
I've got a prilosec prescription for gerd but have found that a low fat diet helps more than pills.
And I generally avoid carbs like bread and pasta because too much gluten causes various issues.
Potatoes are fine.

Cannabis definitely helps. :eyesmoke:
Leaves leaves leaves. Been eating leaf dust a couple weeks now but alot of trees are still hanging on. Figured a week or so of temps in the 30s would have em dropping but no. Oaks and Bradfords refuse to let go.

My oaks hold some leaves until spring. Fucking leaves take years to break down too. And that fucking pollen dust or whatever rips my tractor engines to the point I trade them in at 7 years.

You can change out air filters 6 times a year, doesn't matter. Lost a Kohler engine at 7 yrs once. Just shut down and all the oil came out in the yard. Sucks.
I am actually keeping to my schedule sort of... I made a calendar of greenhouse rotation etc.
To make sure I get shit out on a more stable schedule rather than my whims.
Planted some clones in coco. Which is the first time in like 6 months I even touched the stuff.
I need to dial n my hydro game a bit before doing much more that way.
I will still run one poly batting tray, but will do the pH and ppm thing this round.