Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Completely wrong. Frankly, I am wondering how you could have such a misunderstanding, I honestly think there is deliberate misinformation going on. Not from you but from people that were associated with Rauner's campaign. Medical and Recreational marijuana tends to have support even among some Republican voters.

Frankly, if we would have had a Democratic governor these past few years, I'd bet cannabis would already be legal in Illinois.

Quinn signed the law in 2014, Rauner was then elected tried to veto it twice (thankfully IL Congress and Senate had a veto proof majority) and then when he couldn't do that, he took forever implementing it. After that he attempted to undermine it by not providing it funding, hence the wait time. The law says that the cards have to be delivered in under 30 days. Rauner didn't care. He is on record as saying "I am not a fan of Medical Marijuana". Why do you think there was such a gap between the program being signed into law from 2013 to it starting 2015? Here is Rauner's record.

Thankfully we have elected a pro-medical and recreational marijuana Governor and got rid of a lot of the Suburban Rauner cronies who supported his attacks on the medical program. We need to continue to ensure that we keep supporting pro-MMJ candidates and not get tricked by misinformation. The fight is not over. Though we will likely have recreational marijuana by 2020 and the QI list for medical is going to be expanded soon. Keep in mind, there are laws that are ready to go in both the IL house and senate that will be signed by Pritzker. Its going to start running much smoother now. Rauner was always quick to shift the blame, instead of admitting he was essentially trying to choke off funding to Medical Marijuana programs (like he did with many other state programs, chief among those being mental health).

Just an update on me. I am about 60 days in. When I first applied for the card, the time seemed to crawl but its speeding up now. I am going to look into this Footerman guy. I am originally from Rockford and I don't think he has a very good reputation here.

I have a relative that is an attorney and he has to deal with Shady doctors all the time. This is what I have been concerned about and have always encouraged people to get there forms done by their regular doctor. I just had my regular doc signed my form, my PTSD was already diagnosed. Only cost me about 100 (I did the one year app to start).

I hurt my back while doing some squats at the gym yesterday, really could use the card. Though I am a PTSD patient, I avoid painkillers unless a true medical necessity. Too much addiction in my family (both sides). Real pain in the ass. Also glad to see Michigan legalized it.
Who do you think mueller will indict next
I would go check out the online menu. The first time I went I ended up with an eighth of top shelf called purple punch, quarter of Blue Dream popcorn and a gram of caramel candy kush. They gave me a free edible, BHO pen, tincture, and a gram of komatsu bubba kush. It was easy and didn't take long.

I looked st the online menu, but I’m kinda new to all this. I don’t know what any of it is. :wall:
I looked st the online menu, but I’m kinda new to all this. I don’t know what any of it is. :wall:

When you visit your dispensary, ask for a consult with one of the bud-tenders. Don't worry, they are very friendly and if you tell them what you are combating for pain or sickness, they can steer you in the right direction. You only need to decide your desired method of ingestion. They will answer all of your questions. Do not be afraid to discuss your concerns with them. I found that my dispensary is a very welcoming place. You just have first time jitters *S*
Medical and Recreational marijuana tends to have support even among some Republican voters.
Do you have any idea how ignorant of a statement that is? I do not associate with one party or the other and I'm 100% certain that my friend Mary Jane doesn't either! This closed mindedness is why the divide in this state and country are so deep, and people unable to see that are the real shitheads of America. Hint hint the two party system is complete bullshit, and jb and ruaner are both billionare shitholes.
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I looked st the online menu, but I’m kinda new to all this. I don’t know what any of it is. :wall:
Leafly is your friend! You're legal now google search as much pot related content as your heart desires! I've ordered pipes, rigs, cannabis stamped chocolate molds, grinders, papers, palm leaf blunts and more online. Just google a strain name and go from there! I'm open to help you as well and I'm sure there are more here who would too. Actually google best strains for "blank" condition and then cross that with the menu. A lot of Illinois strains have names similar to the "known" name so you may have to do a little more research to find its genetics, but it's fun and exciting to do this kind of "work". Don't over think it! Start with if you want an indica or sativa then go from there, I hope that helps!
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I looked st the online menu, but I’m kinda new to all this. I don’t know what any of it is. :wall:

I’ve smoked for 20+ years and thought I knew what I was doing. It’s a bit overwhelming at first. Like others suggested, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Now I smoke flower through the day and do a few dabs to go to sleep. Dabbing has completely changed the game. Check that out once you get situated. Good luck.
I looked st the online menu, but I’m kinda new to all this. I don’t know what any of it is. :wall:

If you are new to smoking I would recommend starting with flower. Dabbing can be pretty intense to someone who is not used to the feeling of being high. Take your time and ask a lot of questions. The budtenders are a great help and dispensarys will usually do a consult to help you find the right strain and help with the proper use of equipment.
I’ve smoked for 20+ years and thought I knew what I was doing. It’s a bit overwhelming at first. Like others suggested, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Now I smoke flower through the day and do a few dabs to go to sleep. Dabbing has completely changed the game. Check that out once you get situated. Good luck.
Dabs before bed is THE best thing evaaaa!!
If you are new to smoking I would recommend starting with flower. Dabbing can be pretty intense to someone who is not used to the feeling of being high. Take your time and ask a lot of questions. The budtenders are a great help and dispensarys will usually do a consult to help you find the right strain and help with the proper use of equipment.
Agree on being intense, life's been crazy and I didn't dab for about 3 weeks, took one the other day and was asleep in 1 minute and 30 seconds of that was coughing! I started dabbing with some 1:1 Co2 oils that had moderate thc before moving up to sauces, resins and shatters.
Anyone have any new updates on getting their cards? Crossing my fingers the wait time is going down. I’m at 52 days, so kind of the home stretch!
When you visit your dispensary, ask for a consult with one of the bud-tenders. Don't worry, they are very friendly and if you tell them what you are combating for pain or sickness, they can steer you in the right direction. You only need to decide your desired method of ingestion. They will answer all of your questions. Do not be afraid to discuss your concerns with them. I found that my dispensary is a very welcoming place. You just have first time jitters *S*
Thank you. I appreciate that. I’ve heard they’re very helpful. I’m really hoping this can help my pain, anxiety, and insomnia.
If you are new to smoking I would recommend starting with flower. Dabbing can be pretty intense to someone who is not used to the feeling of being high. Take your time and ask a lot of questions. The budtenders are a great help and dispensarys will usually do a consult to help you find the right strain and help with the proper use of equipment.
I have smoked pot plenty in my days (LOL), but now it’s a different game. This isn’t about getting high like when we were kids, it’s anout pain management, anxiety relief, and the ability to sleep normal hours. Thank you for the tips. :)
I’ve smoked for 20+ years and thought I knew what I was doing. It’s a bit overwhelming at first. Like others suggested, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Now I smoke flower through the day and do a few dabs to go to sleep. Dabbing has completely changed the game. Check that out once you get situated. Good luck.
Thank you for this. I appreciate all the tips. You are all great!!
Leafly is your friend! You're legal now google search as much pot related content as your heart desires! I've ordered pipes, rigs, cannabis stamped chocolate molds, grinders, papers, palm leaf blunts and more online. Just google a strain name and go from there! I'm open to help you as well and I'm sure there are more here who would too. Actually google best strains for "blank" condition and then cross that with the menu. A lot of Illinois strains have names similar to the "known" name so you may have to do a little more research to find its genetics, but it's fun and exciting to do this kind of "work". Don't over think it! Start with if you want an indica or sativa then go from there, I hope that helps!
Thank you! This is very helpful. I appreciate the support from you all. And I’ll gladly accept any help.
Thank you. I appreciate that. I’ve heard they’re very helpful. I’m really hoping this can help my pain, anxiety, and insomnia.
It absolutely can and from what your trying to help I would go with indicas and 50/50 hybrids to start as they are less anxiety inducing than a sativa. My favorite part of leafy is the effects and attributes, giving you medical effects as well as some negatives that have been experienced. Everyone is different though so a strain that gives some anxiety won't to others etc, and a lot of that has to do with amount consumed. Previously sativas would give me instant anxiety but as I've tried hybrids I've been inching towards sativa dominant strains because I want some of that energy and stress relief sativas give
I would go check out the online menu. The first time I went I ended up with an eighth of top shelf called purple punch, quarter of Blue Dream popcorn and a gram of caramel candy kush. They gave me a free edible, BHO pen, tincture, and a gram of komatsu bubba kush. It was easy and didn't take long.
Had a quarter of that carmel candy kush and it was sooooo frosty it was ridiculous! Revolution?