Completely wrong. Frankly, I am wondering how you could have such a misunderstanding, I honestly think there is deliberate misinformation going on. Not from you but from people that were associated with Rauner's campaign. Medical and Recreational marijuana tends to have support even among some Republican voters.
Frankly, if we would have had a Democratic governor these past few years, I'd bet cannabis would already be legal in Illinois.
Quinn signed the law in 2014, Rauner was then elected tried to veto it twice (thankfully IL Congress and Senate had a veto proof majority) and then when he couldn't do that, he took forever implementing it. After that he attempted to undermine it by not providing it funding, hence the wait time. The law says that the cards have to be delivered in under 30 days. Rauner didn't care. He is on record as saying "I am not a fan of Medical Marijuana". Why do you think there was such a gap between the program being signed into law from 2013 to it starting 2015? Here is Rauner's record.
Thankfully we have elected a pro-medical and recreational marijuana Governor and got rid of a lot of the Suburban Rauner cronies who supported his attacks on the medical program. We need to continue to ensure that we keep supporting pro-MMJ candidates and not get tricked by misinformation. The fight is not over. Though we will likely have recreational marijuana by 2020 and the QI list for medical is going to be expanded soon. Keep in mind, there are laws that are ready to go in both the IL house and senate that will be signed by Pritzker. Its going to start running much smoother now. Rauner was always quick to shift the blame, instead of admitting he was essentially trying to choke off funding to Medical Marijuana programs (like he did with many other state programs, chief among those being mental health).
Just an update on me. I am about 60 days in. When I first applied for the card, the time seemed to crawl but its speeding up now. I am going to look into this Footerman guy. I am originally from Rockford and I don't think he has a very good reputation here.
I have a relative that is an attorney and he has to deal with Shady doctors all the time. This is what I have been concerned about and have always encouraged people to get there forms done by their regular doctor. I just had my regular doc signed my form, my PTSD was already diagnosed. Only cost me about 100 (I did the one year app to start).
I hurt my back while doing some squats at the gym yesterday, really could use the card. Though I am a PTSD patient, I avoid painkillers unless a true medical necessity. Too much addiction in my family (both sides). Real pain in the ass. Also glad to see Michigan legalized it.