Three Florida Recounts

The county officials in the larger populated counties are almost all dems. They are not going to try to suppress their own votes. Money is the biggest driver of long lines. Machines, poll workers and polling places all cost money. Budgets are tight.

There are always long lines in big counties. Then where there are larger than normal turnouts, the lines are even longer.

and of course thousands of mail-ins are sitting in opa-laka, never delivered.
The county officials in the larger populated counties are almost all dems. They are not going to try to suppress their own votes. Money is the biggest driver of long lines. Machines, poll workers and polling places all cost money. Budgets are tight.

There are always long lines in big counties. Then where there are larger than normal turnouts, the lines are even longer.
If the people of Florida demand better voting systems they can have it. It's up to the people. Oregon is entirely vote by mail and I don't understand why it's not adopted elsewhere. No complicated voting equipment required.

Still, it's up to your state. Personally, I'd be furious.
If the people of Florida demand better voting systems they can have it. It's up to the people. Oregon is entirely vote by mail and I don't understand why it's not adopted elsewhere. No complicated voting equipment required.

Still, it's up to your state. Personally, I'd be furious.
Agreed, vote early and often, it's so convenient. Even my po-dunk county has gone to a vote by mail system.
No. Buck did his best. Both he and I knocked on hundreds of doors, made hundreds, if not thousands of phone calls. We spoke to thousands of registered voters.

Did Gillum send your $5 back?

so you're perfectly fine with him taking bribes (2 tickets @ $1800 from an undercover agent), OR, that he wants to have a state tax

Nothing dumber than a libtard
so you're perfectly fine with him taking bribes (2 tickets @ $1800 from an undercover agent), OR, that he wants to have a state tax

Nothing dumber than a libtard
I never said anything of the sort. But since we are on the topic, do you think it was cool that the Trump family got a $500000000 loan from a Chinese national Bank the day after Trump announced his plan to help "save" a Chinese Telecom company?

Lol. $1800.
so you're perfectly fine with him taking bribes (2 tickets @ $1800 from an undercover agent), OR, that he wants to have a state tax

Nothing dumber than a libtard

Take a moment to clear your head and listen to some facts.

I think you saying that the people's vote in Florida should be subverted and DeSantis put in in office even if he didn't win the majority of their vote . The business about tickets to the Hamilton show was out there for the public to read long before the Nov 6 election. If Gillum wins the recount (still a long shot), then the people of Florida have spoken and said they want Gillum even with that information out there. What you think about the situation is irrelevant. DeSantis would lose and Gillum would take office.

Regarding your and Trump's allegations of corruption: If the FBI charge and then prove Gillum committed a corrupt act when he accepted those tickets then of course he should be removed from all political offices and prosecuted. Assuming Gillum won the office of Governor after the recount, the next in line to be governor would be the lieutenant governor, Chris Clark, not DeSantis.

What does this have to do with Illuminati demons?

Nothing crazier than a right winger.
Any update on the recount?

yes..i've turned off the news..i can't take it anymore. between trump and scott and trump and florida and trump and france and trump and cali fires and trump and the troops at the wall and TRUMP..?:shock: , only news HOUR in the AM and RIU debate..that's it.

like the news did point out is THIS happens to be Rick Scott's STATE and can only blame HIMSELF.

i remember when he 'punished' us in 2012 for 2008 and gave my polling place three (3) machines. since then, they've replaced individual machines for ballots that can be completed by voter and scanners, so you don't need a machine.

poor choices have a way of coming back to haunt you, Mon..Idrie! every tings gonna be alright!.:mrgreen:

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