Three Florida Recounts

From the Hill:

Scott took the unprecedented step this week of asking the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to investigate election officials in Broward and Palm Beach, though he spoke only in his capacity as a Senate candidate, rather than as governor.

Both the FDLE and the Florida Department of State confirmed to The Hill that it has not yet launched an investigation, because it has not received credible allegations of elections fraud or criminal activity.
From the story in The Hill:

But recounts rarely change the course of statewide races, said Barry Edwards, a political science professor at the University of Central Florida. While Nelson could stand to gain some votes in a recount, it’s unlikely to be enough to propel him to a fourth term in the Senate.

“I’m not aware of any statewide or national election result changing from a recount,” Edwards said. “That doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened before. But just from a recount of ballots, I'm not aware of any final outcomes changing.”

Out of the 4,687 statewide general elections in the U.S. that occurred between 2000 and 2015, only 27 have gone to recounts, according to FairVote, which advocates for non-partisan redistricting.

On average, the change in vote share amounts to about 0.016 percentage points, said Ryan Tyson, the vice president of political operations for Associated Industries of Florida. If history is any indicator, that bodes well for Scott and DeSantis.
From the Hill:

Scott took the unprecedented step this week of asking the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to investigate election officials in Broward and Palm Beach, though he spoke only in his capacity as a Senate candidate, rather than as governor.

Both the FDLE and the Florida Department of State confirmed to The Hill that it has not yet launched an investigation, because it has not received credible allegations of elections fraud or criminal activity.

and yet when it's a GOP winner all's well..<two thumbs up>

there's a TON..thousands upon thousands of mail-in's in where else? OPA LOCKA DISTRIBUTION home of where they found the remaining pipe bomb(s) which there could me more bombs knowing that place. they were stamped and dated appropriately just NOT DELIVERED..all tings down here good irie mon!

snipes needs to go..i'm so tired of her weak, fail and cheating ass..that distribution center also needs new leadership.
From the story in The Hill:

But recounts rarely change the course of statewide races, said Barry Edwards, a political science professor at the University of Central Florida. While Nelson could stand to gain some votes in a recount, it’s unlikely to be enough to propel him to a fourth term in the Senate.

“I’m not aware of any statewide or national election result changing from a recount,” Edwards said. “That doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened before. But just from a recount of ballots, I'm not aware of any final outcomes changing.”

Out of the 4,687 statewide general elections in the U.S. that occurred between 2000 and 2015, only 27 have gone to recounts, according to FairVote, which advocates for non-partisan redistricting.

On average, the change in vote share amounts to about 0.016 percentage points, said Ryan Tyson, the vice president of political operations for Associated Industries of Florida. If history is any indicator, that bodes well for Scott and DeSantis.

disagree in this case because of how many weren't even counted and the thousands that are still sitting in Opa they were never part of the mix to begin with.

i just heard there was a flaw found in the software where they were reporting ballots cast meaning how many showed instead of who they were cast for..i told you guys my ballot didn't flow correctly and it seemed like questions were missing due to the 'out of order' and putting the senate race on the bottom left hand corner below the instructions to make it look like it was part of the instructions.

when gillum conceded he was wrongfully advised by out of state consultants who don't know florida law, to do so..there's NO WAY Broward could've been counted all they way. we are the biggest democratic stronghold in the state with 2 million people.

let's see what the outcome is when EVERYTHING IS COUNTED..i was going through their rolls and couldn't believe why people were turned away:

  1. signture didn't match DL (i had to sign in twice because my DL sig is different from my current signature) people's sig's change
  2. no picture id
  3. didn't bring in absentee ballot so they could vote in person (you only get one ballot and if you miss the mail cutoff, you MUST bring in your absentee with you to turn in)
  4. other (whatever that meant)
  5. dispute
number 4 and 5 were the ones i needed to identify so they could put on spread sheet..there was about a thousand or so in the file they gave me to work.
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disagree in this case because of how many weren't even counted and the thousands that are still sitting in Opa they were never part of the mix to begin with.

i just heard there was a flaw found in the software where they were reporting ballots cast meaning how many showed instead of who they were cast for..i told you guys my ballot didn't flow correctly and it seemed like questions were missing due to the 'out of order' and putting the senate race on the bottom left hand corner below the instructions to make it look like it was part of the instructions.
Who is the equipment provider for you county?
Do you mean poll workers? Poll workers are paid in Florida.
No, I mean people going out and doing the difficult work of knocking on doors and making phone calls to support their candidate rather than smoking meff, attacking people with silly string, making 7/11 managers nervous and casually talking to unregistered teens.
disagree in this case because of how many weren't even counted and the thousands that are still sitting in Opa they were never part of the mix to begin with.

i just heard there was a flaw found in the software where they were reporting ballots cast meaning how many showed instead of who they were cast for..i told you guys my ballot didn't flow correctly and it seemed like questions were missing due to the 'out of order' and putting the senate race on the bottom left hand corner below the instructions to make it look like it was part of the instructions.
Gwen Graham would have won.
Gwen Graham would have won.
I've gone back and forth on this. While she would have got more of the white dem vote, she wouldn't have had the youth and black turnout numbers. But then again she would not have made the rednecks see red, so the GOP turnout may have been smaller. Hard to re-write history and know what would have happened.
Your very factual and well documented OP was countered by a conspiracy theory that Shuy "heard of". No citations, just "I heard".
There has been some credible reports of equipment failure. Or more likely. poll worker training failures. But the numbers are pretty low.

I do know of at least one case where the machine wouldn't except the ballot, as if it had been over voted. But it hadn't been. So after trying several times, the voter spoiled the ballot {marked every oval so they couldn't tell how they had voted}. But then the workers, and later the SOE back at the office, couldn't figure out how to issue a new ballot. Our county has all new equipment, so this is not surprising. Mostly old folks working in the pools, and new stuff is their kryptonite.
I've gone back and forth on this. While she would have got more of the white dem vote, she wouldn't have had the youth and black turnout numbers. But then again she would not have made the rednecks see red, so the GOP turnout may have been smaller. Hard to re-write history and know what would have happened.
Gwen graham would have won
Your very factual and well documented OP was countered by a conspiracy theory that Shuy "heard of". No citations, just "I heard".
For her, talking about Florida is like talking about herself - she's a leading authority. Whether you are discussing the afternotes of fine, organic Blue Mountain Beach grown coffee or the plight of the average lawn care worker, her network of little birds and her tv "families" give her incredible insight into the sunshine state.

Florida, if it smells it is because of Schuylaar.
I've gone back and forth on this. While she would have got more of the white dem vote, she wouldn't have had the youth and black turnout numbers. But then again she would not have made the rednecks see red, so the GOP turnout may have been smaller. Hard to re-write history and know what would have happened.
I was just giving sky a kick in the side by echoing her unfounded and ridiculous belief that Bernie would have won if he hadn't lost. I can certainly see your side of the argument. It's all just speculation right now. Better analysis will be available in about six months. What can be said is Democrats certainly made progress in the polls even if they didn't win this time around.

I don't have a dog in this fight other than wanting to see as many Democrats win office as possible. What is needed is for a nationwide set of voting standards that prevent the kind of voter suppression tactics that Florida and some other Republican held states are famous for. But that won't happen until Republicans no longer hold power.
Gwen graham would have won
You are probably right. While I was waiting to get in the polls, a fellow was deriding Gillum. His exact quote was "Andrew Gillum my ass. That is not the America I spilled blood for. He should be in the penitentiary, not on the ballot." Other than his wife telling him to shut up, no one else said a word. Gillum checked all the boxes to scare the folk. Black and Socialist.