Congrats to Michigan!

I am still messing with the city I live in trying to get the city council to realize any fees are counter productive to keeping personal grows legal. All cities in Cal. can enact their own fees, however they have to be "justifiable" or they are considered an illegal tax.
Municipalities here generally cap out at $5,000.00 per application fee and a $500.00 processing fee. Then $6,000.00 to the state, all non refundable. APPLICATION FEES. The hardest part of the whole process was the ordinance and police order change. That took almost a year. Once you get you littlle town/ village/ township approval dont forget you will have to do this all over again with the county. As for who benefits frrom the taxation is, the state will collect the normal 6% sales tax and an additional 10% excise tax. The excise tax will then eventually will come back to the municipality at about 3%. Which shouldbe a lot of $$. Then there is the 'Annual Assesment Fee' that is due 10 days after you receive license in the amount of $48,000.00, and they announced last month will be going up to $66,000.00.

We have over 2 years into this and finally see the light at the end of the tunnel... look its green.
Municipalities here generally cap out at $5,000.00 per application fee and a $500.00 processing fee. Then $6,000.00 to the state, all non refundable. APPLICATION FEES. The hardest part of the whole process was the ordinance and police order change. That took almost a year. Once you get you littlle town/ village/ township approval dont forget you will have to do this all over again with the county. As for who benefits frrom the taxation is, the state will collect the normal 6% sales tax and an additional 10% excise tax. The excise tax will then eventually will come back to the municipality at about 3%. Which shouldbe a lot of $$. Then there is the 'Annual Assesment Fee' that is due 10 days after you receive license in the amount of $48,000.00, and they announced last month will be going up to $66,000.00.

We have over 2 years into this and finally see the light at the end of the tunnel... look its green.
I am talking a personal grow, 6 plant max. The commercial fees in Cal. are determined by square footage and a tax by the ounce for the final product. There are also local restrictions for commercial growers. They actually established a website with people who's job it is to inform commercial growers of the requirements and assist them in compliance.
Shit sport.....I got calls from folks the next day..."Are you going to lower your prices, now that it's legal and there will be over the counter sales?"

Yeah right - "HELL NO! Are you kidding me? It will take 2 years for the state to sort that out. The very few disp. open now and coming down the road will be unable to keep it on their shelves and can't buy but from the VERY few state certified growers!
Not to mention that the prices there will be stupid high and stay that way...Even you wholesale guys will re-sell for less!

Thing is it will take 30 days for the election to be certified and then 10 days from that for the law to take effect.
The real winners (at least for a bit) will be the grow shops!
Stupid law, now says everyone can grow 12 plants.... Republicans regain control of the state....That will go down hill FAST...

Welcome to the wild, wild west! Streets will flood with newbie garbage....Prices will try to go down top shelf,,, will stay and the price....I can't grow fast enough now...
Thinking about opening up an old op for me!

Now the good news is that the governor is talking about exspunging the past records of all minor MJ "criminals". WOOOO FUCKING WHOOOOO! She does that, and I can apply for a legal grower lic. and I'll go the big 1500 plant one too!

Make a corporate name....bury it in holding companies....
You will learn.
Quality will be an after thought standing in the way of price.

The cheaper packs will move much faster and continually. The quality will sell in small increments.
Nobody buys weed when it's legal. They grow their own or friends will give it to them. Top shelf could be $100/oz and free weed will still taste better..

^^^^^^^ Chief Wiggum's son Ralph ^^^^^^^

You will learn.
Quality will be an after thought standing in the way of price.

The cheaper packs will move much faster and continually. The quality will sell in small increments.

Hah! Been there done that.. Not only that but,,,have you seen the connoisseur market at all? Trust me here friend...Colorado connoisseur's don't go in just any place for their pick's...Many I know, still go to specific, long time growers that cater to their wish's (and pay less then disp. for it)

My in state customers are not fired up about going to a disp. Paying for WAY over priced/taxed products that are run on a timed schedule and lack real cutting edge selections....
Look here, in MI it's the states seed to sale tracking system and the very limited amount of lic. growers that are going to push the real picky growers to not change what they have now..

Not to mention that all the newbie crap that will hit the streets.......I have picky customers that have been coming to me for what I do and how I do it with a large list to choose from..For years and years..

The way things roll in Colorado are WAY different then here! The whole quality breeding programs thing that developed in Col. Are not going to really happen here. The seed to sale tracking system will not allow for it...
Growers will run known, established strains from bulk producing seed producers (after all, they have to run from seed - so the state can track it.....No plants from untraceable cloning practice) They will hit the same wall that Canadian and even Col. had/has issues with......Folks buy into the system, under large loan depts for the facilities and equipment.
They will start out with a written business plan that goes on a "timed" grow schedule. If the plants are not really done yet....Too bad, down they come as they must hold that schedule to remain profitable for the investors.
Now what happens when the INEVITABLE PM or Bug infestation happens? They can't afford to loose a whole run so out comes the Eagle 20 and the Insecticides! Trust me here kiddies...You got 500 - 1000 - 1500 plants on the floor...You sure as hell ain't using Neem and insecticide soap on bugs or Milk and Bicarbs on PM....

Now schooled and experienced growers will know the tricks,,if they've been around a greenhouse op or two... I got asked to move to Mass. to run a big op. Too old and my kids are here...I like my rural home and my farming.....Sold my old commercial ops and got asked by the buyers to run each of those...Nope! You've already made clear the run on schedule business plan...Can't do it!

I run L O N G compared to most of you.....I run for potentials, not for commercial success......My customers LOOK for that uncompromising quality! Massive smells and flavors...High concentrations and specialty strains that remain rare at best!

Now then...As far as Fed. legalization......Don't hold your breath...

How will the gov. justify the almost complete shutdown of one of the biggest branch's in the justice system? The DEA....Now keep in mind, The DEA is now directly connected to Homeland ! They have a hand in hand relationship that would cause the loss of jobs to untold amounts of agents.....Reduce budgets of 2 of the largest budgeted branch's of the Government, other then the US military! These guys will fight to hold what they have..

The FDA has approved a cannabis based med. That is Federal admission of a medical use for cannabis....The whole "legalization" thing hinges on the DEA admitting that Cannabis has just that, medical value...

Now then, I guaran fucking tee you that the DEA will not admit that. FDA is just another competitor for funding. They will have some excuse... After all, they still give free medical weed to 12 still living patients they have had since the 60s! Tell me THAT"S not admitting medical value.....

Anyway, federal legal is another whole issue anyway....nuff said...

Be interesting to monitor the legal grows here...Just to see what happens....LMFAO, another job they would never give ME....
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^^^^^^^ Chief Wiggum's son Ralph ^^^^^^^

Hah! Been there done that.. Not only that but,,,have you seen the connoisseur market at all? Trust me here friend...Colorado connoisseur's don't go in just any place for their pick's...Many I know, still go to specific, long time growers that cater to their wish's (and pay less then disp. for it)

My in state customers are not fired up about going to a disp. Paying for WAY over priced/taxed products that are run on a timed schedule and lack real cutting edge selections....
Look here, in MI it's the states seed to sale tracking system and the very limited amount of lic. growers that are going to push the real picky growers to not change what they have now..

Not to mention that all the newbie crap that will hit the streets.......I have picky customers that have been coming to me for what I do and how I do it with a large list to choose from..For years and years..

The way things roll in Colorado are WAY different then here! The whole quality breeding programs thing that developed in Col. Are not going to really happen here. The seed to sale tracking system will not allow for it...
Growers will run known, established strains from bulk producing seed producers (after all, they have to run from seed - so the state can track it.....No plants from untraceable cloning practice) They will hit the same wall that Canadian and even Col. had/has issues with......Folks buy into the system, under large loan depts for the facilities and equipment.
They will start out with a written business plan that goes on a "timed" grow schedule. If the plants are not really done yet....Too bad, down they come as they must hold that schedule to remain profitable for the investors.
Now what happens when the INEVITABLE PM or Bug infestation happens? They can't afford to loose a whole run so out comes the Eagle 20 and the Insecticides! Trust me here kiddies...You got 500 - 1000 - 1500 plants on the floor...You sure as hell ain't using Neem and insecticide soap on bugs or Milk and Bicarbs on PM....

Now schooled and experienced growers will know the tricks,,if they've been around a greenhouse op or two... I got asked to move to Mass. to run a big op. Too old and my kids are here...I like my rural home and my farming.....Sold my old commercial ops and got asked by the buyers to run each of those...Nope! You've already made clear the run on schedule business plan...Can't do it!

I run L O N G compared to most of you.....I run for potentials, not for commercial success......My customers LOOK for that uncompromising quality! Massive smells and flavors...High concentrations and specialty strains that remain rare at best!

Now then...As far as Fed. legalization......Don't hold your breath...

How will the gov. justify the almost complete shutdown of one of the biggest branch's in the justice system? The DEA....Now keep in mind, The DEA is now directly connected to Homeland ! They have a hand in hand relationship that would cause the loss of jobs to untold amounts of agents.....Reduce budgets of 2 of the largest budgeted branch's of the Government, other then the US military! These guys will fight to hold what they have..

The FDA has approved a cannabis based med. That is Federal admission of a medical use for cannabis....The whole "legalization" thing hinges on the DEA admitting that Cannabis has just that, medical value...

Now then, I guaran fucking tee you that the DEA will not admit that. FDA is just another competitor for funding. They will have some excuse... After all, they still give free medical weed to 12 still living patients they have had since the 60s! Tell me THAT"S not admitting medical value.....

Anyway, federal legal is another whole issue anyway....nuff said...

Be interesting to monitor the legal grows here...Just to see what happens....LMFAO, another job they would never give ME....
Quality is what my guys and gals look for. Dispensary weed is for what I dub the hipster scene. They want to go because they look cool going to a dispensary like other states. My dad got some weed from a friend which came from a dispensary he said it got him high for an hour or two and it wasn’t much of a high. Where as mine I grow he thought he lost his ears lmao.
Some of you are far too snobby with your strains and hype, id pay for any half decent weed, you lot bitch unless its the best of the best.

Some of you are far too snobby with your strains and hype, id pay for any half decent weed, you lot bitch unless its the best of the best.

I give mine away for the most part. I cater to a handful of disabled veterans like myself. The only ones that pay more are a couple of people that aren’t vets and buts it’s not a lot by any means. I make just enough to cover my cost on growing and everything else like new lights, upgrades or building my new greenhouse has came from my own pocket. I figure I make enough with my day job I’m good. no sense on being greedy. So yes I like to make sure it’s the best possible that they can get their hands on.
I give mine away for the most part. I cater to a handful of disabled veterans like myself. The only ones that pay more are a couple of people that aren’t vets and buts it’s not a lot by any means. I make just enough to cover my cost on growing and everything else like new lights, upgrades or building my new greenhouse has came from my own pocket. I figure I make enough with my day job I’m good. no sense on being greedy. So yes I like to make sure it’s the best possible that they can get their hands on.

As far as i can see you all want these rare or exspensive seeds like thats the only stuff that works on your patients.

Just seemed market trend not the reality of marijuana.

Drive that thc up, promote a new taste, new med effect etc etc disp. are rubbish, my patients come to me for x y and z etc.

You lot sound like your own version of a capitalist market, im not like that with the hype :-)
As far as i can see you all want these rare or exspensive seeds like thats the only stuff that works on your patients.

Just seemed market trend not the reality of marijuana.

Drive that thc up, promote a new taste, new med effect etc etc disp. are rubbish, my patients come to me for x y and z etc.

You lot sound like your own version of a capitalist market, im not like that with the hype :-)
True most get the “in” thing in seeds hell why not if you can. But I breed and make my own crosses as well I like to keep my fair share of genetics. I don’t understand what’s wrong with that. Sometimes you have good information and other times you sound butt hurt.
Quality is what my guys and gals look for. Dispensary weed is for what I dub the hipster scene. They want to go because they look cool going to a dispensary like other states. My dad got some weed from a friend which came from a dispensary he said it got him high for an hour or two and it wasn’t much of a high. Where as mine I grow he thought he lost his ears lmao.

ALL of my friends were like that. It had to be top quality or they would be bitchy smoking mid grade. Now ALL of them are smoking mid grade because it is free or almost free. It's very rare that they will splurge $150 for an oz of top shelf, maybe once a year. They have adapted and are now happy smoking free mid grade weed. I never thought I would see it but it happened.
I give mine away for the most part. I cater to a handful of disabled veterans like myself. The only ones that pay more are a couple of people that aren’t vets and buts it’s not a lot by any means. I make just enough to cover my cost on growing and everything else like new lights, upgrades or building my new greenhouse has came from my own pocket. I figure I make enough with my day job I’m good. no sense on being greedy. So yes I like to make sure it’s the best possible that they can get their hands on.

I have seen this trend too. People with jobs aren't scared to grow their own and don't need the money and just give it to their friends and relatives. The people going to dispensaries are tourists or people new in town that don't have a circle of friends yet. Some people I know that go to the dispensaries are true shut ins with almost no circle of friends. My circle of friends are all happy smoking mid grade, saving money, and still getting high without the boutique flavor. Life has changed in Michigan.
I have seen this trend too. People with jobs aren't scared to grow their own and don't need the money and just give it to their friends and relatives. The people going to dispensaries are tourists or people new in town that don't have a circle of friends yet. Some people I know that go to the dispensaries are true shut ins with almost no circle of friends. My circle of friends are all happy smoking mid grade, saving money, and still getting high without the boutique flavor. Life has changed in Michigan.
Well time will tell that’s for sure. If nothing else I’m still set lol so I’m goodbongsmilie but in reality with the taxes added plus everything else they add to the price it’s going to be high I feel from the dispensary. But when we had them before full blown rec laws the same people still had their cards and could go to the dispensary but still wanted mine so:weed: lol
True most get the “in” thing in seeds hell why not if you can. But I breed and make my own crosses as well I like to keep my fair share of genetics. I don’t understand what’s wrong with that. Sometimes you have good information and other times you sound butt hurt.

Im an independant here, zero ties, true to the weed and very wild with opinion.

70sNatureboy describes it better with his friends now smoking mids cause its cheap and tops probably started hurting their pocket.

You see somthing great, i see a fickle shallow market driven by ill thought and non grower dweebs who will believe this next strain take em to a point they never been or whatever i sucker em with making me feel like im really 'THAT GUY'... :-)
As far as i can see you all want these rare or exspensive seeds like thats the only stuff that works on your patients.

Just seemed market trend not the reality of marijuana.

Drive that thc up, promote a new taste, new med effect etc etc disp. are rubbish, my patients come to me for x y and z etc.

You lot sound like your own version of a capitalist market, im not like that with the hype :-)

"I" go after these things because "I" like it! My patients have no say in what I pick up to try...They have a say in what I keep in rotation....

Sometimes it's quite sad about the availability of some of these simply outstanding strains.....
Yet, they do tend to surface if you look on the right seed sites...

Tell you what.....This "Skies Over Paris" I have been talking about.....I love this strain!!! It's BAD ASS......The thing is 100% OG in the breeding and simply one of the best OG's in all ways I have had in a long time.....This is a "My choice" strain, even though the patients are going for it and Citral Flo real hard....I still will be running new things, just to try them.....
I have gone away from the old school established breeders and have gone to the boutique breeders or breeders working on specific trait breeding - Like Taste and Scents....Trust me, they do work the concentration too....

SOP Citral Flo and GG#4, most requested strains I have right now.
Got 13 new strains in pots to even be tried yet!
That doesn't even count the seed's I need to pop yet.....
After all these years
Variety is the spice of my growing life now.......Not like I have a lot of other things to do anymore.....

Besides, you do build tolerances to strains if that's all you smoke....Hell, I don't get into the "non stop" all day smoking thing......I just like to hit up my chosen strain for the day and enjoy that buzz for what it is....
I just don't enjoy smoking all day, every 30 min having to burn a bowl or something....

Not "my" thing. I do have no dislike for those that do either....I just say "No thanks, I'm good right now" and pass it...
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Dude i could bottle fresh air and sell it as a curing product to get 20% exta cure and id be sold out by the morning the way chumps want the next craze here.

I is usually a dumbass thesedays, we know better but the sheer volume of dumbass here means were back to square one in terms of progression.

And so it is that the top strains here are the top straina in disp.

"I" go after these things because "I" like it! My patients have no say in what I pick up to try...They have a say in what I keep in rotation....

Sometimes it's quite sad about the availability of some of these simply outstanding strains.....
Yet, they do tend to surface if you look on the right seed sites...

Tell you what.....This "Skies Over Paris" I have been talking about.....I love this strain!!! It's BAD ASS......The thing is 100% OG in the breeding and simply one of the best OG's in all ways I have had in a long time.....This is a "My choice" strain, even though the patients are going for it and Citral Flo real hard....I still will be running new things, just to try them.....
I have gone away from the old school established breeders and have gone to the boutique breeders or breeders working on specific trait breeding - Like Taste and Scents....Trust me, they do work the concentration too....

SOP Citral Flo and GG#4, most requested strains I have right now.
Got 13 new strains in pots to even be tried yet!
That doesn't even count the seed's I need to pop yet.....
After all these years
Variety is the spice of my growing life now.......Not like I have a lot of other things to do anymore.....

Besides, you do build tolerances to strains if that's all you smoke....Hell, I don't get into the "non stop" all day smoking thing......I just like to hit up my chosen strain for the day and enjoy that buzz for what it is....
I just don't enjoy smoking all day, every 30 min having to burn a bowl or something....

Not "my" thing. I do have no dislike for those that do either....I just say "No thanks, I'm good right now" and pass it...