Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Neem will help prevent but if they are there now a pesticide spray will wipe out if u spray a couple times 4 or 5 days apart.
Then u could use a natural spray neem etc with chilli added if u must.
With mites u gotta change up your preventive constantly as they get immune to one if used for to long
They can’t build resistance to neem.
And if u wanna wipe em out the hose nozzle on super fine jet spray is the best bet followed by your preventative measures.


ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
They can’t build resistance to neem.
And if u wanna wipe em out the hose nozzle on super fine jet spray is the best bet followed by your preventative measures.

The thing is tho if they can't build a resistance to neem there's no need for the hose water spray :)