LED and soil tent grow - Cannalope, Kushberry, Sour Kosher

Day 71 from seed
Day 23 of flower

Temp 24hrs: 54 - 78
RH 24hrs: 50 - 68

Watering 3L still, GO nutes at 100% recommended ratios for Week 7 - BioThrive Bloom, CaMg+, and Bio Bud. Plants are starting to get frosty, and their aromas are giving the filter a helluva workout.



Pulled a little early sample from the small outdoor SK, just out of curiosity. Pretty dang frosty for getting nothing but sprinkler water during entire flower cycle! Smells just like Kosher Kush until given a squeeze, and then a surprising, strong watermelon jolly rancher aroma comes rushing out. Really keen to find out how it smokes.

This SK gives me a lot of hope for the tent SK, but admittedly, also makes me wonder if I should have kept this one in there instead...

Day 77 from seed
Day 29 of flower

Temp 24hrs: 52 - 76
RH 24hrs: 50 - 71

Watering 3L every 48 hours still, same GO nutes at same ratio. Did one last prune today to open up the middle bud sites. One issue that I think is developing is light bleaching on the tallest bud site on the Cannalope Haze, and maybe on the second tallest too. But with the light up as high as I can get it, and no real room in the canopy for pulling branches around, I’m probably going to be stuck with some white bleaching on those top CH buds.



Day 81 from seed
Day 33 of flower

Temp 24hrs: 58 - 78
RH 24hrs: 39 - 60

I know I sound like a broken record, but...watering 3L every 48 hours still, same GO nutes at same ratio...

Next watering, I’ll go 50% with nutes for the CH (8 week finisher), in prep for last 14 days of only water. KB (9 weeks) and SK (8-9 weeks) will still get 100% for a few more feedings.

Day 85 from seed
Day 37 of flower

Temp 24hrs: 64 - 74
RH 24hrs: 40 - 60

Same watering & nutes as previous feeding. CH is plumping up nicely, and looking right on track for 8 weeks finishing. Tested out the conditions in the drying area, and looks spot on. Hopefully stays similar to this for the next month...


Drying area:
Day 87 from seed
Day 39 of flower

Temp 24hrs: 62 - 72
RH 24hrs: 42 - 56

Same watering & nutes as previous feeding. KB is getting some nice color, and frosty too. CH still plumping up well, and SK looks not too far behind. Plan is to stagger harvest CH, then SK, then KB. The enticing aromas in the tent make it hard to patiently wait though...

KB - CH - SK



I had some plants with some long arms like you have. A friend came over and tied a couple of them down. Some plants bend easily, others might take a few days to train it correctly. I found the side buds converted to top buds. Your Christmas Tree shape will have maybe 5 tops after pruning, this way I had over 20181026_082337_resized.jpg 20.
I had some plants with some long arms like you have. A friend came over and tied a couple of them down. Some plants bend easily, others might take a few days to train it correctly. I found the side buds converted to top buds. Your Christmas Tree shape will have maybe 5 tops after pruning, this way I had over View attachment 4236826 20.

Right on. That training looks great. Yield should be excellent!

I’m not at all trying to maximize my yield, though. I’m just trying to ensure I get 3 different strains to finish in a 2x4x7 tent with high quality, no contamination issues, and low risk of failure. I decided not to train this time before I started the run.

My approach this time is intentionally low stress on the plants, and to utilize the copious vertical space in the tent to allow the plants to spread out and up. That’s why I only topped once, and pruned to encourage lateral growth, but did not train horizontally as well. This way, with a little bit of regular pruning, there’s lots of air flowing all through what is actually a very crowded, small grow tent in a high RH location. My focus is on preventing mold/botrytis which are both problems here, as well as pm which is a known issue with the CH strain, and keeping the fem plants from herming out from stress.

I definitely overdid it with too long a veg though, as the CH & SK plants did get about 6” taller than I was planning. Next time will be less veg time, for sure...
Day 89 from seed
Day 41 of flower

Temp 24hrs: 65 - 76
RH 24hrs: 58 - 72

Same watering & nutes as previous feeding. CH got its last nutes today, and now it’s just water from here on out. Looking good Billy Ray!

KB - CH - SK



Day 93 from seed
Day 45 of flower

Temp 24hrs: 60 - 74
RH 24hrs: 54 - 70

CH has been water only for a couple feedings now, and SK had its last nutes this morning. SK looks like it may finish a few days earlier than anticipated, maybe even the same time as the CH, but of course, the trichs will be the final judge. KB is on 50% nute levels for another feeding or two.

Today’s light program started the finishing spectrum of 60/99/99 (R/W/B) that is recommended by CLS. Hopefully that will also help with the light bleaching on the top colas that my careless self caused by growing these trees too tall...

KB - CH - SK



Day 97 from seed
Day 49 of flower

Temp 24hrs: 52 - 74
RH 24hrs: 50 - 78

All plants are just receiving water now, still every 48 hours, but only 1.5L each (I started to get a lot of runoff with 3L about a week ago). CH will likely start coming down on in 7 more days, but looking like it might need a day or two more. SK is looking like it’s finishing a bit early, but KB looks like it’ll take the full 9 weeks.

Didn’t get a good pic of CH today, but got a couple of nice frosty buds from KB & SK...




Found one bud pic of CH...
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