It's Tax Return time (Show me the money, MF)


Well-Known Member
Trump said this morning that he doesn’t want to let Dems see his tax returns once they assume control of the House.

Tough shit, boyo

The leaders of key congressional committees can ask the IRS for anybody’s tax returns. Republicans simply did not want to do so. Democrats said in October that they would ask the IRS for Trump’s returns if they regained control of the House, which they did on Tuesday night.

Trump said today that he would hand over his tax returns if he weren’t being audited (what the fuck is the IRS doing?), a bullshit excuse he has made since his 2016 campaign, even though nothing about an IRS audit prevents a candidate or a president from disclosing his returns.

“If I were finished with the audit, I would have an open mind to it,” he said today in a rambling answer to a reporter’s question.

Federal law gives congressional tax committees (Ha Ha, Dems in charge now, you piece of shit) the power to obtain anyone’s tax returns. If the taxpayer doesn’t consent in writing, the committees have the power to obtain the returns anyway, which is very nice, indeed.

In response to a written request, which definitely is coming, the law says, “the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.”

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, would have to review any such request with department lawyers “for legality,” according to a spokesperson.

“I don’t think there’s any reasonable basis to resist,” said Steve Rosenthal, a senior fellow with the Tax Policy Center. But, he added, “there’s no telling what this president will do, whether he’ll flout the law.”

Trump was the first major-party presidential candidate in 40 years not to release his tax returns, which can reveal detailed information about a person’s sources of income, charitable giving and the amount of taxes paid.

I, as a citizen of this country want to know how much he's actually worth, and whether he has ANY monetary ties to Russia, which he disavows, or if he's full of shit. (bet on it)

One way or the other, this is hopefully the 1st of many more thorns in the side of Trump now that the House is in the Dems control, and not some boot licking Pub rats.

The party is officially over.
Trump said this morning that he doesn’t want to let Dems see his tax returns once they assume control of the House.

Tough shit, boyo

The leaders of key congressional committees can ask the IRS for anybody’s tax returns. Republicans simply did not want to do so. Democrats said in October that they would ask the IRS for Trump’s returns if they regained control of the House, which they did on Tuesday night.

Trump said today that he would hand over his tax returns if he weren’t being audited (what the fuck is the IRS doing?), a bullshit excuse he has made since his 2016 campaign, even though nothing about an IRS audit prevents a candidate or a president from disclosing his returns.

“If I were finished with the audit, I would have an open mind to it,” he said today in a rambling answer to a reporter’s question.

Federal law gives congressional tax committees (Ha Ha, Dems in charge now, you piece of shit) the power to obtain anyone’s tax returns. If the taxpayer doesn’t consent in writing, the committees have the power to obtain the returns anyway, which is very nice, indeed.

In response to a written request, which definitely is coming, the law says, “the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.”

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, would have to review any such request with department lawyers “for legality,” according to a spokesperson.

“I don’t think there’s any reasonable basis to resist,” said Steve Rosenthal, a senior fellow with the Tax Policy Center. But, he added, “there’s no telling what this president will do, whether he’ll flout the law.”

Trump was the first major-party presidential candidate in 40 years not to release his tax returns, which can reveal detailed information about a person’s sources of income, charitable giving and the amount of taxes paid.

I, as a citizen of this country want to know how much he's actually worth, and whether he has ANY monetary ties to Russia, which he disavows, or if he's full of shit. (bet on it)

One way or the other, this is hopefully the 1st of many more thorns in the side of Trump now that the House is in the Dems control, and not some boot licking Pub rats.

The party is officially over.
trump will appeal any conviction to his hand picked supreme court and party on
if his tax returns ever get published publicly, i'm pretty sure it would cost him at least half of his base. i'd hope half of them would believe the truth when it's shoved in their faces, and will realize this verminous piece of shit has been lying to them since before day one.....the other half will call it a conspiracy theory and pledge undying loyalty to overlord trump....because they're motherfucking idiots
if his tax returns ever get published publicly, i'm pretty sure it would cost him at least half of his base. i'd hope half of them would believe the truth when it's shoved in their faces, and will realize this verminous piece of shit has been lying to them since before day one.....the other half will call it a conspiracy theory and pledge undying loyalty to overlord trump....because they're motherfucking idiots
Naive. I like you. But, let's not try and make believe that these fucking retards wouldn't spend every second of the next 2 years of their lives bragging about how the "liberal george soros media and the democrat controlled media w/ immigrant rapists and murderers" are totally lying about my returns.

This is a total george soros antifa deep state fake news con job.
well, he'll only be cutting the throat of the republican party even deeper. the people with money will abandon him like fleas jumping off of a dogs corpse....individual states are already going after him for tax fraud, this will just be more ammunition for those gunning for him.
he had a free ride the first two he has to pay...i hope he has to pay DEEPLY
well, he'll only be cutting the throat of the republican party even deeper. the people with money will abandon him like fleas jumping off of a dogs corpse....individual states are already going after him for tax fraud, this will just be more ammunition for those gunning for him.
he had a free ride the first two he has to pay...i hope he has to pay DEEPLY
This is my point though, dude. We can't keep normalizing his bullshit.

Call out every lie. No matter what.
This is my point though, dude. We can't keep normalizing his bullshit.

Call out every lie. No matter what.
whose normalizing a damn thing about trump? he is the fucking definition of abnormal.....everything about him is counter intuitive, counter productive.....he's a fountain of hate, lies, ...fuck it, call a spade a spade, the fucker is evil....just fucking evil....and he brings out the fucking evil in the masses.....he promotes it, encourages it, to use his own word, he "embraces" it....but...lets not forget....there are fine people on both sides......fucker
whose normalizing a damn thing about trump? he is the fucking definition of abnormal.....everything about him is counter intuitive, counter productive.....he's a fountain of hate, lies, ...fuck it, call a spade a spade, the fucker is evil....just fucking evil....and he brings out the fucking evil in the masses.....he promotes it, encourages it, to use his own word, he "embraces" it....but...lets not forget....there are fine people on both sides......fucker

- we are
- yes he is
- i agree 1000%
- he is a spade, that he inherited from his daddy
- yes, evil
- masses are not just voting, they are also shooting and bombing people
- nazis are fine people

I don't see what we are supposed to disagree with each other here about, man.
Combined with the Russian investigation, and if his tax returns PROVE is a fraud, he can take his "base" and shove them up his ass, because he will NEVER regain whatever trust the American people have (had?) in him.
Remember, on a good day Trump has around 40% of the population supporting him, meaning that the other 60% of the population think he is an asshole.
So, we vastly outnumber Trump supporters, and with the new House, it's (hopefully) going to be a very bumpy ride for Trump for the rest of his Presidency.
Republicans would rather see a criminal in office than a democrat....
Well, they have one now.

Remember that little incident in NY, where he pleaded no contest to charges that he was a racist landlord, who wouldn't rent or sell to people of color.

Where I come from pleading no contest to a crime (Discrimination) means guilty, and he walked away of course, with a promise to be a better person.

That worked out well, didn't it.
The party is about to start.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, promised to pursue Trump’s tax returns for the sake of transparency and to reveal any potential corruption.

“The American people will see his tax returns, not because of any voyeuristic interest, but because they should know if he is corrupt,” Swalwell told NBC News’ “Today Show.” “We will look at the cashing in of access to the Oval Office and that has been concerning and his financial entanglements overseas.”

Rake that motherfucker over the coals until he is well done.(nah, burn him alive)