busted and not lovin it


Well-Known Member
Please don't tell me u guys are going to send him money. How do u know any of this is even true? No offense, it may be true or it may not, I'm reserving judgement. But, anytime I'm asked for contributions I think scam.......................................................I just lost my penis in a horrible accident and I need money for the surgery to get it reattached. Can anybody send me money too:dunce:
Just what i was thinking, like the people that say they or their kids have cancer and beg for money for bogus hospital fees, just looks like someone has thought of a way to reach the stoners pockets via their heartstrings, Oh i got busted with 40 odd plants, they took my kids and i need money for a lawyer lol my heart bleeds for you mate and right now the worlds smallest violin is playing in your sympathy lol but if it is genuine then you dug your own grave son, 40 plants indoors and 3 outdoors just behind the neighbours fence, with kids in the house too lol come on mate what did you expect?
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Hey Oregonmeds, what do you mean by a narcotics charge. Do you mean any drug related charge like if you got a municipal ticket for smoking a joint 10 years ago, or do you mean serious felony level narcotics charges?
I think it's still any drug related charge, misdemenor or ticket or anything on file at any time in the past but check to be sure.

The MMJ laws have relaxed a little over the years.

What reasons do people get a card most often?
I'd say the top 5 reasons are all related to some form of chronic pain.
You need to have it documented in your medical records and then you can get a card for it.

Bad back, pinched nerve, nerve damage, headaches, who doesn't have _something_ that hurts that they've told their doctor about a few times?

I've been in a few accidents which left me with several ongoing pain problems and I tried all the legal meds first.


Active Member
idaho, and no card. I knew that I should have moved to oregon
ewwe that sux Idaho is hatin on pot I know i used to live there im back in Ore now thank God I got busted in an illegal road block in Idaho once and have the pictures to prove it DEA hates havin there pictures takin btw LOL


Active Member
I think it's still any drug related charge, misdemenor or ticket or anything on file at any time in the past but check to be sure.

The MMJ laws have relaxed a little over the years.

What reasons do people get a card most often?
I'd say the top 5 reasons are all related to some form of chronic pain.
You need to have it documented in your medical records and then you can get a card for it.

Bad back, pinched nerve, nerve damage, headaches, who doesn't have _something_ that hurts that they've told their doctor about a few times?

I've been in a few accidents which left me with several ongoing pain problems and I tried all the legal meds first.
I dont believe simple posation will prevent u gettin a card but trafficing or manafacture will but id Check to be sure
I have been considering getting one myself but IM just sure that if i do theyll change the law the day i get it LOL


Well-Known Member
I did check with the official oregon application package, and it said it you broke any of the statues they listed in oregon after 2006 you were not eligiable. doesn't say anything about crimes before 2006 or least I didn't see anything that about it.


Well-Known Member
Yo why you wanna rub his nose in it? Get a fukin life and stop with the preachin,he just went through somthing shitty,how you going to do that to him?!
Wise man say :let the hater go and hate,theyre just doin there job.
Keep your head up,you did nothing wrong...


Active Member
that sucks to hear about your bust man but thats a bit overkill dont ya think... i feel for ya but you had it comin....... fuck your neighbor, that close minded or hiding somethin son of a bitch


Well-Known Member
wow..rub his nose in it?..your fuckin crazy....

first of all let me say this..I feel for you with the whole kid thing....i honestly do....they take weed WAY to serious and lock people up for something not as bad as beer....

you know in your heart that your REALLY droped the ball on that one. I shouldnt even say anything else..
1.)keep your mouth shut
2.)dont steal Energy...or do anything to raise susipson
3.)NEVER GROW IN PLAIN VIEW...you could have EASILY had it inclosed with something better then plants.

those are all 3 rules in grower bible....your gonna have to take this one on the chin. I did 16months when i was 18 in a max max prison.Went to the hole for 6 stirght months no joke..Now im 22 almost 23 and its ALMOST like it never happend...you can and will bounes back from this...just stay head strong and do what you gotta do...

also did they take your lights..? I would try to start another grow between now and the trial...i know thats crazy but im a grinder dog and i know how to make money....just keep your head up..

mane2008 is right if you were in GA you would be FUCKED...just remeber one day your lookin at 42 sexy bithces then the next day you doing 42 months for slippin..take it like a man and keep truckin..i know its a tough pill to swollow but if you let your self die mentaly whatever time you do get is gonna be 10 times worst...

im sorry and good luck


Active Member
get a dog.not one of those chiwowa piece of shits but a real dog that is always in the yard. it will keep people from doing dumb shit like taking the fence apart without warning.
I agree with some of the above post, why grow outside when you have a nice inside setup ?your mistake. I hope the courts not to hard on you, keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
always gonna get caught, what were u thinking!?

dont understand why they took ur kids tho man, its not like ur a threat to them cos ur a fucking murderer.

spose ur just gonna have to do ur time for being stupid! good luck


Well-Known Member
What a cock you even helped him put up a fence. If he had a problem he should have said something. Well not to the police.


Active Member
Location should "always" be well thought out and well hidden from wandering eyes and nosey neighbors....(why did you need any outdoor with 40 somethin indoors?)


Well-Known Member
i also cannot understand people that do shit like that, why would u see 3 ganja plants and feel that u must ring the police. fucking wanker!

if he was bothered about them just say 'mate get rid of them'


Junior Creatologist
let me ask this question, not only to you my friend, but to everyone here at RIU.

Now, if you dont live in a Med State, and you decide to start a grow, is the law one of the first things that pop into your head? As in, when your like, im going to start a grow, wether it be for personal use or for profit, are you like, ok, here are the laws in my area. Im gonna grow THIS many plants, and if i get busted, heres what will happen to me....

And then once you say that to yourself, and realize the risk your about to take, Do you tell yourself that the pros definitely outweigh the cons, and decide to grow, and if you get caught, you accept responsibility for your actions??

My advice is, unless you know the FULL ramifications for your actions, you shouldnt be growing pot in the 1st place. Even if you had 10 plants goin n you were trying to make some money from it, you could still potentially yield a lb or two every month or so, you just have to know what your doing. In my state its a 100 buck fine if you have under 100 grams growing. If its under a 1000 grams, you get a fine, plus probation. Anything over a 1000 grams is dumb to do anyways. No matter how much you wanna think your a weed baron, your not. None of us are Kaiser Soze, none of us are George Jung. We need to learn to keep shit as minimal to our needs as possible, and not get greedy. And IF you do get popped, its something that you already planned that might happen in your future.

I know itll still be disappointing, but at least by expecting it, you will have saved money for a lawyer, should you need one, and have emergency cash for the family to get by on while you start your shit all over again, and try to rebuild what youve been doing all this time to make money, or to supply yourself with medicine for the rest of your life.

If i ever get busted (knock on wood), ill go quietly, cuz its the law, and until its changed, they will always be right n well always be wrong. But the second that im back out, im gonna go right back to growing. Why?? Cuz Fuck um, Thats Why.

For future reference, you need to prepare for shit like that, and save yourself a little grip of money, so you and your family dont suffer from the loss, and so you have cash to rebuild your grow. Its just somethin that comes with the territory man, Illegal grows and cops kinda go hand in hand. But the majority of us growers do get lucky, and are fortunate enough to never have to see a cop run through our houses - n thats ideal, but if the shit ever does hit the fan,i know that ill be ready for it - how about you guys??


Well-Known Member
good post k1ng, dont think people do think about consequences before they rush into growing. im in the uk and only do 3 plants at a time, clearly for personal use. would probly just seize my stuff and tell me not to do it anymore. If it did go further i have money for a good lawyer :)


Junior Creatologist
yeh, i went off on a tangent, lol. But seriously though, its something that not enough people think about before they grow. Think ima do a thread just to kick the idea up into peoples heads man. I care about my growing community :D

Bartleby Jones

Well-Known Member
yeh, i went off on a tangent, lol. But seriously though, its something that not enough people think about before they grow. Think ima do a thread just to kick the idea up into peoples heads man. I care about my growing community :D
Good points.

Maybe it would be good to start a sticky regarding the penalty's for each country & state. That way people have a quick reference to see how much potential trouble they are walking into.


Well-Known Member
yeh, i went off on a tangent, lol. But seriously though, its something that not enough people think about before they grow. Think ima do a thread just to kick the idea up into peoples heads man. I care about my growing community :D
i agree, just something for people to read thru so they r aware of the risks before they decide to germ 20 fems! :wall:

could also put links to threads like this where people have been busted and suffering for it.