How do these Social based countries keep doing it?

He was a better gentleman than the lot of you and made more of a mark on society than you ever will.

Also learn to read, populist. I was usuing him as an example of how attitude and entitlement aren't what matters in today's world. You gotta be an actor too, if you're not a decent person on the inside.
He was an insane fucking murderer who killed people as an act of revenge for his sorry life. Kind of like the one you had growing up. You have stated you were picked on and bullied, should we be concerned?
He was an insane fucking murderer who killed people as an act of revenge for his sorry life. Kind of like the one you had growing up. You have stated you were picked on and bullied, should we be concerned?

Even though he was the poster child of white privilege, that's how he ended up, which proves the concept is utterly bullshit. Individuals are individuals, the only advantages come from green privilege, of any race or gender.

Maybe. Are you a snowflake who gets triggered when confronted with ideas that go against your perception of reality? Then yes, be very afraid.
Even though he was the poster child of white privilege, that's how he ended up, which proves the concept is utterly bullshit. Individuals are individuals, the only advantages come from green privilege, of any race or gender.

Maybe. Are you a snowflake who gets triggered when confronted with ideas that go against your perception of reality? Then yes, be very afraid.
Who bothers you more, INCEL, the Chads or the Staceys?
Even though he was the poster child of white privilege, that's how he ended up, which proves the concept is utterly bullshit. Individuals are individuals, the only advantages come from green privilege, of any race or gender.

Maybe. Are you a snowflake who gets triggered when confronted with ideas that go against your perception of reality? Then yes, be very afraid.
Yes a white privileged insane kid, but his crime and actions had nothing to do with that as much as you falsely try to defend your belief there is none. He was a socially inept person who blamed his failure on everyone but himself. As for getting triggered it is you that seem intent to dispute something that has been proven many times but you fail to accept. He is your hero, he took one for the team I’m thinking is the reality. Me afraid lol, I’m afraid for the women you want to dominate and control.
Preamble of the Constitution:

“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
The Me-amble of the Trumpstitstooshun:

“I, the Orange-Haired TV Clown, in order to divide this otherwise relatively perfect union, destroy public faith in justice, insure domestic terrorism, provide for a wall which does nothing for common defense, promote general anxiety, and secure the hold of tyranny upon the entire country for myself (because after I’m done, there will be no posterity,) do ordain and establish this shameful stain on the Constitution of the United States of America. I hate America, believe me.”
Even though he was the poster child of white privilege, that's how he ended up, which proves the concept is utterly bullshit. Individuals are individuals, the only advantages come from green privilege, of any race or gender.

Maybe. Are you a snowflake who gets triggered when confronted with ideas that go against your perception of reality? Then yes, be very afraid.
Amongst 64% of you deplorables. That leaves 36% sane respectibles. Oh dear, whatever shall we do!
the most unlikable among the undesirables.

Not surprised you'd make up false statistics. Your kind always do that.

You still haven't explained how affirmative action, equal funding for schools and fair lending laws equates to white genocide. That's such a ridiculous position. Not surprised you deflect every time I ask.
the most unlikable among the undesirables.

Not surprised you'd make up false statistics. Your kind always do that.

You still haven't explained how affirmative action, equal funding for schools and fair lending laws equates to white genocide. That's such a ridiculous position. Not surprised you deflect every time I ask.

What you're infering is the white nationalist breeding out theory. I don't subscribe to that, but do mock you with it because of your scummy racist screed about "white privilege." But I already answered the rest.
Sigh. This is the last time. I think I'll bookmark this for how often you ask.

Affirmative action is insulting and is admitting whites are better than you, and is revenge by giving a handicap rather than equality of finding the most qualified.

Equal funding already happens. Local taxes in the form of Mello Roos taxes are the reason of "unequal" funding, richer communities pay higher property taxes. It's not some insidious white man scheme against your people. Again that's capitalism at work, you don't ever seem to get things right. Capitalism is for the most greedy asshole no matter race, actually it prefers the green race.

Equal lending already exists, it's called your credit score and salary to debt ratio. Again the evils of capitalism are at play, not a nefarious white devil plot against you.

I never once talked about white genocide. That's all your paranoia. Stop smoking so much weed, it's causing you to give stoners a bad name. Just because I call you out on your racist white privledge bullshit doesn't give you a free pass to accuse me of things I don't believe.
What you're infering is the white nationalist breeding out theory. I don't subscribe to that, but do mock you with it because of your scummy racist screed about "white privilege." But I already answered the rest.
Ummm ya pretty sure you did talk about white genocide a few months ago but correct me if wrong. Did you not say the Chinese would take over the world at some point and is that not a form of genocide? Sorry don’t feel like searching your threads to get exact wording.
Allot of my friends are armed.
We still don't have the death penalty.

Yes, you do, you just chose not to see it.

If a person was peaceful but a civil disobedient and chose to be armed, but they were not "allowed" to be armed by your government and they refused to give up their guns, what would your armed police eventually do to them?
Ummm ya pretty sure you did talk about white genocide a few months ago but correct me if wrong. Did you not say the Chinese would take over the world at some point and is that not a form of genocide? Sorry don’t feel like searching your threads to get exact wording.

I was mocking UncleBuck how he made a thread about wanting to genocide whites, so I was giving him a taste of his own medicine how segments amongst the Chinese want to genocide all but Chinese.

I can't quote my post, but the link is here explaining that.

Link below.

Civil Discourse
I was mocking UncleBuck how he made a thread about wanting to genocide whites, so I was giving him a taste of his own medicine how segments amongst the Chinese want to genocide all but Chinese.

I can't quote my post, but the link is here explaining that.

Link below.

Civil Discourse
Hey canna sylvan

Shut the fuck up

Go the fuck away already

No one like likes you, you annoying autist
Hey canna sylvan

Shut the fuck up

Go the fuck away already

No one like likes you, you annoying autist

Hey pedophile

Shut the fuck up already

No one likes you and your arguments are pathetic
