Well-Known Member
You alt.right guys are inveterate liars.
You've run away from the topic every time just like now. You keep saying that equal rights and enforcing them will cause a whites to rise up or sometimes you talk about white genocide..Then hide behind lies rather than give a clear answer when asked:
How do affirmative action, equal funding for a good education and fair lending laws equate to white genocide?
Sigh. This is the last time. I think I'll bookmark this for how often you ask.
Affirmative action is insulting and is admitting whites are better than you, and is revenge by giving a handicap rather than equality of finding the most qualified.
Equal funding already happens. Local taxes in the form of Mello Roos taxes are the reason of "unequal" funding, richer communities pay higher property taxes. It's not some insidious white man scheme against your people. Again that's capitalism at work, you don't ever seem to get things right. Capitalism is for the most greedy asshole no matter race, actually it prefers the green race.
Equal lending already exists, it's called your credit score and salary to debt ratio. Again the evils of capitalism are at play, not a nefarious white devil plot against you.
I never once talked about white genocide. That's all your paranoia. Stop smoking so much weed, it's causing you to give stoners a bad name. Just because I call you out on your racist white privledge bullshit doesn't give you a free pass to accuse me of things I don't believe.